A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 900 Arrogant Litigator

At that time, everyone in Long'an Prefecture was the prodigy Li of the great businessman Li family. He was a prodigy at the age of three, could recite a three-character classic at the age of four, could recite a thousand-character classic at the age of five, and was admitted to the Tongsheng examination at the age of thirteen.

Li Shentong's name was called until Li Zhidang's father went to study abroad, and then he stopped calling him.

After watching the case of Mrs. Gu murdering Fei, the people who watched the excitement were actually not that interested in Mrs. Gu murdering her husband. However, when they heard that the adulterer was Li Zhi, they went crazy with excitement.

"What, what are you talking about? The person who plotted with Mrs. Gu to kill her husband is Li Zhi? Mr. Li from our city?!"

"Oh my god, can't you? Mrs. Gu and Mr. Li actually did things under the quilt. So are Gu Youwen and Gu Youlu the descendants of Mr. Gu?"

Someone replied: "That's bullshit! Gu Youwen was born less than seven months after Mrs. Gu entered the Gu family. He must be Mr. Li's son. Looking at the three sons of the old Gu family, Gu Youfu has grown up. They have to look like Mr. Gu, Gu Youwen and Gu Youlu both look like Mr. Li, they are carved from the same mold, and you can tell at a glance that they are father and son."

In fact, Gu Youwen and Gu Youlu don't look like Mr. Li at all, but look like Mr. Li's uncle.

But the people of He'an Mansion didn't care. They were excited and echoed: "Yes, yes, I have noticed for a long time that Gu Youwen and Gu Youlu look like Mr. Li. Oh, oh, this is the first time I see Gu Youwen. At that time, I thought I saw Mr. Li, that statue!"

With a bang, the ancient magistrate couldn't stand it anymore and scolded the people watching the excitement: "Be quiet, if you dare to make any noise again, I will be rude to you!"

I don't know how many times the ancient prefect has said this. The people of He'an Prefecture are not afraid, but they still stay quiet because they want to hear gossip.

The servants from major restaurants and storytelling houses hurried back to tell the storytellers about the government affairs.

The ancient prefect saw it and did not call them to stop. He let them go and continued to ask Yuan Jiagui: "These are all your one-sided words. It is impossible to sue the official based on one-sided words. Do you have evidence? I remind you, If there is no evidence, you are slandering the imperial officials and the whole clan should be punished according to the law."

After hearing this, Tian Xiwang's family became a little nervous and looked at Yuan Jiagui: "Uncle Yuan, do you have any evidence? If not, we are doomed."

Although their surname is not Yuan, they followed Yuan Jiagui to testify, and the evidence in his family's hands could not put Li Zhi in jail. At most, it would only damage his reputation.

Yuan Jiagui's grandson was a little scared, but he pulled Yuan Jiagui and said with a smile: "Grandpa is fine, we will accompany you until you grow old."

He and his sister only have their grandfather left. Regardless of whether he can sue or not, they will stay with him and will not be separated again.

Yuan Jiagui looked at his grandson and was very pleased... This grandson used to be the most disobedient, but on the way to escape, after watching several cousins ​​die one after another, he became extremely sensible and knew how to think about his family.

Yuan Jiagui touched his grandson's head and said, "Brother, don't worry, grandpa has evidence."

As he spoke, he pulled off the rope hanging around his neck and pulled out a fist-sized bag from his clothes. The bag was very thick and had layers upon layers. The mouth of the bag was also sealed with thread and required a knife to open. .

Yuan Jiagui handed the bag to the ancient magistrate and said: "There is a small half piece of jade pendant inside. I woke up and heard that my cousin Man was gone. I felt guilty, so I secretly went to the pond to rummage that night and found it in the soil of a clump of grass. That There are more than half of the characters on it, I asked someone to look at it, and it is mostly the characters of Zhi, which can prove that it belongs to Li Zhi."

After hearing this, the ancient prefect immediately asked the government officials to cut open the cloth bag and take out the half piece of jade pendant in public. There was indeed a word "zhi" on it that was broken diagonally from left to right.

