A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2489 Mrs. Hou and Disaster Relief

On December 11, the weather became much colder again, and it snowed in the morning, but the people of Longshan Prefecture did not rest and continued to brave the snow to prepare firewood for the winter.

Longshan Mansion is close to the Longshan Mountains, so there is no shortage of firewood for heating. The Eagle Food Gang has stored a lot of dry firewood that can be burned immediately. They have been transporting it down the mountain in the past few days and piled up a lot of dry firewood for Longshan Mansion.

Longshan Prefecture did not keep all the dry firewood. Instead, it sent a fleet to transport the dry firewood to other prefectures. It would do such a strenuous task just to prevent disasters... If the earthquake really comes, these dry firewood can save lives. .

In addition to delivering dry firewood, tents were also delivered.

The house of the Earthquake Club collapsed. It was very cold at this time. Without a thick tent, people would freeze to death in the snow.

When the nobles living in the new camp outside the city saw the truckloads of disaster prevention supplies being sent away, they secretly laughed: "Oh, the supplies are being sent away before the disaster strikes. If there is no disaster, they will have to be shipped back... …I didn’t expect that a person who was so good at fighting would do such stupid things!”

However, their taunts have all been recorded, and if a disaster occurs, they will be waiting to bleed for disaster relief.

As soon as Si Shi arrived, Cong Wenshan and Xiao Ji came to see Gu Jinli and his wife.

The two of them saluted Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli to thank them for their kindness, and also saluted Aunt Tao to thank her for her care and guidance.

After the salute, Xiao Ji said: "Madam, Aunt Tao has already helped me a lot. There is no need to follow me to the guardhouse anymore. I can do it."

Gu Jinli refused: "No, you are still too young, and you are not as experienced as Aunt Tao in doing things. Besides, Aunt Tao is not going to the health center to help you this time, but to help me... She has to visit various health centers and take care of the family members. Make arrangements thoroughly to ensure that the relatives of every guard station will not be in chaos."

When Xu You was in charge of the army, there were evil thieves like Wanhe Prefecture. Now that Brother Qin is in charge of the army, she will not let such things happen again in the guard station, so she wants to send Aunt Tao to inspect. Relatives, if something bad happens in the health center, you can ask Aunt Tao for help as soon as possible.

After hearing this, Xiao Ji suddenly realized and said with some embarrassment: "I am a slave who has thought too little."

He also promised: "Madam, don't worry, I will continue to learn, and I will take good care of the guards and family members, so as not to embarrass you!"

Gu Jinli smiled: "Well, Xiao Ji has always been very good, and he will definitely do what he says."

Then he said: "You are now Mrs. Baihu. You no longer need to call yourself a slave. You must change your words."

You have to think about Cong Wenshan.

Xiao Ji glanced at Cong Wenshan, smiled and nodded: "Yes, I will change my mind right now."

Cong Wenshan also smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law, you say something considerate to the madam, and I will go up front with you to talk things over."

"Hey, go ahead. Don't worry about me. Madam loves me the most. I live more relaxedly here than anywhere else." Xiao Ji was not reluctant to leave, and happily waved to Cong Wenshan, asking him to leave quickly.

Cong Wenshan was depressed. As expected, his wife's favorite was Madam, and he had to be ranked second... No, he didn't have a share in second place. He was afraid that he would have to be ranked fifth, because there were also the eldest son, the second son, and Tao in front of him. Mammy and Erqing are here.

He almost lost to Er Qing, which made him sad just thinking about it.

"Let's go." Qin Sanlang called to Cong Wenshan, and the two of them left the yard and went to the study in front.

Xiao Ji went to hug the big wolf and the second wolf: "First Master and Second Young Master, I miss you so much. Do you miss me?"

"Ah ah, no no!" Er Lang struggled and ran away, pointing at Xiao Ji and chirping at Gu Jinli. He must have forgotten Xiao Ji and was asking Gu Jinli, who is this person and why did he hug Er Lang?

Gu Jinli smiled: "It's Xiao Ji. We just gave her a wedding the day before yesterday, so why did we forget about it?"


Erlang frowned, tilted his head and looked at Xiaoji: "No, no!"

Not like that bride at all.

Gu Jinli smiled: "After changing into the wedding dress and taking off the bridal makeup, you won't be able to recognize me anymore. Come, mother will take you over to play with Xiao Ji. After playing for a while, you will get to know each other again."

