A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2495 Zhongzhou Xiong Yue

Although Lin Laoba didn't know why they did this, he had an intuition that it was not simple and not a good thing, so he wisely kept his mouth shut and didn't ask anything.

It was dark, and there were too many debris in the ruins. Fang Tiangui was worried that he would step on things and make noise when he walked, which would make those people aware. He did not dare to move around, so he asked Lin Laoba to squat down, and the two of them hid behind the broken wall and waited.

Fortunately, it was cold, and those people were doing something bad, so they withdrew after finishing it.

Fang Tiangui didn't dare to move until he saw the torch light go away. He patted Lin Laoba on the shoulder and motioned for him to go back.

Lin Laoba was almost freezing. He squatted for a while before he could move his feet. He followed Fang Tiangui to the entrance of the Yamen alley. After a few steps, he patted Fang Tiangui and pointed at the ruins of the Yamen. "Brother Fang, do we want to move?" Come over and take a look?"

Fang Tiangui hesitated for a while, then finally shook his head, pointed forward and said: "Go back~"

Those people are government soldiers. No matter what they are doing, it is best for the two of them not to know about it, so as not to get into trouble.

Lin Laobao listened to Fang Tiangui very much, nodded and followed Fang Tiangui away.

The two of them were afraid of meeting those government soldiers, so they walked very slowly, thinking that if they did encounter them, they would hide quickly. They walked too fast and rushed in front of them, without even a chance to escape.

Fortunately, they didn't meet those people.

Mrs. Lin, Shou Niang, and Sister-in-law Fang had been waiting for them. When they saw that they came back safely, they brought hot salt water for them to drink.

Mrs. Lin said: "You are the last to come back. Everyone is asleep. Let's talk about anything tomorrow. Take the time to get some sleep, so as not to get up late tomorrow and delay everyone's journey."

"Hey, I'm going to bed now." Lin Laoba could only hold back his words, thinking that he would tell the birthday girl about his encounter tomorrow.

Early the next morning, everyone got up and spent an hour making some dry food. But in just this hour, something big happened in the city.

Uncle Fan from the next street knew that Fang Tiangui lived here, so he came over to ask him: "Fang Yamen, has the body of the prefect been buried?"

After hearing this, Fang Tiangui felt his heart skip a beat when he thought of what happened last night. He quickly calmed down and said, "It's true that the burial was put away. I even went to see it that day."

He was a yamen servant, and it was a big deal to bury the bodies of the three parents. After he learned the news, he wanted to help, but he was not needed. The soldiers did the job, so he stood in the distance and bowed a few times. .

Oh, Uncle Fan exclaimed, "That's really weird. This morning, Mao Liu, who lives by the old well, and a few relatives wanted to dig some food in the ruins of the Yamen. They actually saw a strange stone tablet. The stone tablet was red. It was white and red, and it was already valuable at first sight. The Mao Liu people thought it was jade and were so happy that they wanted to dig up the stone tablet and sell it for money. However, after digging out the stone tablet, they actually saw a corpse under the stone tablet. , that corpse was still wearing official uniform..."

Uncle Fan took a deep breath and continued: "Mao Liu and the others were frightened and wanted to pretend that this didn't happen, but his cousin Zhang Fu said that the body was wearing official uniform. He was afraid that it was a big shot and he had to report it to the government. The soldiers knew this, so they went to call the soldiers stationed at the city gate. When the soldiers came, they said it was the prefect... When they were about to move the body away and put it into the coffin, a thread crawled out of the mouth of the prefect. Red snake..."

"The snake thief was so fierce that he wanted to bite the soldiers, but he was chopped into pieces by the soldiers. However, a piece of bronze fell out of the snake's belly, and there was a line of small characters engraved on it, which read, "The scene collapsed and the hero came out!" "

Then he pulled Fang Tiangui and said, "Do you know which scene is the word? It's..."

Uncle Fan raised his hand and pointed to the sky...it was Emperor Jingyuan.