What I can see clearly is that half of the kou character on the right side of the word "zhi" is missing.

Everyone present was shocked, and the common people said: "Sir, Master Li is really Mrs. Gu's concubine. She collaborated with Mrs. Gu to kill Yuan Jiaman. Please arrest this evil person quickly!"

Tang Tongpan also said: "Sir, with all the witnesses and material evidence, we can order the arrest."

Although Li Zhi is an official, this is a major murder case and he should be arrested if the evidence is solid.

The ancient prefect thought for a while... The emperor was in good health and was still giving birth to children, but the eldest prince dared to form gangs and was seeking death. He probably wouldn't live long.

"Come here, follow the order of this government. Li Zhi attempted to kill people. The evidence is conclusive. Arrest and bring him to justice immediately!" Gu Zhifu said.

"Yes." Squad leader Zhang responded, and immediately led a group of government officials to arrest people. He was extremely happy. He had arrested people twice in the past few days, and his achievements were much greater than that of squad leader Ma.

Half of the people watching the excitement followed Zhang Bantou and others to arrest people.

Mr. Li had already received the news and was sitting at home neatly dressed waiting. As soon as Team Leader Zhang arrived, he followed Team Leader Zhang directly without any resistance.

However, he came with a group of people.

Among this group of people was a staff member named Wu who specialized in litigation and was an extremely powerful litigator.

As soon as Mr. Li arrived at the government office, he did not kneel down and only said: "Master magistrate, I want to sue Yuan Jiagui for slandering the imperial official."

He complained as soon as he came, which shocked the people present.

The ancient prefect knew that Mr. Li would not be arrested without hesitation, so he was not too panicked. He took the petition from Wu Wu and after reading it, he said: "Mr. Li, you said that Yuan Jiagui slandered you. Do you have any evidence to prove that he is slandering you? He is There is evidence that you and Mrs. Gu collaborated to murder Yuan Jiaman."

Wu Litigation Master smiled: "Master Magistrate, can the one-sided statement of the accuser be called evidence? Can a small broken jade pendant be called physical evidence? There are so many people named Zhi, who can prove that the owner of that jade pendant is Mr. Li? "

Finally, he said a heart-wrenching sentence: "My lord, the magistrate, you are the chief official of the government. Although you can resolve the case, should you avoid the case where the unruly people sue the colleagues of the government?"

He added: "Your Excellency doesn't often handle cases, and if you don't know much about the criminal laws of Dachu, I can remind you. When the chief official of a government encounters a case where an unruly citizen sues a fellow government officer, he can first suppress the case and not test the person. The physical evidence was sent to Dali Temple in the capital, and Dali Temple sent people to interrogate Mr. Li. But why didn't you do this? Is it intentional..."

"Shut up, Mr. Wu. It is a serious crime to slander the chief official of a palace in front of the court." Tang Tongjian interrupted Mr. Wu: "What you are talking about is just one of them. In Dachu criminal law, if it is a major or urgent case, as long as there is evidence, , even if they are colleagues in the same government, the chief officer of the government office can immediately try the assistant officer of the government office, and then report to the capital afterwards."

This criminal law was set by the first emperor of Da Chu. In fact, at the beginning of the establishment of Da Chu, there were too many cases in various places. By the time they were reported to the capital, the fresh corpses would turn into bones.

Therefore, the first emperor of the Chu Dynasty set such a criminal law. As long as the evidence is conclusive, no matter who it is, even an assistant officer can try the chief official, let alone the chief official of the first palace trying Mr. Li, the assistant officer.

Advocate Wu continued calmly: "Mr. Tang is familiar with the criminal laws of Dachu, and Wu admires him. But the evidence and evidence provided by the government are unconvincing. If the government cannot produce new evidence, they will interrogate Mr. Li." Then the Li family will definitely sue the capital, and then not even the Yuan family, not even Mr. Tang and Mr. Gu will be able to get anything done."

Attorney Wu was so arrogant that he killed Yuan Jiagui, who was not a witness. The word "zhi" in the jade pendant cannot represent Mr. Li.

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