A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2462 Zaizai are small people but important people

The three children played for more than two-quarters of an hour before Master Gui put down his wine glass and said, "It's getting late, let's break up."

"Okay, let's find time to drink some other day." Qin Sanlang picked up the second wolf, and Gu Jinli held the big wolf, and went to see Master Gui and Luo Ying's family off.

Er Lang thought he was going to play outside and howled excitedly. When his father stopped and little Luo You was carried further and further away by Luo Ying, he finally realized what he was doing and cried loudly: " Woohoo! Meat pot pot, meat pot pot!"

Little Luo You heard the cry of the second wolf and hurriedly coaxed: "If the second wolf doesn't cry, brother You will come to you and play with the big wolf tomorrow."

"Woooooo!" The second wolf didn't listen and just cried, making both the big wolf and little Luoyou cry.

Gu Jinli said hurriedly: "Brother You, don't worry, Erlang is like this, he will stop crying when he has enough. You go home and sleep first, and come to play with them tomorrow."

"Yeah, Cousin, I will definitely come over early tomorrow." Xiao Luo You cried while wiping his tears, and said uneasy: "Cousin, please comfort Erlang."

Gu Jinli smiled and replied: "Hey, my cousin will coax him now. Brother You, don't worry, go back to sleep in peace."

"Yeah, thank you, cousin." Xiao Luo You responded, but still couldn't stop crying.

Seeing the three little babies crying miserably, Mr. Gui laughed heartily and left first. Luo Ying and his wife followed with their children.

After they left, Erlang's cry became even louder, almost tearing down the roof. But after crying, he recovered again and lay on his father's shoulder, sleeping soundly.

Gu Jinli almost died from laughter. He held the big wolf's hand, poked the second wolf's face, and said, "Look at your brother, he is a very lively boy. He cries fast, laughs fast, and sleeps fast. "

Gu Jinli would slow down when talking to the cubs. The big wolf understood half of it, nodded his little head and said, "Na na."

"Yes, I have to add the word um." Gu Jinli kissed his cheek, hugged him and went back to the house.

They were originally going to be sent to the next room to sleep, but Big Wolf hugged Gu Jinli's neck, pointed to the back room with his little finger and said, "I want it."

I have gotten used to sleeping with them recently, and I still want to sleep with them.

It's rare for the eldest cub to act coquettishly, and he must be pampered: "Okay, the eldest wolf and the second wolf will continue to sleep with their parents tonight."

After the couple took turns taking a shower, they took their children and got into bed to sleep.

"What did you tell Mr. Ghost? When he ate the meat pot, his energy improved a lot and he laughed many times." Gu Jinli asked.

"It has nothing to do with us. It was the three little guys who made him figure it out." Qin Sanlang smiled and told him what Mr. Gui said: "My cousin said that the northwest is not stable yet, so he can't rest. He has to help us control the northwest." Only after you have completely straightened things out can you go back to seclusion.”

Gu Jinli: "Cousin uncle really wants to retire? He is as old as my uncle from the Lan family. Has he never thought about getting married and having a child?"

Qin Sanlang: "My cousin will never marry again. His aunt and two cousins ​​died in the fire, which was a huge blow to him, and he was also injured, making it difficult for him to have children. However, the Yu family still lives in their hometown. As long as there is a clan, the descendants will not be extinct. After everything is completely stable, my cousin will go back to his hometown and choose a child from his cousins ​​to be the heir to the direct branch, which can be regarded as a filial piety to the Yu family."

The Yu family's grandfather also has a cousin who stays in his hometown... It's like this for aristocratic families. In order to continue to make incense, they will not let all their children become officials, but will leave one group of children to multiply.

Now it seems that this approach is correct, at least the Yu family has not been cut off due to this.

Gu Jinli felt reassured: "That's good."

But thinking about what happened to the Yu family, I felt sad again... After all, the Yu family was implicated to the point of being ruined, and almost all of the direct descendants were gone.

"From now on, let the big wolf and the second wolf accompany my cousin more often. He likes the two children."

Qin Sanlang: "Well, I will hold the child and tease him every day."

Gu Jinli: "There is also Uncle Yu. The two children also have to visit him often...Uncle Yu is also quite boring...Our two cubs are really small people and have heavy tasks, and they have become the pistachios of the middle-aged and elderly people." .”

"Okay, don't worry, even if I'm not free, I will let Bahu and the others take the children to see Uncle Yu." Qin Sanlang responded. After waiting for a while, when Gu Jinli didn't respond, he smiled and fell asleep so quickly.

"Good night." He propped himself up, kissed her, lay down again, looked at his wife and children, and soon fell asleep.

"Ah~" Gu Jinli felt his body trembling while he was half asleep. He couldn't help shouting softly and bit someone.

Qin Sanlang took advantage of the situation and kissed her hard, and asked distressedly: "But did it hurt Xiaoyu? It's my fault, I was too hasty, so I'll be gentler."

He spoke softly, but his movements did not slow down at all, but sped up. Gu Jinli bit his shoulder, tried hard to open his eyes, and looked to the side.

"The cubs are not here, I took them away." Qin Sanlang turned her face over, kissed her, and said: "Xiaoyu is mine now. Apart from thinking about me and the current matter, , don’t think about anyone or anything anymore.”

Being so domineering and straightforward made Gu Jinli blush, but he had endured it since November, ten days ago, and it was painful every night. She felt distressed and decided to pamper him, raising her hands to wrap around his neck. Her body catered to his, and she kissed his Adam's apple wickedly.

"Yeah!" Qin Sanlang groaned, bit her lip, and said with restraint, "Bad little fish, you bullied me again."

Gu Jinli was wronged: "Now it's obvious that you are bullying me."

With these words, Qin Sanlang had a wicked smile on his lips. He didn't say anything, but he made the little fish in his arms miserable.

When Gu Jinli woke up, it was already afternoon. She looked at the dim sky outside and the handsome smiling face leaning over. The corners of her mouth twitched and she pushed him away and said: "If I continue like this, others will think I have a terminal illness...Old He slept until the afternoon and didn't get up until the afternoon, only patients do this."

"Nonsense, Xiaoyu will always be healthy." After Qin Sanlang said this seriously, he laughed again, with a bit of flattery in his smile: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, no one dares to say anything, don't be angry."

If anyone dares to spread gossip about Xiaoyu, he will send him to see King Yama.


"Have Xiaoji, Aunt Tao, Cousin Yu, and Aunt Lan come looking for me? If they did, it would be bad to have them go back."

And they are all smart people, especially Widow Xiao. They will definitely know what she is like, and they will laugh at her to death in their hearts.

Qin Sanlang smiled, took the opportunity to hug her, and said: "Don't worry, they haven't come here today. Uncle Lan is back and the family is getting together. Aunt Lan doesn't have time to come over to ask for benefits. Xiao Ji and Aunt Tao will not come over until tomorrow." , Xiaoyu, just sleep peacefully today."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli finally felt relieved, and his stomach began to growl.

Qin Sanlang felt a little guilty and said hurriedly: "Xiaoyu, rest, I will get you something to eat."

Keep her warm while eating.

Gu Jinli shook his head: "No, I got up and went out to eat. It's not good to always eat on the bed where I sleep."

As he said this, he had already climbed up, but his body was still limp and he had no strength.

She glared at Qin Sanlang, who was handing her clothes, and said angrily, "It's all your fault."

"Yes, it's all my fault, but I like Xiaoyu."

I love it so much, how can I not touch it?

His eyes were too hot, reminding Gu Jinli of what happened this morning, and his cheeks became hot.

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