"Ah, let's have fun!" Erlang liked to play the most. He threw himself into Xiaoji's arms and started making trouble with her.

Xiaoji was very happy and played with them like a child.

We played until noon and had a sumptuous homecoming banquet together.

After eating, he confided in Gu Jinli and told Gu Jinli: "Madam, don't worry about me. My husband is very kind and gentle to me. I married the right person."

After saying that, I started crying.

Gu Jinli laughed when he saw it: "Why are you crying? We can meet again in the future, so don't cry."

But when Xiaoji was hugged by her, she cried even harder: "I can't bear to leave you, madam, woo woo woo."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Erlang was a cub who loved to laugh and cry. When he saw this, he ran over and hugged Gu Jinli, and started crying.

The big wolf was stunned for a while, and then he hugged Gu Jinli and cried. For a moment, the cry was so loud that Gu Jinli almost died from laughter.

Just as he was crying happily, there was a sound of bells and cauldrons.

Dong-dong-dong, thick and loud, startled Gu Jinli, this is: "Has the emperor's reward arrived?"

It's pretty fast. Brother Qin said in the morning that because of the snow, the reward team might not arrive until the evening.

"Xiaoyu, the reward team has arrived. I'll pick them up. Don't go out when it's cold. Just wait at home with your children. The rewards will be sent directly to the Qinhou Mansion." Qin Sanlang brought Cong Wenshan over. , explained Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli: "Okay, I'll wait at home."

Qin Sanlang nodded and took Cong Wenshan away.

And this time the person who came to deliver the reward had a very high official position. He was not an ordinary official from the Ministry of Rites, but an elder from Shangguan Ge.

Qin Sanlang had known this for a long time and was not surprised.

The valuable young masters and the stewards of each family were shocked: "Mr. Shangguan Ge, it was Mr. Shangguan Ge who came personally to deliver the reward!"

Why did your Majesty send Mr. Shangguange here?

Was he worried about Qin Mu, so he was sent to monitor him? Or do you value Qin Mu too much and send Shangguan Ge Lao to make Qin Mu look good?

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of bells, cauldrons and drums rang together, and the entire Longshan Mansion was shaken by the sound as if it was about to tremble.

But what was even more shocking than these two sounds was.

"Kneel down to welcome the Iron Coupon of the Alchemy Book of the Marquis of Qin Mansion!" the old man of Shangguange shouted, holding up a copper plate with a bronze iron book of the Alchemy Book placed vertically in it, and walked slowly into the city according to the ancient etiquette. Go.

Your Majesty has sent the iron certificate of the Alchemy Book of the Marquis of Qin's family. This was forged when the Chu Kingdom was founded!

After everyone heard this, they hurriedly knelt down and, together with Mr. Shangguange and Qin Sanlang, sent the iron coupons of the alchemy book to the Qinhou Mansion in the city.

However, they were kneeling all the way forward, while Mr. Shangguange and Qin Sanlang were walking without kneeling.

When Gu Jinli learned that the Alchemy Iron Coupon had been delivered, he made a quick trip, thinking: Old Tie, the rust on your body must be very thick, right?

This thing has been buried in the ancient well of Dafeng Village for many years, so it is definitely rusty.

Mr. Shangguan Ge said: "You don't have to worry. After the Dan Shu Iron Coupon was dug out, it has been polished by craftsmen until it is as good as new. I just didn't expect you to hide such a valuable thing in the well wall. It's really... no." Talking about the ancestors of the Qin family, Emperor Jingyuan almost died of anger.

Because the ancestral alchemy iron coupon was delivered, Gu Jinli hurriedly came out to greet him with his two cubs. Standing next to Qin Sanlang, they welcomed the alchemy iron coupon into the Qinhou Mansion.

The etiquette is too onerous. Those who take one step to bow have to bow again after arriving at the ancestral hall. In short, it will be dark by the time the iron certificate of the alchemy book is placed.

Mr. Shangguange could only read out the imperial edict quickly.

There were two imperial edicts given to the Qin family this time, one of which made Sanlang Qin very happy. It was the edict that officially conferred Gu Jinli as Madam Hou.

"Qin Mu and Qin Gu, accept the order!" Qin Sanlang happily accepted the order, and his smile dazzled Mr. Shangguan Ge's eyes.

Hey, the Marquis of Qin doesn't seem to hate His Majesty very much. It seems that what he said would not be disloyal to Da Chu first is true.

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