A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2491 Birthday Niang and his wife

Boom, boom, boom!

In the middle of the night, there were sudden roars from Yongtai Mansion. This was not the sound of thunder, but the sound of houses collapsing. Many people were buried in the ruins before they woke up.

However, there are also people who get up early and survive. Lin Laoba and his wife are such lucky ones.

They were husband and wife who poured night fragrance. They had to get up in the middle of the night and go to every house in the city to collect manure. They took it to the government manure pond in the west corner of the city to fertilize it and save it for future fertilization.

But looking at the collapsed house, Lin Laoba was stunned. Lin Laoba's wife reacted quickly and shouted to him: "The earth dragon has turned over, it's the earth dragon that has turned over. Hit the clapper to tell everyone to run away..." Home, go home quickly to save my mother-in-law and the others!"

Those who pour night fragrance in the city will carry a clapper on their backs, and they will watch the night in time to remind everyone of the time, be careful of water leaks, and beware of young people.

After hearing this, Lin Laoba finally returned to his senses. He banged his clapper and shouted: "The earth dragon has turned over. Wake up and run for your life!"

But just shouted...

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground shook again, and Lin Laoba, who was still lame, fell directly to the ground due to such a jolt.

With a bang, a brick came from the side and hit Lin Laoba directly on the back of his hand. Blood flowed out immediately, but before he could cry out in pain, something more terrible happened.


A strange sound came, and not far from Lin Laoba, a gap suddenly opened in the ground, winding away into the distance.

"Mr. Lin!" Lin Lao's eighth daughter-in-law saw him lying down and ran towards this side.

"Shou Niang, don't come here, the ground is cracking, please leave quickly!" Lin Laoba yelled at her quickly, while he stepped back, away from the crack in the ground.

But the birthday lady didn't care, she took a night incense bucket lid and ran over. After using the bucket lid to block the falling gravel, she dragged Lin Laoba and said, "Let's go home together to save my mother-in-law and the others!"

She finally had a family, and she wouldn't let anything happen to them.

Bang bang bang!

While they were talking, countless flying rocks were thrown at them. Fortunately, the night incense bucket lid was blocking them, otherwise they would have been killed on the spot.

The birthday girl has experienced many things, is quick to respond, and has great courage. She said: "Master, run forward quickly. Ahead is the well in the west of the city. There is an open space where you can hide and you will not be hit by flying rocks!"

There are densely packed houses on both sides of the place. The earthquake caused the houses to collapse, shaking broken bricks, beams, wooden doors and other things to the middle of the street. If they stayed here, they would be smashed to death.

"Hey, hey, hey." Lin Laoba responded, and the couple supported him and ran forward risking their lives. Fortunately, they were lucky. They only suffered a few injuries and ran safely to the clearing of the well.

As soon as the two escaped, they shouted together: "The ground is shaking, get up and run for your life!!"

After shouting several times, someone from the house near the well finally ran out, but more people were buried in the rubble.

The people who escaped had never seen such a disaster. They were so shocked that they almost went crazy. They knelt down helplessly and cried: "God, what is happening?"

Some people ran home again, but when they saw the collapsed house, they were forced to stop and cried: "Mom, Dad, little sister, come out quickly!"

After shouting several times but no family members came out, he ran to grab other people who had escaped: "Help me save my parents and little sister!"

But the person he grabbed grabbed him instead, crying and begging: "Ahu, Ahu, you are strong, help me to save your aunt and the others... They were trapped by a wooden beam, and my uncle moved it alone." Don’t move, you have to go help Uncle Bang, please!”

Others are also begging each other to save their own families.

Lin Laoba and Shou Niang were also stopped: "Ye Xiangba, go help my family save people, save my son, I will give you and your wife one tael of silver as reward!"

The person who spoke was Shopkeeper Wang. He knew that Lin Laoba's family was very poor, so he gave them a lot of money to save his family.

But Shouniang said: "Shopkeeper Wang, we have to go home to save our family. You can think of a way on your own. I'm sorry."

After saying that, he immediately dragged Lin Laoba away and ran towards the thatched alley in the west of the city... The earthquake continued, and the houses along the way were collapsing. The couple was knocked to the ground several times, with bruises all over their heads and faces. They were bleeding, but the couple didn't dare to stop and ran as hard as they could. When they were almost exhausted, they finally returned to Caotou Lane in the west of the city.

The people living here are poor people with no houses or land. They can only build thatched houses, so it is nicknamed thatched alley by the people in the city.

But this time, Maocao Lane was blessed by poverty. Although the house collapsed, no one died, but the big guys were frightened and cried one after another. The area was full of crying.

"Mother-in-law, Sijun, Liujun, Xiaoshu, Xiaomei, where are you? Uncle and aunt are back, please respond quickly!" Shouting, the birthday lady ran to her thatched house and started to move the thatched shed and shack away with her bare hands. Wooden doors and stuff.

Lin Laoba also limped over to move things.

After the couple moved for a while, they finally heard a trembling cry: "Woooooo~"

"It's Xiaomei, they are still alive, please move!" The birthday lady was very happy, moving the pieces of the collapsed thatched house, her hands were cut to pieces by the broken wood tips, and after carrying it for more than a quarter of an hour, she finally Finally, I moved away the two large straw sheds that were holding my family down, and saw my family.

In order to protect the youngest Liujun and Xiaomei, Mrs. Lin was hit by the horizontal pillar holding up the straw shed and fainted.

With trembling hands, the birthday lady went to check Mrs. Lin's breathing. When she saw that she was still breathing, she cried with joy: "Mother-in-law is fine!"

He hugged Xiaomei again and handed it to Lin Laoba: "Mr., catch Xiaomei quickly."

Only after taking away all the children can we save Mrs. Lin at the bottom.

"Hey." Lin Laoba took Xiaomei and comforted him: "Xiaomei, don't cry. Uncle and aunt are back. It's okay."

He went to hug the frightened Liujun again, gritted his teeth, slapped the four-year-old baby, and after waking him up, he coaxed: "Liujun is not afraid, it's okay, uncle and aunt are all here."

"Wow, wow, uncle, there are monsters moving underground, Liu Jun is scared." Liu Jun was so frightened that he lay in Lin Laoba's arms and cried.

After hearing this, the birthday lady hurriedly said: "Liu Jun is not afraid, there are no monsters, it is a dragon. It is a dragon that lives underground. It woke up from sleep and turned over. It's okay."

But Liujun was still crying.

Lin Laoba was going to save Mrs. Lin and had no time to coax him. He had to ask the older Sijun to take care of him and Xiaomei, and he and the birthday girl carried Mrs. Lin out.

After seeing a bloody gash on the back of Mrs. Lin's head, she quickly went to find some plant ash to hold her down and stop the bleeding.

"Laoba, Laoba's wife, come and help, my son is trapped in the thatched house!" The people who lived in the thatched alley came over crying and begged them to help.

"Hey, come right away." Lin Laoba hurried to save people.

At this time, we had to help each other, and the birthday lady did not stay any longer, but she told the older Sijun and Xiaoshu: "Sijun, watch your brother and cousin carefully, don't let the bad guys take them away. Xiaoshu, you Find the food, quilts, and pots in the ruins of our house. These are life-saving things and cannot be thrown away."

Without food and warmth, even if they did not die due to the earthquake, they would starve to death and freeze to death.

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