A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2487 Reward and Disaster [3]

Qin Sanlang said: "He gave the Ji family two ways, let Miss Ji die, or stay honest. He chose a well-matched family for Miss Ji to marry, and he also wrote a document that was all the Ji family's fault. The Ji family presses their fingerprints to control the Ji family for the rest of their lives."


Gu Jinli said: "It's a bit cruel."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, for a scholar, this attack is indeed a bit cruel, unlike his usual style, so I don't dare to hold back on him anymore."

It is said that Ning Ji was half at fault for the Ji family's incident, but when the Ji family messed up the matter, he was so ruthless that Qin Sanlang had to think more... Maybe Ning Ji has always been a vicious person. I just pretended to be in front of him for so many years.

Thinking deeply about it, it made him shudder.

"Xiaoyu, thank you for reminding me, otherwise I might have been deceived by him." Qin Sanlang hugged Gu Jinli and said.

Gu Jinli smiled: "You are so smart, even without my warning, you will not be fooled. Besides, I said bad things about him in the early years. In fact, there is no evidence. I just rely on you to believe me, so I give you a pillow." .”

Qin Sanlang smiled: "I am happy to listen to Xiaoyu's pillow style."

Ha, Gu Jinli smiled happily. His smile was so sweet that he was kissed by Qin Sanlang and began to move his hands up and down.

Gu Jinli understood what he meant, but she was a little tired from going to the wedding banquet today, but the affairs of Ningji's family were settled, and she wanted to reward him, so she let him make trouble.

Qin Sanlang also knew that she was a little tired, so his movements became gentle: "I will be gentler, and I will not tire Xiaoyu."

He said that, but when the time came, the promise would no longer work. Fortunately, there was nothing urgent the next day, and Gu Jinli could sleep peacefully until noon.

Miss Ji woke up before dawn, remembering what happened at the wedding banquet, and threatened to die, so that Ji and Qin Gui came to see her.

"Aunt, uncle, what happened yesterday is not true, right?!" Miss Ji asked unwilling to believe it.

However, Qin Gui nodded to Ji and said it was true, and then advised her: "Sister Yan, accept your fate and stop making trouble, otherwise everyone will have to die with you."

"What do you mean by dying with me? It's obviously you who killed me!" Miss Ji shouted: "Before coming here, my aunt and uncle made a good deal, asking me to be my concubine first, and then to be my equal wife after giving birth to my son. Wait a few years before killing Gu's mother and son, and let me be Mrs. Hou, and let my son be the heir apparent. Now that I'm in this situation, you are asking me to accept my fate. If it was Sister Tong who encountered this matter, would you still Would you say that?!”

Qin Gui's face turned ugly when he heard this.

Seeing this, Ms. Ji rushed over, slapped Ms. Ji twice, and cursed: "Shut up, don't bite people randomly. You want to marry into a high family, so you came to the northwest with us. I'm with you." Your uncle has not sorry for you. If you really want to take revenge, go to the Ning family uncle and nephew and Qin Mu, but do you dare? We can still control you now, so just be content!"

Miss Ji was beaten unconscious for a moment, and then she broke down and cried, but it was too late no matter how much she cried.

Qin Gui was too lazy to watch her cry, so he turned around and went out, telling Ji only: "Sooth her well and don't let her get into trouble again."

The couple also fingerprinted the document written by Ning Ji. If anything happens again, they will be dead.

"Yes, sir, don't worry." Ji responded, and after Qin Gui left, she began to enlighten Miss Ji with half comfort and half intimidation.

After hearing this, Miss Ji was also scared.

But she was still a little unwilling and said: "Auntie, I want to meet Mr. Ning, is it possible? He is not a heartless lover, and he was very good to me the past two days, as long as..."

"Stop dreaming, he doesn't like you at all. Even if he does, he can't make the decision with Mr. Ning here." Miss Ji interrupted Miss Ji's fantasy, and said earnestly: "Sister Yan, accept your fate, Qin Hou Both the Ningbo Mansion and the Ningbo Mansion are beyond our reach... They are not human beings, and if we piss them off, we will really die!"

Ji Shi remembered Luo Ying's words and trembled with fear... They were really looking for death by playing tricks on those who led the war.

Then tell Miss Ji what Luo Ying said.

After hearing this, Miss Ji burst into tears.

Ji comforted her for a full hour, then left tiredly, returned to the courtyard where she lived, and asked the maid: "Where is the master?"

The maid replied: "Madam, the master is in the study."

They can only stay in the study. Because of what happened yesterday, they were ordered not to go out.

After hearing this, Ji cheered up and cooked some food for Qin Gui herself, but the servant who was waiting for Qin Gui stopped her: "Madam, the master is asleep and told not to let anyone disturb him." , please go back first."

When Ji heard this, she was filled with grief and anger. The old man Qin Gui disliked Shangji's family.

Why should he dislike it?

If he had the ability, would the Ji family still be bullied? !

But there was King Wei behind Qin Gui, so Ji didn't dare to break up with him, so she could only cry outside the door, and then said virtuously: "Okay, then I won't bother you, you can take the food." Go and warm it on the stove, and when the master wakes up, let him eat."

"Yes." The servant responded and took the things.

Qin Gui heard this, and Ji knew that he had heard it, so he deliberately said this to arouse Qin Gui's pity.

Qin Gui pities her, but he is also determined to take Qin Liang and Qin Shu back to the Qin family!

Even though Ning Ji blocked the news, the news about Ning Ji's family still spread in the city. Young Master Ning was ridiculed a lot because of this. When everyone talked about him, they would first say: "He is naked and full of clothes." Ground clothes!"

It's a shame.

Uncle Cao originally thought that Mr. Ning was a good man and wanted to get married to the Ning family. Now that this happened, he didn't dare to think about it... People who can't even see through this scheme will only bring big trouble to the family in the future. ,intolerable!

Ning Ji was furious again because of the rumors outside, but there was nothing he could do about it. Luo Ying had someone spread the gossip, and he couldn't stop it at all.

Soon it was the eighth day of December, the day when Cong Wenshan and Xiao Ji got married.

The wedding banquet between the two was also very grand. Almost everyone who had drunk Jifeng and Xiaomei's wedding came and gave generous gifts. Cong Wenshan and Xiaoji made a lot of money.

Gu Jinli was also very generous and gave Xiao Ji a lot of dowry.

Ji Zhenniang was jealous when she saw the dowry list: "Gu Xiaoyu, this is too much."

Why don't you give me some?

Gu Jinli said: "After they get married, they will go to the guard station. These things are for them to maintain the guard. It's not much at all. I think it's missing. You can give me another hundred taels of copper coins. When the Chinese New Year comes, Xiaoji and his wife will It can just be used to give New Year’s money to the children in the health center.”

Ji Zhenniang exploded: "Give it back? My family is also short of cash!"

Gu Jinli glanced at her and said: "Don't pretend, your grandfather is a smart man. He has already exchanged cash and hid it. He also gave you a lot of cash. You have a lot of cash in your hand. Give me some quickly and help." Help their little couple, or I won’t help you in the future.”

Ji Zhenniang was extremely angry: "Gu Xiaoyu, you only bully me!"

Gu Jinli laughed and said, "You can also bully me back. I'm a very fair person."

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