A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 913 Is your family still alive?

When Qin Sanlang saw it was Gu Jinan, he let down his guard and said with a smile: "Well, Xiaoyu agreed, I will ask grandpa to come to your house to propose marriage as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Gu Jinan breathed a sigh of relief and finally agreed. If Xiaoyu didn't agree again, he wouldn't see the vegetable field anymore!


He approached Qin Sanlang, looked at his reddish face, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why are you blushing? What did you do to Xiaoyu? I'm warning you, don't do anything random."

Qin Sanlang's face returned to normal as he spoke, turning into as cold as night.

Gu Jin'an was startled. This boy changed his face so quickly. No wonder even Xiaoyu was fooled. He thought his smile looked good, like sunshine. If Xiaoyu had seen him training in the military training camp, or had seen him killing bandits in the bandits' village, he would definitely not have thought that he was a young man with a warm and good-looking smile, but would have thought that he looked like A well-made killing weapon.

Qin Sanlang said: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to Xiaoyu."

Gu Jinan looked at his face carefully, and after seeing nothing, he said, "It's getting late, go back to sleep."

Then he turned around and walked along the corridor towards his house.

After taking a few steps, he stopped, turned to look at Qin Sanlang, and asked, "Is there anyone else alive in your family?"

Qin Sanlang was startled and looked at Gu Jinan... In the rainy night, his face was hidden in the darkness. His face could only be seen clearly when the lightning struck down.

Before Qin Sanlang could answer, Gu Jinan yawned and said with a smile: "I'm just asking casually, and I would like to remind you that if you make up your mind to marry Xiaoyu, you must put her first. Don't stay away from her for so-called relatives, or doubt her... She is not very good at handling such a relationship, so if you have family members who are still alive, you have to protect her when you meet her in the future, and you cannot let her be influenced by your family members. Wronged."

After Qin Sanlang heard this, he was very grateful. Brother An was smart and had already discovered some clues, but he did not make things difficult for him. He just asked him to be good to Xiaoyu.

"She is the most important person to me. No matter what happens in the future, I will stand by her side." Qin Sanlang made the promise, and this was what he really meant.

His parents are no longer alive, and Xiaoyu is the person he cares about most.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan finally felt relieved and walked away.

Qin Sanlang stood there and looked towards the yard where Gu Jinli lived for a moment, then turned around and went back to the house to sleep.

It rained heavily all night, with a crackling sound, and suddenly stopped when it was almost dawn. The sun rose and shone on the house washed by the rain, making everything in the house look clear and dazzling.

Gu Jinli suffered from insomnia and didn't fall asleep until it was almost dawn. Xiaoji went to call her, but she didn't open the door. She just said in a daze: "I'm sleepy, don't disturb me, I want to sleep."

She slept until noon, which made Qin Sanlang extremely anxious, wondering if she was sick? Or was he too frightened by Meng Lang last night?

He was very worried and called Brother Cheng: "Go and see if your second sister is awake. It's past noon. It's time for her to get up and eat, otherwise she will be hungry."

Brother Cheng looked at Qin Sanlang and said: "Brother Sanlang, don't worry, the second sister just wants to sleep in. In the past, when you were on duty at the military station, the second sister would occasionally sleep until midnight at home."

If Gu Jinli heard this, he would be furious. You slandered my reputation, brat. When did I sleep until midnight? I was so diligent that I got up to work before dawn.

But Qin Sanlang was still worried and handed him a prepared food box: "Go and take a look. If your second sister is sleeping, then let her get up and eat something first, and then go to bed after eating."

Brother Cheng was speechless and asked: "Brother Sanlang, my second sister slept in, shouldn't you scold her?"

He also gave her something to eat and then went to bed after eating. In the past, when he wanted to sleep and didn't want to get up early to practice boxing, Brother Sanlang and his eldest brother would just lift the quilt and carry him to practice.

Qin Sanlang smiled, with a hint of tenderness in his smile: "Your second sister must be sleepy if she wants to sleep in. How can you scold her? Be obedient and go see your second sister quickly."

After hearing this, Brother Cheng could only carry the food box to find Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli had already slept enough, and was sitting on the bed taking a nap with his quilt in his arms. Brother Cheng came, patted the door and said, "Second sister, open the door, I'm here."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli got up and opened the door for Brother Cheng, then lay down on the bed and squinted.

Brother Cheng shook his head when he saw it, put down the food box and came to pull her: "Second sister, you are still lying in bed at such an old age. Get up quickly. If you don't work harder, you won't be able to get married."

Gu Jinli hummed: "Who said I can't get married?"

But there is someone waiting eagerly to marry me.

Brother Cheng couldn't hold her back, so he could only say: "Brother Sanlang told you to get up and eat first, and then go to bed after eating."

Gu Jinli was so excited that he sat up from the bed, looked at Brother Cheng and asked, "Brother Qin is looking for you?"

Then he looked at the food box on the ground and asked, "Did he ask you to get it?"

Brother Cheng nodded: "Well, Brother Sanlang saw that you haven't gotten up and was worried that you were hungry, so he asked me to bring something for you to eat."

Looking at Gu Jinli's face again, he asked: "Second sister, why is your face red? Are you sick?"

When you catch a cold or get sick, you will have a fever, and your cheeks will turn red. This has happened to him before.

Gu Jinli patted his cheek and said, "No, I'm just a little hot. I'm hungry. Bring the food box over. I want to eat."

Brother Cheng looked at her face and asked, "Is the second sister really not sick?"

Gu Jinli was angry: "Why are you getting more and more verbose as you get older? You already said you're not sick. I'm very fine. Hurry up and get the food box."

After hearing this, Brother Cheng had no choice but to take the food box over, open it, and take out the food inside, which was all Gu Jinli liked to eat, as well as a bowl of chicken soup.

When Gu Jinli saw the chicken soup, his heart warmed, and he drank it. As he drank, his cheeks turned redder when he thought about him kissing her last night.

Brother Cheng frowned, stood on tiptoes, and put his hand on Gu Jinli's forehead: "It's not very hot, but why is the second sister blushing?"

Gu Jinli's eyes wandered, and he laughed and said, "People's faces will be red for a while when they wake up in the morning. This is normal, and it's not an illness."

Not shy either!

Brother Cheng was doubtful after hearing this, and ran out of the house instead of talking to Gu Jinli.

"Brother Cheng, where are you going?" Gu Jinli asked, but Brother Cheng had already disappeared and could only mutter: "The older you get, the more disobedient you become."

But not long after, Qin Sanlang came.

Gu Jinli was shocked when he saw him: "Why are you here? Brother Cheng went to call you?"

Also afraid that Gu Jinxiu would see him, he hurriedly got up and closed the door.

Qin Sanlang saw her acting like a thief and smiled: "Eldest sister is not in the yard. She has gone to Aunt Dashan's place. Xiao Ji was called away by Er Qing."

So there were only two of them in this yard, so she didn't have to worry.

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