Gu Jinli looked at him: "That's why you dare to be so bold and come here during the day."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, come and see you."

He said it so naturally that Gu Jinli choked and said angrily: "I have nothing good to see. Didn't you just watch it last night?"

When they mentioned the word last night, both of them were stunned, and then their faces turned red.

Qin Sanlang's body was a little stiff. He looked at the food on the table, picked up a piece of pancake she had left, took a bite, and said: "It's very delicious, there is still a lot left. Are you full?" "

Gu Jinli was a little confused. Why did he suddenly talk about eating?

She nodded and said, "I'm full."

He asked Brother Cheng to bring a lot of things. She ate most of them and was very full.

Qin Sanlang sat down, took another bite of the cake, and finally asked what he wanted to ask the most: "You weren't scared by me, were you?"


Gu Jinli was stunned. Was he referring to his sudden kiss on her last night?

"I never thought about doing that, but I just couldn't help it." He explained that he had liked her for a long time, always cherished her, and never thought of offending her. But after all, he is a hot-blooded young man. When facing the girl he likes, he will always do what he wants to do impulsively.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli looked at his face pretending to be calm while biting the pancake, and smiled: "I wasn't scared."

It's just a kiss, what's the big deal?

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang finally dared to look at her: "Really?"

Gu Jinli saw that his whole body became relaxed, and nodded with a smile: "Of course it's true. Do you think the reason why I can't get up all day long is because you scared me last night? I didn't, I was just sleepy and wanted to sleep."

He added: "The thunderstorm last night was so loud that I didn't fall asleep until dawn."

It's not because you have insomnia that you can't sleep, so you slept in late today.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang was relieved a lot. It's good that Xiaoyu wasn't frightened by him.

He ate the remaining cake in his hand, drank a glass of water, wiped his hands with the handkerchief on the table, then turned and walked towards her.

Gu Jinli was shocked: "Stop."

Qin Sanlang smiled, did not stop, but continued to walk towards her, reached out to hold her hand, and said: "I don't do anything, I just want to tell Xiaoyu that you didn't reject me last night, I'm very happy .”

Gu Jinli's face felt a little hot and he asked him: "How happy are you?"

Qin Sanlang came closer to her and said, "I'm so happy that I can't sleep."

Always thinking of you.

Gu Jinli was stunned, holding a piece of fruit and looking at him. Did this kid already know that she slept in because she had insomnia last night?

Qin Sanlang's smile gradually deepened. Xiaoyu's stunned look was so cute. He supported her hand with his hand and reminded: "Eat the fruit. It took a lot of effort to get it."

Fruits at this time of year are even rarer than in winter. It took him a while to get a dozen of them for her. Although they didn't taste that sweet, they could satisfy her craving.

With a click, Gu Jinli took a bite of the fruit. After chewing it a few times, he suddenly stared at him and said, "Where did you learn this?!"

Qin Sanlang frowned: "Where did you learn it?"

Gu Jinli gritted his teeth: "Don't be pretentious, have you ever kissed other little girls? Otherwise, how could you do this!"

Quite skillful!

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang laughed out loud, tapped her nose with his index finger, and said, "I have only kissed you. As for why, it must be instinct."


After hearing this, Gu Jinli hurriedly lowered his head and gnawed the fruit in his hand.

Qin Sanlang looked at her with a red face and eating fruit to avoid his sight. He smiled more and more happily, and he came closer to her and said: "Don't eat in a hurry, there are still fruits, I will bring them to you in the evening. "

He came too close, and the breath of his words blew on her face, making her face even hotter. Finally, she became angry and raised her head to glare at him. But because she was too close, the tip of her nose almost touched his. Kissed together again.

Both of them were stunned and looked at each other blankly.

There was a sound of footsteps, it was Brother Cheng who was here.

Qin Sanlang stood up straight reluctantly, looked at the door, and asked Brother Cheng who happened to come here: "Is your eldest sister back so soon?"

Brother Cheng shook his head: "No, the eldest sister went to Rob's family's yard. It's time for Brother Sanlang to leave."

The eldest brother said that if Brother Sanlang asked him to spy on the second sister, he could only let Brother Sanlang stay with the second sister for a quarter of an hour at most, but not more than a quarter of an hour.

Now it was a quarter of an hour before he came to call someone.

Qin Sanlang was a little helpless, but he knew that he really shouldn't spend too much time alone with her before getting married, so he could only tell her: "I'm leaving first. If you are still sleepy, go to sleep again. Remember to get up in the evening to eat." , don’t go hungry.”

Gu Jinli smiled after hearing his indulgent words and asked him: "I sleep all day long, don't you think I'm lazy?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "I don't mind, Xiaoyu is the most diligent."

Brother Cheng wanted to roll his eyes, but the eldest brother was indeed right. In Brother Sanlang's eyes, the second sister was good no matter what.

Gu Jinli also smiled, his whole body was enveloped in joy, and said to him: "Well, I understand, you can go without worries."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang turned around and left, but he went to ask to see Gu Dashan and Cui. After seeing them, he knelt down and said: "Uncle Dashan, Aunt Dashan, I am very fond of Xiaoyu and want to marry her. I came here to express my feelings to you two elders, and I hope you will agree."

Originally, this matter should have been discussed by grandpa after he returned home. After the two adults had discussed it, his family would invite a matchmaker to come to the house to officially propose marriage.

But he couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to get the consent of Gu Dashan and Cui first. After crossing Ming Road, it would be easier for him to meet Xiaoyu in the house.

Gu Dashan and Cui were stunned by him, and they were stunned for a moment before they realized what they were doing.

The couple both laughed, helped Qin Sanlang up and said, "Why are you so anxious, kid? If you are interested, just ask your grandfather to come to propose marriage when you get back. There is no need to come here like this."

Everyone knows that you are good to Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyu can't run away, so why are you anxious?

Even though they said this, Gu Dashan and Cui were still very happy. It is a good thing for Xiaoyu that Sanlang cares so much about Xiaoyu, and they are happy to see this.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang was very happy. Uncle Dashan and Aunt Dashan had agreed to him. He immediately said: "You are rude."

Then he said: "Don't worry, you two elders. When we get back, I will ask grandpa to come to propose marriage immediately."

Gu Dashan and Mr. Cui naturally nodded and said yes. Sanlang was originally their favorite son-in-law. Seeing that Sanlang liked Xiaoyu so much, they naturally would not embarrass him.

Gu Jinli soon learned about this from Brother Cheng, and was confused: "I'm so embarrassed, how can I see anyone these days?"

We all live under the same roof, and if he just goes to propose marriage to his parents, she can't resist it no matter how thick-skinned she is.

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