A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2461 Our Brother Mu is not at a loss

Qin Sanlang had thousands of words to say to his deceased family, but when he knelt in front of the incense table, he only said this sentence.

He smiled bitterly: "My parents and brothers are right, I am indeed a boring person who can't speak."

Gu Jinli couldn't see that he was sad and comforted: "It's better to say well than to do well. For everything you have done, your parents and brothers must be very proud of you. The second brother will definitely say proudly, look how good my brother is. He defeated all the bandits and the emperor in the battle, he is truly a hero, but this is all due to my elder brother’s teachings, hahaha.”

The last laugh was the laughter of a man, which made the corners of Luo Ying's mouth twitch. Is Gu Mister sick? At such a serious time, why would you stop here to tell stories?

But Mr. Gui laughed out loud: "It's really similar to what I learned. If Brother Ji were here, he would definitely say something like this."

Gu Jinli: "Maybe I will take out a jar of wine and give it to my husband to drink. Then I will exclaim, my youngest, your drinking ability has improved and you are not drunk. When you were a child, you were so drunk that you fell asleep for a long time."

Master Gui nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "Yes, that's it."

It seems that the relationship between Mu Geer and his wife is very good. Mu Geer is willing to tell Gu about the Qin family's affairs, and he explains everything in detail. Only then can Gu be like this.

Under Gu Jinli's deliberate teasing, Qin Sanlang's inner pain was finally dispelled. A smile appeared on his face. He opened his arms and almost hugged her. After remembering that this was not the couple's house, he could only change his hug to hold her. Holding up his hand, he said: "Thank you, Xiaoyu, for always making me happy when I'm sad."

Gu Jinli smiled: "Thank you for nothing. You also coaxed me when I was unhappy. This is called mutual coaxing."

"Ah, coax!" Erlang ran over to join in the fun, got in between his parents, and laughed at them.

Gu Jinli touched his fat face and said, "Not bad, I learned a new word."

"Aha!" The little guy was very happy and threw himself into his mother's arms. After a while, he got into his father's arms. He also wanted to reach out to grab the offerings on the incense table, but was stopped by Qin Sanlang, making him groan in anger.

Gu Jinli laughed when he saw it, then he picked up the big wolf and gave it to Qin Sanlang: "Hold the two cubs and chat with your parents and brothers about home affairs."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang held his two children in his arms and talked to his deceased family members about many things over the years in front of the incense case, from escaping for life, getting married, resisting the army to becoming a father, he almost talked about it all.

Gu Jinli sat aside and looked at the three of them, father and son, with a smile on his face and occasionally said a few words.

Master Gui, Cousin Yu, and Luo Ying wanted to cry, especially Luo Ying, who changed his mind a lot about Gu Jinli because of this... It seems that not only Brother Mu likes Gu very much, but Gu also likes Brother Mu very much, will he think Fazi makes Brother Mu happy.

Well, Brother Mu is not at a loss, and Luo Ying is happy!

"Brother You, let us also come to chat with your grandfather, grandpa, and your cousins." Luo Ying also dragged his son over, and then greeted cousin Yu and Master Gui. The group of people sat in front of the incense table. Chat with deceased loved ones.


"Knead, cool, dudu!" Erlang shouted, patting his belly, indicating that he was hungry.

Gu Jinli smiled and called to Cousin Yu: "Cousin, let's take a few little ones to dinner first and let them continue chatting."

"Okay." Cousin Yu responded, and she and Gu Jinli took the three little guys to Nuange to give them lunch.

But Erlang started to make a fuss, pointing at the cold food cake and saying, "Ahhhh!"

Don't eat this, it tastes bad, eat the eggs.

Gu Jinli: "Children can't be picky eaters. I can only eat this today."

However, she and Cousin Yu crushed the cold food cakes and warmed them for a while before letting the three children eat them.

Little Luo You and Big Wolf took the lead. The second wolf made a fuss for a while, then ate half the bowl, patted his belly and said, "I'm full."

