A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 898 How many sins has the old woman committed?

The Yuan family was picked up by Qin Sanlang and Gu Daya's family, but because they wanted to avoid suspicion, they did not move into the Gu Jinli family's house in Fucheng. Instead, they lived in an old house that had half collapsed in the city.

Here near the West City Gate, there are many old houses like this, which are now occupied by beggars.

Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli's men mingled among the beggars and protected the Yuan family in this area.

After settling the Yuan family, Qin Sanlang took Gu Daya's family back to Gu Jinli's house.

Gu Jinli heard that they were back and hurried to pick them up.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw the tired Qin Sanlang and Gu Daya's family: "Aunt, uncle, cousin Ming, and cousin Le."

After calling people one by one, he ran to Qin Sanlang, looked at him and said with a smile: "Brother Qin, is it hard for you to be back? I thought you wouldn't be able to come back in time."

Qin Sanlang and the others had hurried back all the way. They were a little tired now, but when he saw her, he became energetic. He looked down at her and smiled: "It's not hard, I will definitely come back before nineteen."

March 19th was her birthday. She was fifteen years old and had hair extensions. This was a once-in-a-lifetime big day. How could he not be there?


"I've wronged you this time."

Gu Jinli was stunned for a moment after hearing this. After he came to his senses, he smiled and said, "Why do you say this? What's wrong with this? It's just a birthday."

The ancients paid attention to the gift of hair extensions at the age of fifteen. As early as last year, Mrs. Cui had talked about how to give her hair extensions. It was said that when Gu Jinxiu was a child, she had nothing to do because she was poor. When it was her turn, she wanted to have a big party. She had already ordered the list of guests and the menu, but something happened to the old Gu family.

"It's okay. Killing the old Gu family is more important than me doing the haircut ceremony."

As long as the old Gu family is alive, her life will not be stable. Only by killing them can she live a stable life.

And she doesn't like to hold hair extensions. If she does, she will be watched like a monkey by the women in the village... Well, if she is surrounded by a group of women on her birthday and watched like monkeys, she might as well not do it.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang felt a little distressed. He stretched out his hand to touch her hair, but this was a courtyard and there were many people. He took his hand back and said to her, "I have prepared a gift for you."

Gu Jinli was very happy, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Then you can give me a gift tomorrow, whatever you want."

Seeing that he was a little tired, he urged: "Hurry up and take a shower and eat. After eating, we can talk about the Yuan family."

Qin Sanlang nodded and returned to the courtyard where brother Gu Jinan lived.

Doctor Du and the others were picked up by Luo Wu as witnesses. Now that there are many people in the house, the guest courtyard where he used to live has been allocated to the Du family, and Luo Wu, like him, lives in the courtyard of Gu Jinan and Cheng Geer. inside.

Ms. Cui was very pleased to see it, and felt that the matter between her second daughter and Sanlang was settled, but she couldn't help but pull Gu Jinli over and whispered: "Xiaoyu, you and Sanlang haven't been engaged yet, there are some things you shouldn't say in public. Say, you are not ashamed to take a bath."

Gu Jinli never blushed, and nodded: "Yes, I understand, mother, I will pay attention next time."

She also asked Brother Qin to take off his clothes, gave him medicine, and asked him to take a bath or something?

But this is ancient times, and she knows the rules. When there are many people, she should stick to them.

Mo Qinzi was pregnant, and now her belly was very big. She and Qi Kangping arrived in Fucheng just yesterday. When they knew that Gu Daya and the others were back, they also came out to greet them and asked them to wash up and eat before eating.

After working for half an hour, Gu Daya and the others finally packed up, had a hot tea and rice, and talked about the Yuan family's affairs with Gu Jinli and the others.

"The Yuan Jiagui and Tian Xiwang families also suffered a lot. When they fled to Zhongzhou, they had no choice but to sell themselves as servants. But the fate of Mr. Dai's family, which they sold themselves to, was not good, because the chaos in Zhongzhou was worse than that of Jianghuai , Jiangnan Chang, Master Dai’s family couldn’t continue their business, so he took them to Laihe Mansion and went to live with relatives.”

"When Mr. Dai's family went to relatives, they sold some of their servants. Yuan Jiagui's two sons were sold like this. Yuan Jiagui was able to treat animals, so he was kept by Mr. Dai's family. Now he brings them with him A grandson and a granddaughter are struggling to survive.”

"He originally didn't want to get involved in this muddy water. It was Saburo who promised him that he would redeem the lives of his ancestors and grandchildren, buy twenty acres of fertile land and a house to accommodate them, and then help him find his two sons who were sold."

Tian Xiwang's family did it for their daughter. Mr. Dai, that bad old man, fell in love with Tian Xiwang's daughter and wanted her to be their maid. Tian Xiwang's family didn't want their daughter to suffer. When they saw that Qin Sanlang was willing to redeem their lives, they agreed to come and testify.

As for Mr. Dai, his family was in a state of decline, so he would relent and betray him if he was given more money.

Gu Jinli and the others knew about the existence of the Yuan family because they had been looking for Gu Fuya's family in the past few years. They copied many lists of people who had fled from the government, official offices, and private offices, but Gu Fuya's family could not be found. But I found someone from Yuanjiaji.

After Gu Daya and the others talked about the Yuan family's affairs, they went back to the house to rest.

The next day, before the gate of Fucheng Yamen was opened, the Yuan family went to beat drums and complain.

Boom, boom, boom!

The early risers on the street were attracted by the sound of the drums. They stood watching and asked with some lack of interest: "Why are you playing the drums? Are there any grievances? Is the grievance serious?"

Isn’t it wonderful?

After watching the good show of the old Gu family, they are now very picky and have no interest at all in the less exciting things, such as the Zhang family's stealing the Li family's cow.

Yuan Jiagui didn't know that the people of He'an Prefecture were like this. Hearing this, he was stunned, turned around with a hunched back, looked at them and said: "We are from Yuanjia Village, Gaoshui County, Long'an Prefecture in the northwest. I heard that Gu Pan was arrested Come and sue her for... murdering her husband!"

The descendants of the Qin family said that they could not sue Mr. Li directly. The people would be punished if they sued the officials. Only by suing Mrs. Gu could they avoid the punishment.

With one sentence, the sleepy people of He'an Mansion immediately became energetic and asked Yuan Jiagui: "Are you serious? Are you going to sue Mrs. Gu for murdering her husband?!"

Yuan Jiagui nodded and said, "Well, I, Yuan Jiagui, want to sue Pan, a vicious woman, for murdering her husband on behalf of the Yuan family."

The people on the street were extremely excited after hearing this. They didn't expect that there would be a follow-up to Mrs. Gu's gossip?

They shouted at the top of their lungs: "Someone is coming! Someone is coming from Yuanjia Village in the northwest, and they want to sue Mrs. Gu for murdering her husband Yuan Jiaman!"

Yuan Jiaman's name was mentioned several times in the courtroom in the past two days, and everyone knew it.

The people of He'an Mansion were very vocal. They ran and shouted all the way. In less than two quarters of an hour, half of the city knew about it.

When the government officials heard that there was a murder case, they immediately opened the door, welcomed the Yuan family in, and sent someone to inform the ancient prefect and Tang Tongxuan.

When the ancient magistrate heard the news, he was so disgusted that he almost vomited: "Why are you here to sue Mrs. Gu again? How many evils has this old woman done, and how many times does she want to die?"

However, Gu Zhifu still said: "Where are the Yuan family? Take them to the court. I will be there in a few minutes."

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