A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2488 Reward and Disaster [4]

Ji Zhenniang was furious: "You know I can't beat you and you still say that, shameless!"

With a sigh, Gu Jinli pulled out a dagger, waved it in front of Ji Zhenniang, and said, "You can practice. If you practice for ten or eight years, you might be able to beat me, but..."

She chuckled and said, "I know how to use poison, but you can't."

It's you who suffers in the end.

"You!" Ji Zhenniang cried angrily and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Han.

Mrs. Han smiled and said: "We haven't eaten the wedding banquet yet, so we can't just leave. Sit down quickly."

It has been several years, why does Zhenniang still not know how to accept her fate? She always competes with Xiaoyu, how could she win against Xiaoyu?

Ji Zhenniang's face brightened after she was retained. She raised her chin and said to Gu Jinli, "I am giving face to Sister-in-law Zhang!"

Gu Jinli chuckled: "Remember to give me one hundred taels of copper coins tomorrow. I will give it to Xiao Ji on the day she returns home from the third day."

This cash is really going to be used, it’s not a joke.

Ji Zhenniang said dissatisfied: "I know, you are the only one who talks more."

Gu Jinli said: "I won't explain anything more, lest you forget on purpose."

Ji Zhenniang: "Gu Xiaoyu, do you want to make me angry to death? Do you want me to say nothing?!"

Gu Jinli: "No, if I just say this to you, won't I lose the argument?"

Ji Zhenniang: "..."

Mr. Han looked at them quarreling and smiled: "Every time I see you quarreling, I am very happy."

Ji Zhenniang was shocked and wanted to say something, Sister-in-law Zhang, are you crazy? Are you happy watching people quarrel?

But I didn't mention it. After all, Sister-in-law Zhang is the eldest lady of the Guangcheng House, and her status is higher than hers... Ji Zhenniang has this problem of automatically looking up to people of high status.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "I'm very happy to make Sister-in-law Zhang happy."

Then he held Sister-in-law Zhang's hand and said: "Sister-in-law, please be happy. Don't think about your son and the inheritance of the title. They are just external things. The most important thing is to live a happy life."

Han nodded and said with a smile: "Well, don't worry, Xiaoyu, my sister-in-law doesn't think about these things anymore. In the past, she was always burdened by these things, which made my husband unhappy with me. Now that I think about it, it's really not worth it."

Gu Jinli was very happy to hear this: "That's right."

Ji Zhenniang heard this and thought to herself: Sister-in-law Zhang is so blessed that she no longer wants the title of her natal family. If her natal family could have the title, she would risk her life to keep it for her natal family.

Boom, boom, boom!

A burst of drum music came, and the sedan chair for welcoming the bride turned back again.

Three quarters of an hour later, Erqing came back and reported: "Madam, Cong Baihu and Xiao Ji have finished their worship service. Aunt Tao, Bu Ling and Jin Xiuxiu are with her. Madam, don't worry."

"Okay." Finally the ceremony was completed, and Gu Jinli felt relieved.

Today's wedding banquet went smoothly, and nothing bad happened. Everyone started to say goodbye and left before You hour.

Gu Jinli personally escorted the female guests out of the house, which made all the ladies very happy. After returning, they all said that even though it was a maid getting married, they were at the right time for this wedding banquet. Mrs. Qin Hou valued Xiao Ji very much.

The next day was the ninth day of December, the day when Wu Liudong and Xie Jianing were officially engaged. The matchmaker was Mrs. Situ... Mrs. Situ had not done anything recently, she was just a matchmaker, and now she used standard matchmaker exaggeration when she opened her mouth. The elegance has been diluted a lot.

But Mrs. Situ is very happy. As she gets older, she likes to play matchmaker for young people.

Because Wu Liudong's family was dead, Niu Dabao and Kuang acted as the man's family members and went with Wu Liudong to give the woman a betrothal gift.

An engagement banquet was held in a lively manner.

Gu Fuya cried so much that she grabbed Gu Jinli's hand and said, "Xiaoyu, thank you. If it weren't for you and your wife, how could my sister Ning be so beautiful?"

Not to mention that Fengguang was engaged, I am afraid that she would have been killed by the Cao family long ago.

Gu Jinli smiled: "Thank you, we are a family."


"You may have to go to Dafeng Village later to meet the three grandparents."

Xie Jianing will get married in the next year, and Gu Fuya's family will not leave for He'an Mansion until she gets married.

Gu Fuya said: "It's okay, my parents are still in good health and can wait."

Although the parents have no sons in this life, they have enjoyed the blessings of children and grandchildren. Brother Dashan's family will ask a doctor to specially treat the two elders for safe pulse and nurse them back to health.

Gu Fuya thought of this and thanked Gu Jinli again.

"Ah, thank you!" Erlang heard this so much that he actually said thank you.

Gu Fuya was shocked and blushing when she saw Erlang running over to pick her up and say thank you to her.

Gu Jinli smiled and said to Gu Fuya, "Look, even Erlang has learned this. Aunt Fuya, don't always say thank you in the future."

Gu Fuya said sheepishly: "I was too polite, Cheng. I won't always say thank you in the future."

He picked up Erlang again and said, "Thank you Erlang."


Just finished saying thank you again.

Hahaha, Gu Jinli couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

The two wolves followed suit and laughed out loud.

Wow, Gu Jinli kissed him and said, "You kid, you are so happy every day."

Erlang: "Ah, Xinxin!"

Gu Jinli: "You are happy, come and read to mother, are you happy?"

Erlang said confidently: "Ah, Xinxin!"

Ha, that’s what children are like, they only choose what they can say.

When Erlang saw his mother laughing again, he started laughing too. He laughed and started covering his face again, playing the "I can't see you" game with Gu Jinli.

The Cao family already knew that Wu Liudong and Xie Jianing were officially engaged, and the engagement was very grand.

And they will know that it was Ning Ji who told them.

Ning Ji said that he would let the Wei family give an explanation to Qin Sanlang, so Qin Sanlang gave the Cao family to Ning Ji's care.

The Cao family suffered a lot after they fell into the hands of Ning Ji. Ning Ji had people beat them three times a day. Recently, Ning Ji was in a bad mood because of the incident with the eldest son Ning, and even went to beat the Cao family himself. Several times.

After Yu Xiaozhi learned the news, she cried so much that she almost died, and started to curse Master Cao again: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, I want to go back to Xie's house with you and Li!"

"Oh, you still want to go back, and you don't want to see if the Xie family wants you?!" Master Cao thought Yu was very ridiculous: "You whore, are you still awake now? From now on, you have been helping the Cao family plot against Xie Jianing. From now on, you have no chance to be with the Xie family!"

Cursing and cursing, he started crying again: "When it comes to being implicated, I am the one who has been implicated the most by you... I am sincere to Xie Jianing. If that old beast hadn't stopped me, I would have been Marquis Qin’s cousin-in-law!”

Mrs. Yu: "Haha, sincerely? You can tell me that you just covet her beauty and want to play with her. You have never thought of marrying Xie Jianing."

Ning Ji watched them quarreling from the side. After a while, he took out the iron whip and beat them again: "It's all caused by you trash!"

If the Cao family had been smart enough and done things well, he and Third Master would not have gotten into this situation.

Bang bang bang!

After beating Yu and the others until they fainted, Ning Ji stopped and went to do other things.

As for the fact that he used the Cao family as a tool to vent his anger, he thought he did it very secretly, but this was the Qin family's villa, so Qin Sanlang still knew about it and was even more wary of him.

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