A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 899 Young Master of the Li Family

Zhang Bantou said: "I have been brought to the court to kneel. My brothers are watching. Don't worry, sir. Nothing will happen."

The ancient prefect nodded when he heard this. While letting his servants get dressed, he asked excitedly, "Is Mrs. Gu still alive? But she must not die."

Mrs. Gu was old and had suffered a stroke and was paralyzed. The ancient prefect was always afraid that she would not be able to survive the execution.

Zhang Bantou smiled and said: "Don't worry, sir, the old woman is still in high spirits. She won't die in a short time."

They originally thought that Mrs. Gu had suffered such a big blow and would go to see King Yama at any time, but she was amazing. She was able to eat, drink, sleep, and maintain her body.

"She was reluctant to die. She always wanted to eat and drink, and she would make a fuss if she was a little late." The government officials were tortured so much by her that they wished she would be dead as soon as they woke up.

The ancient magistrate was relieved after hearing this and said: "The wicked will live longer."

Not long after, the ancient prefect put on his official uniform, had a good meal, and then followed Zhang Bantou to the court. In fact, I was so hungry last time that I almost starved to death in the court. This time I had to eat before going to court.

When the ancient magistrate arrived, people from three floors inside and three outside had already surrounded the yamen gate. They were all asking towards the court: "Master, when will the court be raised? Hurry up, we are still in a hurry." Working!"

The ancient prefect's face was dark. If you have work to do, just do it. Why are you here to see the excitement? This is a court, not a library. Can't you be a little afraid of the government office?

"Sir, please ascend to the throne." Tang Tongpan said and saluted the ancient prefect.

Originally, it should be his business to be promoted to court, but since the ancient magistrate personally tried the case of Mrs. Gu, he has been very good to him in the past two days. From time to time, he will say, Mr. Tang, thank you for your hard work, I have a new one in my family. Lao Shan Ginseng, I’ll bring it to replenish your health some other time. It’s too hard for you to always go to court to hear cases.

Therefore, Tang Tongpan wanted the ancient magistrate to try the case on his behalf, and he also knew how hard it was to try the case.

The ancient prefect also wanted merit. After all, only with merit could he be transferred to Jiangnan to serve.

That place in the south of the Yangtze River is rich and a great place. Dachu has not been doing well in recent years. There have been troubles in the area north of Zhongzhou from time to time, and there is a shortage of food. He does not want to be transferred to the north next year. It is best to accumulate more merit and adjust Jiangnan.

With a bang, the ancient prefect slapped the hall, shouted, and then went up to the hall. He asked the people in the hall: "Who is here? What are you telling me? Come quickly."

I sighed inwardly, why is this Shengtang's speech so similar to the storyteller's opening speech?

Yuan Jiagui said: "My lord, the grassroots are villagers who fled from Yuanjia Village, Gaoshui County, Long'an Prefecture in the northwest. They came to sue Gu Pan on behalf of the entire Yuan family for murdering my cousin Yuan Jiaman. Please make the decision for my cousin." , he was killed by Gu Pan and his adulterer!"

As he said that, he handed over a piece of paper.

The Yamen servant came over immediately and showed the paper to the ancient prefect.

After reading it, the ancient prefect was shocked. He pointed to a paragraph written on the petition and said, "You said that the adulterer who killed Yuan Jiaman back then was surnamed Li, and he was the young master of the Li family in Long'an Prefecture?!"

The Li family in Long'an Prefecture is not the Li family. The adulterer mentioned in the paper cannot be Li Li, right?

Are the rumors true?

Gu Youwen and the others are really Mr. Li's descendants?

The ancient magistrate was confused, Mrs. Gu, you can do it, you have a pair of squinty eyes and you can charm Mr. Li into having so many children with you.

The ancient prefect almost suspected that Mrs. Gu was a great beauty who conquered the country when she was young.

Yuan Jiagui said: "Exactly. This young master of the Li family has come to see Pan many times, and some people from Yuanjia Village have met him. My family lives close to cousin Man's family, and I have bumped into him a few times. But the Li family is very powerful. , the people in the village didn't dare to say anything...it wasn't until something happened to cousin Man that the village started making a fuss and wanted to immerse Gu Pan in the pig cage."

At that time, the village only wanted to pay for Gu Pan's life, and did not dare to say that it wanted to cause trouble for the Li family. At that time, the Li family was not only wealthy, but the young master of the Li family also married an official daughter, but he could not afford to offend her.

"Then why is Mrs. Gu Pan not dead? Do you dare to find a man to marry for a second time?" asked the ancient magistrate. He had tried the case of Mrs. Gu poisoning Mrs. Fei and knew that although Mrs. Gu was beaten by everyone in Yuanjia Village, she was very Arrogantly, she continued to look for men, and finally got married for the second time and left Yuanjiacun.

Yuan Jiagui said: "It was the Li family who helped. At that time, the village chief's son, Cousin Wen, was working as a shopkeeper in a Fucheng restaurant and was framed by the Li family. If the Yuan family soaked Gu Pan's pig cage, Cousin Wen would be arrested. If sentenced, the entire Yuan family will be implicated."

Da Chu has a system of sitting together. If one member of the clan breaks the law and the whole clan sits together, everyone is afraid. For the sake of the whole clan, they can only let Yuan Jiaman die unjustly.

The ancient prefect knew the shortcomings of the continuous sitting system and did not question Yuan Jiagui when he heard this. "Then why did you come to sue Gu Pan again? Who instructed you?"

Otherwise, how could he come from Linhe Mansion?

Yuan Jiagui shook his head and did not admit it, but said with red eyes: "I am old and I am afraid that one day I will be scolded by my cousin when I go underground, so I came to sue the official..."

Then, Yuan Jiagui talked about what happened back then.

"At that time, everyone thought that cousin Man fell into the Gaoshui River outside the county and drowned after being drunk. But they didn't know that when cousin Man was fighting with the young master of the Li family, he was pushed to the back of the house by the young master of the Li family. Drowned in the pond..."

When Yuan Jiagui said this, recalling what happened that year, he couldn't help crying anymore: "I saw it, I really saw it... Cousin Man wanted to climb to the shore, but Gu Pan used a bamboo pole to push him into the water. , a few times later, cousin Man sank into the pond, and these two villains collaborated to kill cousin Man!"

"I was very scared at the time and didn't know what to do. When I saw this, I ran back to the house. I fell ill that night and was in a coma with a high fever for a day and a night. When I woke up, I heard that my cousin Man Man had been drinking alcohol. Drunk, he fell into the high-water river and drowned."

"But cousin Man died in the pond behind his house. He was killed by Gu Pan and the young master of the Li family!"

"I'm sorry for cousin Man. It's because I'm afraid of getting into trouble and don't dare to speak out about it... I'm sorry for cousin Man!"

The Yuan family burst into tears and talked incoherently about what happened back then... After so many years, he thought he had forgotten it. As long as he didn't think about it, he could live without burden.

When the Qin boy came to beg him, he was not willing to sue Gu Pan.

However, he is cousin Man's brother. They share the same grandfather. They clearly know that he died tragically, so how can you not avenge him? !

Seeing Yuan Jiagui crying quite miserably, the ancient prefect couldn't bear it. After he cried for a while and finished crying the guilt in his heart, he asked: "The young master of the Li family you mentioned is called Li Zhi?"

Yuan Jiagui nodded: "Well, it's Li Zhi. Not many people dare to call him his name. Everyone calls him Master Li, or Shen Tong Li."

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