Fang Tiangui was not a fool. He understood immediately. He was so frightened that he withdrew his hand and yelled: "Uncle Fan, you are confused. You can't say this. I didn't hear anything!"

Got it, he got it, those people who buried the corpses in the ruins last night were actually doing something treacherous!

The scenery has collapsed. Doesn’t this mean that the country of Chu has collapsed?

As for who the hero was pointing out, Fang Tiangui didn't know yet, but it didn't take long for him to find out.

Uncle Fan said dissatisfied: "Fang Yamen, what kind of temper are you losing? I'm here to tell you because I'm familiar with you, so that you won't be ill-informed and something happens."

Oh, for his own good?

I'm afraid I took advantage of it and spread this rumor to those people!

It has to be said that Fang Tiangui is worthy of being a yamen servant. He is very keen on these things and has seen through Uncle Fan's tricks.

Originally, he was reluctant to part with his job as a government official, but now he just wants to leave here immediately. He said: "Uncle Fan, we have to go on our way, so I won't say more to you. Let's just say goodbye!"

After thinking about it, he gave a kind reminder: "Uncle Fan, this city is dangerous. If you can leave, please leave quickly."


Uncle Fan laughed in his heart. He is doing big things now. He may become an official in the future, but he will not follow you to suffer the hardship of escaping from disaster.

Then he asked hypocritically: "Are you really going to leave? I heard that there was an earthquake in nearby counties and towns, and there is no good land within a hundred miles. If you stay in Fucheng, you will be protected by government soldiers. If you leave here, if you encounter bandits , but there is no one to help.”

Fang Tiangui said: "There are too many corpses here. Xiao Suo said that once the corpses rot, they will get plague. We have children, so it is best to leave here to avoid getting sick."

The explanation was very reasonable. Uncle Fan didn't suspect anything. He said some polite words and left in a hurry to go to other campsites to promote what he just said to the survivors.

Soon, many survivors heard the words: When the scenery collapses and the ground collapses, heroes emerge!

Bang bang bang, Lin Lao Ba banged the bang and shouted: "Everyone, let's get together and go!"

People from thatched grass alley came here to gather.

Some acquaintances from the next street and their relatives also came, saying that they did not dare to live in the city anymore for fear of contracting the plague and wanted to go with them.

A group of more than two hundred people gathered together, dragging their families and injured people, and rushed to the city gate together... The earthquake was so great that two sides of the city wall collapsed. Now Yongtai Mansion has unimpeded access.

The government soldiers camped not far from the city gate and set up roadblocks. When they saw them leaving, they stopped them and asked, "Which family in the city are you from? Where are you going?!"

Fang Tiangui took out his government badge and household registration, and went up to explain the situation.

After hearing this, the soldiers carefully checked the token and household registration. After seeing that there was no problem, they asked: "Are you really going to leave? The people from the Zhongzhou Capital Commander's Department have already arrived. In a few days, a large number of soldiers will come to help us. , if you stay in Yongtai Mansion, your life will not be too bad in the future."

Fang Tiangui and the others have a lot of strong laborers. If they stay, they can serve as soldiers and help fight the war.

But Fang Tiangui shook his head and repeated what Xiaosuo said: "We have a child here. If he gets sick, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive, so it's better to leave first... Please make it easier for me, brother."

Then he gave the soldiers a bag of broken silver: "This is what we scraped together, there are more than two taels."

The soldiers from the government took the silver bag, weighed it, and did not embarrass them any more: "Okay, I won't keep you here if I want to leave, but you will keep your official badge. If you leave, you will no longer be a government servant of Yongtai Mansion. "

"Yes, I understand. Thank you brother for letting me go." Fang Tiangui said, cupping his fists and saluting.

The soldiers let them pass.

Fang Tiangui led a group of people to leave, and after walking for ten miles, he could no longer hold on and collapsed to the ground... A hero emerged from the Jingtan Landfall. This hero refers to Xiong Yue, the commander of the Zhongzhou capital, Xiong Yue. , he is planning a treason!

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