A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2494 Don’t want to recognize each other

Thinking of those buried people, Erdan Daddy and the others also had red eyes, nodded and said: "Okay, you go ahead, we will also go to the next street to pay homage to those dead neighbors."

They were all neighbors, people they usually saw every day, but they were gone like this. The more they thought about it, the more uncomfortable they became, and finally they burst into tears.

The birthday girl cried for a while and asked, "But where are we going to escape?"

Yongtai Mansion is near Chidao. Go left to the northwest, go to the right to the northeast, and go down to the south.

"The Northeast is definitely not good. The colder we go, the colder we go, we will freeze to death on the road."

Erdanniang: "What about the south? The south is good. I heard it's very rich. I'm sure you won't starve to death there!"

But Xiaosuo, the medicine boy of the Luo family, said: "If you want to go to the south, you have to go through the Zhongzhou Capital Commandery Department. The road there is not easy to walk... The people who came to deliver medicinal materials to our medical center said that because of the deduction of military pay, the soldiers there are very poor. Poverty... They pass by and ask for money, if they don't pay, they will suffer!"

This is nothing new. It was even worse a few years ago. I heard that people would not even ask you for passing money, but would just pretend to be bandits and come to rob you.

After hearing this, everyone was scared.

Erdan Niang burst into tears: "Then where should we escape? Do we really want to be trapped in Yongtai Mansion, waiting for the corpse to rot, let us get sick, and then die here together?!"

"Go to the northwest!" Fang Tiangui said: "I am on duty in the Yamen and got a lot of news about the northwest. The rebels have been defeated there and it is completely stable. The new Marquis of Qin is still a good man and attaches great importance to the people. Mrs. Marquis of Qin I can also make medicine, and I have a pharmaceutical workshop. I heard that you can get a lot of medicinal materials for free over there... Since the war has a lot of people running away, there is a lot of free land. If we go, we might still be able to get some. land!"

Xiaosuo, the medicine boy, nodded and said, "Yamen Fang is right. We have also heard that the new Marquis of Qin welcomes people from all over Dachu to settle in the northwest. With more people, the land will not be left unused. We might have been able to get land in the past. "

"Can we get land? So good, then we have to crawl over even if we have to crawl!" Erdan Niang was so happy that she said to the neighbors in Maocao Lane: "We don't have land in Yongtai Mansion. If we go to the northwest, we can't get land." With a piece of land, our life will not be in vain."

Then he said to Erdan's father: "His father, this is related to Erdan's life. If you dare to stop me again, I will make peace with you and take Erdan to the northwest!"

"Why are you howling? I didn't say I disagreed." Erdan Dad said: "Going to the northwest is indeed a good way out... I just hope I won't fight with the bandits again."

People from all over Dachu are unwilling to settle in the northwest. The main reason is because of the war and thieves. If a fight breaks out, the family fortune accumulated throughout their lives will be lost. Who can not be afraid?

Then he said: "Okay, since everyone agrees, let's go to the northwest."

"Okay!" The neighbors cheered and started preparing things.

To be honest, they really didn't lack anything. When they were digging through the ruins to rescue people these days, they dug out a lot of money, food and quilts, which could support them until they reached Daliang Mansion.

Xiaosuo said: "As long as you enter the northwest boundary and register at the Yamen, you can receive supplies, and then allocate a place to settle down and farm."

The northwest is so good now. Everyone is very excited and starts packing their things, planning to leave as soon as dawn.

But only the birthday girl was not happy and looked very pale.

Lin Laoba was very worried when he saw it. He pulled her aside and asked: "Daughter-in-law, are you unwilling to go to the northwest? Yes, is there any bad person in the northwest? Don't be afraid, you are already married. Even if the bad guys in the past want to cause trouble for you, they can't defeat so many of us, so I will protect you."

The birthday lady shook her head and said: "No, those evil people are dead and not in the northwest... I'm just too tired, the cotton-padded jacket on my body was wet with snow, and I'm so cold that I don't look good."

There are indeed no evil people from the past in the northwest, and there are some acquaintances, but she doesn't want to recognize them... She is a person who crawled out of the cesspool, but her old friends are high in the clouds. She doesn't want to dirty them and bring them harm. It was troublesome, so even though she knew they were looking for her, she didn't go to the Yamen to admit her identity.

"Is your cotton-padded jacket wet? Then take it off and dry it over the fire. Wear this one." Lin Laoba took off his cotton-padded jacket and wanted to give it to the birthday girl.

The birthday lady hurriedly stopped him: "No, you have to go to the Yamen alley. You have to dress to keep out the cold. If you are sick, it will delay everyone's journey... I still have quilts at home. I can just wrap them up and dry them. .”

After hearing this, Lin Laoba could only put on his cotton-padded jacket and asked again: "Daughter-in-law, are you really okay?"

The birthday lady smiled and said, "It's okay. You can leave quickly. Brother Fang is already impatient."

He pushed Lin Laoba away.

Lin Laoba turned around uneasy and said: "Daughter-in-law, please stop packing your things. Have a good rest and pack them again when I come back."

Birthday Niang: "I know, you go quickly, go early and come back early!"

Fang Tiangui and Lin Laoba brought some coarse grain pancakes and walked in the dark towards the Yamen alley. They were familiar with this area, so they took a shortcut and arrived in less than half an hour.

It's just that it's dark all around and the cold wind is howling non-stop, which is a bit scary.

Fang Tiangui took out the coarse grain pancakes and placed them in front of the ruins, kowtowing from house to house: "Brother Hu, we are suffering from a disaster now. I can't bring out anything good. I only have some cold pancakes. Don't dislike it. You are full. It's better than Naiheqiao to join a wealthy family and you won't have to suffer anymore in the next life."

After saying this, he kowtowed to the ruins with tears in his eyes.

Lin Laoba also knelt down and kowtowed together.

The two of them knelt and worshiped all the way from the entrance of the Yamen alley to the last Yamen servant's house. It took a full hour, and they were almost frozen. When they were about to go back, they suddenly saw a fire... This was someone entering the ruins of the Yamen. .

"It's so late, who else is there?" Fang Tiangui thought for a while and said, "Brother Lin, since you are here, let's go to the Yamen to pay our respects."

Many people were buried in the yamen. Except for the three adults who were dug out by the government army, the other yamen servants and scribes were ignored and continued to be buried.

Lin Laoba nodded: "Okay, I will listen to Brother Fang."

The two of them walked towards the light of the fire in the dark. When they were about to reach the light of the fire, Fang Tiangui suddenly stopped, signaled Lin Laoba to be silent, pulled him, backed away, and hid behind a half-collapsed wall. , pointing to the light of the fire for Lin Laoba to see.

Lin Laoba frowned after seeing it... There were several soldiers in armor in the light of the fire. They were digging through the ruins, but if they looked carefully, they were not rescuing people. Instead, they were putting a corpse into the ruins and a snake. After stuffing it into the corpse's mouth, a strange stone was moved and placed on top of the corpse.

And the corpse was still wearing official uniform... Lin Laoba's work of pouring night fragrance was done for the Yamen, so he had to go to the Yamen every month to collect wages. He had seen the prefect from a distance. After looking at it for a while , and recognized that the corpse was wearing the official uniform of a fourth-grade prefect.

That's the body of the prefect!

Wasn't the prefect exhumed and buried in a coffin? How would it appear here? What do these soldiers want to do?

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