Gu Jinli smiled and praised: "We two wolves are really powerful."

Hold on, there are two more meals waiting for you.

Not long after lunch, the three little guys were so sleepy that they fell asleep.

Cousin Yu looked at them sleeping together, her eyes were slightly red, and she choked with sobs: "It's so good."

"Cousin, let's take a nap too. We got up too early today and I'm so sleepy." Gu Jinli asked Sanqing to bring a new quilt and forced Cousin Yu to sleep on the same bed with her.

Cousin Yu was confused for a long time and felt very embarrassed, but finally smiled and said: "Okay."

The two elders and three younger ones were fast asleep, probably too tired. When they woke up, it was already midnight.

Cousin Yu was shocked, got up quickly, and asked Nanny Yu: "Where are my husband and my third cousin? Why didn't you wake us up?"

Aunt Yu smiled and said: "Master Ying is talking to the adults. I heard that you fell asleep, so I asked the old slave to have a good rest. When midnight, we can get up and eat meat pot together as a reunion dinner." .”

"It's good to eat meat pot in cold weather." Gu Jinli was very happy.

But the second wolf was anxious. He hugged little Luo You and cried loudly: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu, no no, meat pot pot, no no!"

This commotion made Da Lang cry. With tears streaming down his face, he held Gu Jinli's hand and said, "Mom, brother, brother~"

"???" Gu Jinli was stunned for a while. After understanding why his two cubs were crying, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He explained: "They are eating meat cooked in a copper pot, not your brother You, don't worry."

Little Luo You also hugged the two cubs and comforted them: "If you don't cry, don't cry. You are not eating me. What you are eating is meat cooked in a pot."

After Xiao Luoyou comforted them for a while, the two cubs stopped crying.

After crying for a while, I was hungry again, but there was still a few hours before midnight, so I could only eat one more cold food. I ate both the two wolves and cried. I picked up the cold food crumbs in the bowl and said: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," Cool, bad!"

Gu Jinli took a bite of the cold food pancake and smiled unscrupulously: "You have to eat even the bad ones, otherwise you will be hungry."

Cousin Yu felt distressed, hugging Erlang and coaxing her: "If Erlang doesn't cry, just bear with it a little longer. After a while, we can eat meat."

"Ah Rourou!" Erlang's eyes lit up and he was happy for a while, but when he ate the cold food again, he cried again. It was really unpalatable.

Gu Jinli was laughing while watching the show, which made Erlang very angry.

At midnight, Qin Sanlang and Luo Ying prepared things, and the two families, including Mr. Gui, sat at a table and ate meat pots.

"Er Wolf, don't pick up the meat with your hands, or your claws will be cooked!"

"Big Wolf, blow, blow, let's cool it down before eating, otherwise it will burn your mouth."

"Brother You, there's no need to feed the two of them with meat. You can eat it yourself. You're a little baby too."

Xiao Luo You shook his head: "I am the elder brother. I have grown up for a long time. I want to cook meat for my brothers so that they can grow up quickly."

You're a little dwarf, have you grown up yet?

The adults all laughed. This meat pot meal was a chaotic and heartwarming meal.

When we were about to finish eating, it started to snow. The big wolf and the two wolves looked at the falling snowflakes and were amazed. They ran to catch the snowflakes and shouted to the adults: "Ahhhh!"

What is this? I’ve never seen it before.

You have met her before, but you were only a few months old at the time, so you don’t remember it.

"This is snow. My parents said that it will fall when the winter is cold. It is the same as the rain in summer." Xiao Luo You, a good and competent cousin, explained to the big wolf and the two wolves, and also took the empty Bowl, go pick up the snow and bring it back for them to play with.

The two cubs gathered around a bowl, poking at the snowflakes inside. When their little fingers were hit by the snow, they squealed happily.

Master Gui looked at them and felt that the ten years of suffering were worth it.

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