A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2463 The uncle and nephew of the Wei family take the blame

Qin Sanlang was so moved by the sight that he kissed her again. When Gu Jinli almost suffocated, he let go of her, caressed her face, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu still can't learn to breathe."

His wife is a bit stupid in this matter.

Gu Jinli grabbed his hand, took a bite, and said fiercely: "It's not that I can't learn to summon Qi, it's that you robbed all my Qi!"

I can't even take a breath.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang touched her face with his hand and landed on her lips. He said in a voice as mellow as wine: "If Xiaoyu says that again, I'm afraid I will..."

"I'm hungry. I'm going to eat. You can stay in the back room by yourself." Gu Jinli quickly interrupted him, got dressed, and walked to the outer room.

After a while, Qin Sanlang chased her out. She had a heavy weight on her shoulders and a white fur coat on her body.

Gu Jinli was stunned: "Where did this come from?"

The completely white fur with no variegated colors is very valuable at first glance.

Qin Sanlang said: "It belongs to the family. It was sealed in the warehouse of the house before, but no one dared to touch it. Later, after Brother Luo took charge of the Eagle Food Gang, he robbed the baggage several times, forcing the people guarding Longshan Mansion to take Qin The Luo family’s belongings will be sent out of the city in exchange.”

The good thing is that the exchange was early. If it had been a few years later, everything would have been robbed when the thieves came. The reason why the house was not burned was because Tuogu wanted to change the customs and ordered not to burn the house. Let the thieves learn to live in houses and farm.

Then he pointed to a box on the kang in the outer room and said: "Inside is the item registration book of the warehouse here, as well as the warehouse key. Xiaoyu keeps it. From now on, these will belong to Xiaoyu."

Ha, Gu Jinli couldn't hold back his laughter and asked in a pretentious manner: "Are they all mine?"

Qin Sanlang nodded, hugged her and said, "Well, they all belong to Xiaoyu, including me."

It's yours too.

"Nauseous, give in first." Gu Jinli pushed him away ruthlessly, wrapped himself in fur and came to the kang. He opened the box and saw a stack of item registration books and banknotes: "I'm rich!"

Gu Jinli's eyes were so bright that they could be used as torches. He thought of another thing and hurriedly looked at the seal number on the banknote. After confirming that it was the seal number of Dachu Chaotong, he finally felt relieved: "I'm afraid they can't be used. "

Then he hurriedly said to Qin Sanlang: "By the way, in exchange for gold and silver, more than 70% of the silver notes must be exchanged for hard currency. Gold and silver jewelry, houses, shops, fields, calligraphy, painting and antiques can be used, but you can't keep too many silver notes. .”

Qin Sanlang understood Gu Jinli's worry and said, "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, my uncle, Uncle Mao, and Third Master Sheng are already doing this. When my grandfather and father were alive, they also left a large amount of gold and silver to the family. Even if Da Chu Even if there are changes, these things can sustain us for a long time.”

The ancestors of the Wei, Qin, Luo, and Yuan families all experienced great chaos in the previous dynasty... At that time, not only was food in short supply, but even banknotes were turned into waste paper.

They are afraid after experiencing this, so they don't like banknotes and prefer hard currency.

"That's good." Gu Jinli felt a little more relieved, and pointed to the banknotes in the box and said: "Now that the news of the great victory has spread, the various places in Dachu are more secure than before, so we must quickly use these banknotes to buy food in the south. , grain, grass, cotton, medicine and other supplies are not too much, so buy as much as you can with cash."

Only when you have something in your hands can you not panic.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, when I went to pick up the three of you, mother and son, I had already sent people to the south to buy supplies. The Feng family and Mr. Sheng would take care of things along the way. The supplies will reach the northwest safely."

Seeing that he had mentioned Third Master Sheng twice, Gu Jinli asked, "But Third Master Sheng of Xing'an Prefecture, he once asked me for a magic deworming medicine for his pregnant daughter-in-law. Who is he?"

