A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2492 Escape from Disaster

Sijun was eight years old and Xiaoshu was seven years old. They were both sensible. The two children nodded and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, we've written it down."

"Be good." Shou Niang praised them, and then went to see Mrs. Lin. The person who was pinching her desperately finally managed to wake Mrs. Lin up.

Mrs. Lin was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses. She screamed in horror several times, and finally grabbed Shou Niang's arm and said: "The earth dragon has turned over, Shou Niang, the earth dragon has turned over!"

Then he quickly asked: "Are we still alive? Where are the children?"

"They are all alive and the children are fine. Don't worry, mother-in-law." The birthday lady comforted Mother Lin.

Before the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law could even say a few words, someone who lived in the same Maocao Lane came to urge her: "Shou Niang, what are you doing? Come here and help save people, my little egg is still buried!"

Mrs. Lin hurriedly said: "Shou Niang, hurry up and help. Don't make them anxious at this time, otherwise something will happen."

Although they were all acquaintances, there was a sudden change. Her family members were still alive, but other people's family members were buried. A jealousy might destroy her poor family.

Then he whispered to the birthday girl: "Protect yourself, save me if you can, don't take risks, you are the most important thing, you know?"

Mrs. Lin didn't want her daughter-in-law to die trying to save others.

"Don't worry, mother-in-law, I understand. You are here to guard our home." As the birthday lady said, she lit a fire to keep her family warm. She then went to the ruins to pull out a hatchet, gave it to Mother Lin, and rushed over. Save others.

“Erdan, oh, mother, you’ve finally been dug out, but does it hurt anywhere?”

"Oooh, mother, my hands and feet hurt so much." Erdan was knocked down by the earthquake when he was trying to escape. His hands were pressed into the fire for warmth, and his feet were hit by the fallen roof of the thatched shed. arrive.

"Erdan, don't cry, it's okay. Mom is here... Come here, quickly find a doctor to look at my Erdan's injuries!" Erdan's mother yelled, but where can I find a doctor for you at this time?

"Stop shouting, just stay alive. You come over first to help save people!" Erdan Daddy shouted: "The whole house in thatched alley has collapsed, and many people are buried. If we don't dig them out quickly, the survivors will be trapped." died!"

Are you so impatient, are your neighbors more important than your own son?

However, Erdan Niang did not dare to say these words, but said: "It's coming, it's coming!"

They were also afraid that something might happen to their only son, so they asked the birthday girl to help them carry Erdan to Sijun and the others to take care of them. After settling their son, they went to rescue the others with the birthday girl.

Everyone was busy until dawn and finally rescued the people in thatched alley.

"God bless, no one died in our thatched alley!" Mrs. Lin was very happy, but in the next street, many people who lived in the blue-brick houses died, and the cries and calls for help kept coming, which was audible. Terrified.

Lin Laoba said: "Mom, how is the injury on the back of your head?"

Mrs. Lin: "It's okay. As long as you don't touch it, it won't hurt."

The birthday lady was worried and went to see the wound on the back of Mrs. Lin's head. When she saw that there was no bleeding and no sand had penetrated into the wound, she finally felt relieved and told Mrs. Lin about the situation.

Lin Laoba said again: "Mom, Shou Niang and I want to go to the Fuya alley to find Brother Fang... His family lives in a blue brick house. If the house collapses, it will be more harmful to people than our thatched house. , he is kind to our family, we have to go and see."

In fact, it was Lin Laoba who saved Fang Tiangui's mother. Fang Tiangui was a filial son and a yamen servant, so he helped Lin Laoba's family and found a good piece of land for them in Maocao Lane, and also found a place to pour night fragrance for his family. of work.

Even though the night incense smells very bad, the job of pouring night incense is very popular, and even if you don’t have some ideas, you can’t do it even if you want to do it.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lin exclaimed and hurriedly urged them: "Then you go quickly, we must rescue the benefactor's family!"

