A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2456 Is Supervisor Xin crazy?

Luo Ying sneered, these wastes just needed to be cleaned up, so he frightened them and immediately became honest: "Let's go and meet the Marquis of Qin!"

At the command, shouts of harmony arose, and tens of thousands of horses galloped wildly. The dust and mist they aroused covered the sky and the sun. A timid noble prince knelt down with his legs weak and said tremblingly: "Spare my life."

You have to shout softly, otherwise you will lose face.

"Form up!" Luo Ying refused to give up until he scared the nobles to death. He ordered the cavalry to be divided into two, half-surrounding the nobles' team and completely blocking them from the other side.

This time, it's not just the timid young masters who have weak legs. Even the nursing staff are scared... What is Luo Ying, the ruthless bandit leader, going to do? Could it be that he wants to return to his old business and kidnap the noble gentlemen for ransom? !

Third Master Fang was also very scared, but with his sharp eyes, he saw Supervisor Xin's carriage and shouted quickly: "Supervisor Xin, Supervisor Xin is here too!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt relieved a lot.

With Xin Jianjun here, Luo Ying could not really kill the noble sons no matter what. They all shouted towards Xin Jianjun's driver: "Xin Jianjun, we are here!"

Don't call me the supervisor. I don't have time to talk to you now. I have to rush to greet Madam Qin. It's not just Qin Mu who is powerful now, but also Madam Qin.

She is the niece of the Green Horse King, and the Green Horse King gave her 10,000 war horses as a dowry alone.

Ten thousand war horses are more valuable than the population of a city!

So everyone saw Supervisor Xin's car leading the way and heading straight for Qin Sanlang. When they got close, they got out of the car in a hurry and trotted forward quickly... directly passed Qin Sanlang and shouted towards a large carriage. : "Mrs. Qin, you have been working hard all the way, thank you for your hard work!"

Gentlemen: "..."

Stewards sent by various families: "..."

Is Supervisor Xin crazy?

"Thank you for your hard work, Lord Supervisor. How are you in Longshan Mansion?" Gu Jinli raised the curtain of the car and said to Xin Supervisor.

Supervisor Xin replied from a distance: "Everything is fine with me, but Mrs. Qin is not tired from the journey, right? You have to take care of yourself now."

If you die, there will be no negotiation with the Green Horse King. There are two large counties, countless war horses, and troops capable of recruiting and fighting.

"Ouch!" After Erlang saw the scene outside from the carriage, he was so excited that he struggled to get out of the carriage. After being hugged tightly by Gu Jinli, he shouted anxiously: "Ah, cool, yoyo!"

Mother, Songsong, Erlang wants to go out and ride a horse. Don't stay in the 'little house'.

When Supervisor Xin heard the second wolf's voice, he smiled and said, "Oh, you can tell from the voice that this is the second young master. He is still so energetic. Good, good, good!"

When the Green Horse King sees it, he will definitely like it, and the negotiation will go more smoothly.

Gu Jinli: "..."

How about I give you a pill to calm you down? Otherwise, if you are too old and too excited, I am afraid that you will have a stroke.

Qin Sanlang came over and said to Supervisor Xin: "Master Xin, the men of Qianshan County and the young men will be left to you. As for other matters, we will wait until the Winter Solstice Festival is over. Don't be too hasty."

Xin Jianjun also knew that this matter should not be rushed, and the families of Qin and Luo had not met yet, so it would not be good for him to hinder their reunion, so he said: "Don't worry, Marquis Qin, I will leave those people to me. "

We must restrain them and prevent them from causing trouble.

Then he smiled at Gu Jinli and said, "Mrs. Qin, I'm going over first."

Gu Jinli was really embarrassed that an old man was being so mean to him, so he quickly nodded and said with a smile: "Hey, please walk slowly."

The ground is uneven, the sky is still dark, and you are always so excited. It would be bad if you fall.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Supervisor Xin turned around and said with a smile: "Hey, Mrs. Qin, don't worry, someone is helping me, so I won't fall."

He still has to live well, negotiate for the Green Horse King, and leave his name in history!

"Ouch, ouch, pinch, fly!" Erlang pointed at the horse and shouted towards Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang came over and hugged him: "I won't be riding today. I want to see your cousin and brother You."

"Meat pot?" Erlang was confused for a while, and then quickly remembered: "Ah, meat pot!"

Mother always told them about meat pot pot, he remembered it.

Luo Ying had already brought a carriage over here. Hearing this, he laughed and said: "Meat pot pot? Little Fatty, are you hungry?"

The second wolf heard the sound and looked over. After seeing Luo Ying's big horse, he jumped up and down in Qin Sanlang's arms and shouted: "Ouch, ouch, Feifei!"

Luo Ying likes Er Lang very much, because this boy's temper is like Qin Er's. He said: "Want to ride a horse? Come here, my cousin will take you to Feifei."

This time Qin Sanlang didn't stop him, and the second wolf arrived in Luo Ying's arms.

After Luo Ying said something to cousin Yu, she rode her horse and took the two wolves away. The little guy was so happy that he howled with joy.

Cousin Yu had already taken Xiao Luo out of the car, glanced at Luo Ying who was riding a horse, and turned back to Gu Jinli and said, "Don't mind Xiao Yu, that's just how he is, but he will take good care of Er Lang."

He looked at Gu Jinli again and exclaimed: "She is really like a begonia, so bright and moving, what a beautiful little girl."

No wonder Brother Mu likes him so much and protects him so much.

Gu Jinli smiled: "My cousin praises me so much that I feel embarrassed. She is already the mother of a child, so she is still a little girl."

He came over again, bowed, and said, "I've met my cousin, and she's really good-looking."

Cousin Yu's beauty is as graceful and luxurious as a peony or an orchid, noble and elegant, and she also has a very gentle temperament, which makes people feel very comfortable when looking at her.

Cousin Yu helped her up. She was smiling at first, but she couldn't help but shed tears: "It's so nice to see you."

Gu Jinli knew that this reunion was very important to Cousin Yu, so he held her hand and said with a smile: "Cousin, don't cry, everything will be better."

"Yes, everything is getting better." Today is the day of reunion. Cousin Yu quickly put away her tears and called Xiao Luo You over: "Brother You, I have met your cousin."

Little Luo You was over four years old and had been taught well by cousin Yu. He came over and bowed to Gu Jinli: "Brother You, please give my regards to my cousin."

"We are a family, there is no need to be polite." Gu Jinli looked at him and praised: "What a handsome young man."

She looks more like Luo Ying, but her temper looks more like that of cousin Yu. All in all, she is a good boy, and Gu Jinli likes her very much.

Little Luo You smiled sheepishly when he was praised. He looked at the big wolf and asked, "Cousin, is this the eldest cousin?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, he is your eldest cousin. His nickname is Dalang, and his elder name is Qin Yan. Brother Yan."

Ah, it’s been a long time since I called the Zaizai by their names. My mother almost forgot.

Then he took Big Wolf's little hand and pointed at little Luo You: "This is your brother You, come and say hello."

Gu Jinli often told the two Zaizai about their relatives at home. Big Wolf had heard a lot and knew about Brother You. He smiled happily at Little Luo You and shouted like a grandma: "Brother Rou~"

Well, Chengli was led astray by Erlang and turned You into meat.

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