Qin Sanlang said: "He is from the Sheng family of the old northwest army. The general Sheng who led the troops to help fight this time is his cousin... The Sheng family is related to the Duke of Yuan Dynasty, and like the Feng family, they are also an old member of the Duke of Yuan Dynasty. . After the Duke of Yuan Dynasty was deliberately suppressed, General Feng took the initiative to disband his troops and return to his fields, taking over his family's bodyguard bureau."

He added: "We need to build a marching material route in the northwest to ensure fast and unimpeded material exchange. I handed this matter over to my cousin last night. He will lead the Feng family and Sheng family to get things done."

Gu Jinli was very happy to hear this: "It's great that the Feng family and the Sheng family are willing to follow you."

However, my heart ached again: "But your burden will become heavier and heavier."

Qin Sanlang smiled, hugged her and said, "Xiaoyu, don't feel sorry for me. I've been learning this since I was a child and know what to do... If Xiaoyu really feels sorry for me, just pamper me more at night. I like it very much." "

"Eat, I'm hungry!" Gu Jinli roared in his heart, where has my innocent and lovely little brother Qin gone? Give it back to me, this is so naughty, I can't stand it.

Haha, Qin Sanlang laughed out loud and hurriedly handed the food to her: "Eat."

Don't let his little fish starve.

"Are you hungry? Eat with me." Gu Jinli handed him a bowl of chicken soup, and Qin Sanlang took it. While eating, he told Gu Jinli about Longshan Mansion and some future arrangements.

"Ouch, pinch, cool!"

"Ah, daddy, mommy."

The two cubs came back from playing. They were very excited when they saw their parents. They broke away from the wet nurse's hand and ran towards their parents. However, it was cold and they were wearing thick clothes. They tripped over the threshold and heard two bangs. It hit the ground.

The two Zaizai were stunned for a while, and then immediately burst into tears: "Wow, wow, wow!"

"Don't cry, don't cry. Daddy will blow it for you." Qin Sanlang hurriedly went to hug the two children and quickly coaxed the big wolf.

But the second wolf was lying in Qin Sanlang's arms, crying so hard that it took more than half a quarter of an hour before he finally stopped crying and started complaining that he was hungry again.

Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang fed them. After eating, Qin Sanlang took the mother and son to visit the house. Gu Jinli also saw the crabapple tree.

It's just that the crabapple trees are now bare, with nothing but some fallen snow.


"In March next year, it will bloom with flowers all over the tree. Then I will bring the little fish to see it."

Gu Jinli nodded and looked at Qin Sanlang: "Well, when it blooms, let's spread a blanket under the tree and enjoy the flowers and eat delicious food together."

Flower viewing is too monotonous, so you must eat something.

Qin Sanlang imagined such a scene, hugged her, and said gently and expectantly: "Well, then our family will come to enjoy the flowers and eat."

"Ah ah ah, hug!" Erlang saw his father and mother hugging each other, and also asked for a hug.

Gu Jinli smiled: "Okay, let's hug together."

The family happily hugged each other and had a very relaxing day.

The next morning, when Gu Jinli was waiting for Xiao Ji and Nanny Tao, Ning Ji and Qin Gui arrived, but they were stopped outside the city and could not enter.

Qin Gui was angry, pointed at Qianhu who stopped him, and choked with sobs: "Do you know who so-and-so is? He is a member of the Qin family and the biological uncle of the new Marquis of Qin!"

When the words "new Marquis of Qin" were mentioned, Qin Gui felt a dull pain in his heart... He worked for the Wei family in the northeast, hoping that when the Wei family would succeed in their great cause, he would be given the position of Marquis of Qin. Now the position of Lord Marquis is gone.

But as the uncle of the Marquis, you should get the treatment you deserve, right?

He had come through many difficulties and dangers all the way, and these soldiers still dared to stop him from entering the city. It was really bullying!

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