Brother Cheng was more magnanimous than her and said, "Second sister, what's so shameful about this? This is a good thing."

It's not the first day they met. The two families live next to each other, and Brother Sanlang has never concealed his kindness to the second sister. The adults of the two families have already approved of their marriage, and they are waiting for the second sister to have hairpins and the Qin family to propose marriage. .

Gu Jinli glared at him: "You don't understand. You will know when you find a girl you like in the future."

Originally she thought she was quite thick-skinned, but after meeting Qin Sanlang, she realized that she could blush too.

Brother Cheng still had schoolwork to do and didn't have time to stay with Gu Jinli. After telling her what happened, he went to study.

Gu Jinli sat in the room for a moment with a hot face, and then was called away by Ms. Cui.

Mrs. Cui told them about Qin Sanlang coming to propose marriage to them, and asked her what she meant. Do you want to agree?

Gu Jinli did not dare to look directly at Mrs. Cui, and only said: "It's okay for parents to make the decision."

"You." Mrs. Cui smiled, raised her hand and tapped her forehead: "I obviously like Sanlang very much, so I have to pretend. Okay, mother knows. When the Qin family formally proposes marriage, mother will agree. "

Both daughters were settled, and the second daughter with the worst temper was still favored by her future husband. Mrs. Cui was so happy that two big stones in her heart fell to the ground.

That night, Qin Sanlang came again, gave her fruits to eat, and told her that he had gone to Gu Dashan and Cui to tell her about marrying her: "Xiaoyu, don't be angry, I know I should wait until I get back, but After thinking about it, I still think it’s better to cross the road as soon as possible.”

He didn't want to be sneaky, he wanted to be honest and meet her as his fiancé.

Gu Jinli glared at him and said, "You said it all, what's the use of me being angry?"

I was afraid that he would think too much, so I said: "I'm not angry, I can tell you sooner or later."

Qin Sanlang smiled, knowing that Xiaoyu would not blame him and wanted to be with him.

Seeing that he was smiling so well, Gu Jinli said angrily: "Why are you laughing? Where are the fruits? Give them all to me."

"No." Qin Sanlang refused: "The fruits have been divided for you, two a day, and I will bring them to you every night."

Gu Jinli narrowed his eyes: "Are you looking for an excuse to see me?"

Qin Sanlang did not deny it, but nodded: "Well, so I can't give you all the fruits now."

Gu Jinli was angry: "You are just taking advantage of my love for eating fruits and using them to trick me."

Qin Sanlang still smiled and nodded: "Well, Xiaoyu is right."

He just used the fruit as an excuse to see her.

Gu Jinli had been quite happy these past two days, but the old Gu family had been in dire straits.

Mrs. Zhang felt that her room was being implicated by Mrs. Gu and Mr. Li. She was so angry that she ran to scold Aunt Gu, Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Zheng. However, Aunt Gu and the other three scolded her back: "Bah, you guys are innocent in this room." ? Your Gu Youfu was not born to Li Shiliu? The yamen officer made it very clear that all the children and grandchildren born to Li Shiliu will sit together. Your Gu Youfu came out of Li Shiliu’s belly. How can you have the face to scold us? !”

There was only one person in the Zhang family, how could she possibly be able to quarrel with Aunt Gu and the others? Not only did she not win the argument, she was even beaten up by Aunt Gu and the others.

Mrs. Zhang returned to her yard in tears, looked at Gu Youfu who was lying half-dead on the bed, and cursed him: "You wretched bastard, look at the good things your mother has done, you have never been able to enjoy it in this life." Forget her blessings, if we still have to suffer from her, our house is doomed, and we will be exiled soon, and we will die on the road to exile!"

Zhang was crying so much that Gu Youfu was so scared that he wanted to speak, but when the mule cart overturned, his tongue was cut off. Now he can't speak clearly and can only speak a few words. .

"Go to Dad... Dad has a solution."

Mrs. Zhang heard the curse and said: "Bah, your father is just an old bastard. He has been cuckolded by your mother all his life. Now he is paralyzed. What can he do?"

Mrs. Zhang was always cursing, but she didn't regard Gu Youfu as a human being at all, so she couldn't be more happy by scolding him.

Tired of scolding, he ran to scold Mr. Gu again.

Mr. Gu had been in a coma for a day and woke up last night. After waking up, he kept shouting: "Shan, my dear... lift me up to see the mountains."

He has been clamoring for Gu Chengli to carry him to see Gu Dashan. Only by climbing up Gu Dashan can he continue to live a good life.

It's such a big business. Not only is the family rich, Brother An is also promising. If such a son doesn't recognize him, he won't die in peace!

Unfortunately, because of Mrs. Gu's plot to murder Yuan Jiaman, he and Gu Youfu were trapped in the same house and could not go anywhere.

Mrs. Zhang also came to scold him: "You old bastard, you have been bullied by Li Shiliu all your life and you don't even dare to fart. Just watch her favor those bastards from the Li family and make our whole family suffer. You Why don’t you stop her!”

Divorce her!

Mr. Gu was an excited person, and he suddenly thought that if he divorced Mrs. Gu, would he be able to avoid being married?

Mr. Gu was so excited that he shouted, "Dive her away...find the Yamen servant...divorce her!"

Mrs. Zhang was not very smart and could not understand what Mr. Gu meant. She kept scolding her. After she was tired of scolding, she was reminded by Gu Chengli and said in shock: "Dad, you mean to divorce Li Shiliu" , let our room get away with it?!"

Oh, okay, the old bastard can still come up with this trick.

Mr. Gu grunted and said, "Stop and get away with it... find Dashan, reconcile, and live a good life together!"

Mrs. Zhang listened word by word. She understood it this time and smiled from ear to ear: "Hey, Dad, you still have a way. As long as Li Shiliu is divorced, we can get away with it and leave here to find someone." The uncle's family. The uncle has a good temper, and he always obeyed our words. The family is so rich, but when he sees us in trouble, he can't help us with tens of thousands of taels? "

Mrs. Zhang had a sweet dream that Gu Dashan's family would give them a house, a shop, and money. She went all the way to find the government servant, saying that Mr. Gu was divorcing Mrs. Gu and asked them to go see Mr. Gu quickly.

The yamen servant didn't want to talk to Ms. Zhang, but she couldn't bear it. She cried and made trouble, and even said she wanted to jump into the pond. The yamen servant had no choice but to tell Zhang Sanjin.

Zhang Sanjin frowned when he heard this, and went to see Mr. Gu. When he learned that Mr. Gu really wanted to divorce Queen Gu, he had no choice but to go back to the Yamen and ask to see the ancient magistrate to tell him about it.

After hearing this, the ancient prefect was very depressed: "I didn't expect that Mr. Gu, after being stupid all his life, became smart once before he died."

After hearing this, Zhang Sanjin asked: "What do you mean, sir, can Mr. Gu really divorce Mrs. Gu to avoid having to sit in a row?"

The ancient magistrate nodded: "Well, there is indeed such an article in the criminal law. If the husband's family is implicated by the sinful woman, the sinful woman can be divorced and the sinful woman will be exempted."

Since ancient times, men have been respected. If a man commits a crime, the woman can use divorce to avoid being implicated. Naturally, the man can also divorce the guilty wife, so that the whole family can be exempted from the blame.

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