He added: "Call Erdan Daddy, Xiaogui, Sanniu, and Daliu together. Those who help the yamen always have their own benefits, and their families will definitely agree."

Fang Tiangui's family lived in a Yamen alley, and the houses were connected together. If it collapsed, it would be a piece of it. The old man and his wife alone could not save anyone.

Lin Laoba: "Hey, we know, let's go call someone now."

Mrs. Lin added: "Protect your wife... when disasters arise, evil people are born, so be careful."

After saying that, he gave the birthday girl the hatchet at home.

The birthday lady hesitated for a while, took the hatchet, wiped her tears, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, mother-in-law, we will take care of each other, and we will definitely come back to you in one piece."

Her life was bought by her mother and Sister Mei Niu, and she would never let anything happen to her again.

"Ms. Gong, let's go." Shou Niang and Lin Laoba left to call Erdan Daddy and the others, and the group rushed to the Yamen alley.

There were collapsed houses all along the way, and there were cries all around. The living people were digging through the rubble to save people, but the collapse of the government office was so severe that one of the government offices was almost completely collapsed.

The alleys of the Yamen were also in ruins, but there were still people alive, trying to save their families from injuries.

Mr. and Mrs. Fang Tiangui and the Fang family's son are lucky to be alive and are digging through the rubble of their home to save others.

When Lin Laoba saw them, he shouted happily: "Brother Fang, Sister-in-law Fang, you are okay, that's great!"

"Brother Lin, come and help save people. My mother and Jin Duo are still in the house and haven't come out!" Fang Tiangui greeted them crying.

After hearing this, Lin Laoba hurried over to help.

But the house here is made of blue bricks, and it is too difficult to dig with bare hands. Lin Laoba and a group of people dug out all morning, and only dug out two corpses... Fang Lao Niang and Fang Jinduo were still dead.

"Jin Duo, mother-in-law Jin Duo!" Sister-in-law Fang cried so hard that she fainted when she saw the eldest daughter being beaten to death.

Today, too many people died in Yongtai Mansion. It was lucky for half of the people like the Fang family to survive. The entire families of Cao Yamen and Hu Yamen in the same alley were dead.

In the afternoon, Lin Laoba and the others received even worse news. The magistrate, Tongzhi, and Tongpan were all smashed to death in their sleep. None of the three parents of the government survived.

"God, how could this happen? What on earth have we done wrong? God wants to punish us like this!" Erdan Niang was frightened to death when she heard the bad news.

Erdan Daddy quickly scolded her: "Shut up, do you want to die if you say such things at this time?"

What if some evil people use these words to do harm to others?

Erdan Niang was scolded and did not dare to say anything more, but she cried: "All the adults are dead, what should we do? What can we do if there is no one to take care of us in such a huge disaster?! "

Erdan Dad said: "The garrison camp outside the city is staying in tents and has not suffered much damage. If something like this happens, General Meng will definitely come to the city to check."

Erdan Daddy's guess was correct. That afternoon, General Meng led his soldiers into the city and began to rescue people.

After the birthday girl heard that the government troops had entered the city, she thought of something bad, so she hurriedly grabbed a handful of ashes, smeared her face dirty, and filled a bamboo tube with some human fat water and hung it around her waist. Just in case.

If it's dirty and smelly, it's less likely to cause trouble.

Mrs. Lin saw it and didn't say anything... Although the birthday girl didn't elaborate, she escaped from the famine. She probably encountered something bad on the road, which made her scared.

But her son is lame, and there are four children to raise at home. Mrs. Lin has also endured hardships. Before getting married, the birthday girl also said that she was not innocent. She did not cheat her family. Now there is nothing to pursue.

"Dad, are we going to live here tonight?" Erdan Niang asked tremblingly, and then said: "There are corpses everywhere in this city, how can we live in it? Let's just run away. This Yongtai Mansion is too evil. Can’t wait any longer!”

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