"Then Mr. Gu is acquitted like this?" Zhang Sanjin said angrily: "A person like him deserves to die with Mrs. Gu."

After hearing this, Team Leader Zhang hurriedly scolded Zhang Sanjin: "Third brother, shut up and just go about your business. It's your turn to talk too much about this matter. This is a matter stipulated in the criminal law."

They are just government servants, they just do what they are told, and they are not teenagers anymore. You want to have fun with him, don't you want to do the errands?

The ancient prefect did not want to let Mr. Gu go, thinking that Mr. Gu's temper would definitely haunt Gu Jinan's family once he was acquitted.

Gu Jinan was his favorite student to compete for the top spot in the college examination. He didn't want Gu Jinan to be influenced by Mr. Gu and not get a good rank in the exam, so that he wouldn't get any credit.

"If Gu Shengxiang writes a letter of divorce, you will accept it and send it to you." Although the ancient prefect was not happy, he could only explain it this way.

"Yes." Zhang Sanjin responded, said goodbye and left, returning to his house on Moxiang Street, but did not go to see Mr. Gu, pretending that he did not know that he wanted to divorce his wife.

But Mr. Gu and Mr. Zhang were all waiting eagerly in the room. In a quarter of an hour, they were going to go to the Yamen to ask if Zhang Sanjin was back? After learning that he was back, Mrs. Zhang immediately went to see Zhang Sanjin: "Master Cha, has the prefect agreed to my father-in-law's divorce?"

Zhang Sanjin didn't want to pay attention to her, but he remembered what Zhang Bantou said, so he had to tell Zhang what the ancient prefect said.

Mrs. Zhang was so happy after hearing this that she hurriedly ran to tell Mr. Gu.

After hearing this, Mr. Gu chuckled: "It's a ceremony... write a letter of divorce!"

"Hey." Gu Chengli was also very happy. He took a pen and paper and started to write a letter of divorce. However, he didn't know many words and couldn't write an article. He wasted several pieces of paper before he could write a letter of divorce.

Mr. Gu was so anxious that he could only dictate it himself and let Gu Chengli write it. It took him more than an hour to finish writing Xiu's letter.

After finishing writing, Mr. Gu asked Mrs. Zhang to call Zhang Sanjin.

Zhang Sanjin was very depressed and went to see Mr. Gu, but he underestimated how shameless Mr. Gu was.

When Gu Chengli handed him the divorce letter, Mr. Gu said: "Send me to...Dashan's house...to live with my son...!"

Zhang Sanjin was stunned and asked Mr. Gu: "Are you asking us to send you to Gu Dashan's house to live with his family?"

Mrs. Zhang disliked Mr. Gu for speaking too slowly and rushed to say: "Master Cha, that's what my father-in-law means. You should hurry up and notify Gu Dashan and ask him to send a carriage to pick us up. My father-in-law has divorced Li Shiliu and is with Li Shiliu." There is no relationship anymore, and his anger should be gone. No matter what, my father-in-law is still his biological father, so he can’t help but support him, right?"

Zhang Sanjin almost vomited after hearing this. How could someone from the old Gu family say such a thing?

He reminded: "Gu Dashan has broken ties with your family and is no longer Mr. Gu's son. Moreover, Mr. Gu still has you to support him and he will never die of hunger."

Mrs. Zhang became anxious after hearing this and cried: "Master Cha, you can't just help Gu Dashan's family. Yes, it was my father-in-law who was wrong before, but he already knew he was wrong. You can do well and send a message to my uncle." , let him pick us up...if he doesn't come, our whole family will sleep on the street."

I don’t care whether you sleep on the street or not!

Zhang Sanjin ignored Mrs. Zhang, took the divorce letter and left. He returned to the Yamen and handed the divorce letter to the ancient magistrate.

Regardless of whether it was the Great Chu, the previous dynasty, or the Great Zhou, men were all respected, so it was very easy for a man to divorce his wife. As long as the woman's family did not come to make trouble, the government would stamp the divorce letter upon handing it over.

Therefore, the ancient magistrate received the divorce letter, read it, and stamped it with the official seal, approving Mr. Gu's divorce and abandoning Mrs. Gu.

"The writing is really ugly." Gu Zhifu said with disdain and told Zhang Sanjin: "Go to the prison and tell Mrs. Gu about this."

Mrs. Gu was a bastard, and she was very tough. She survived so many blows and was still lingering in the prison, shouting that she wanted to see Mr. Li.

But Mr. Li hates her so much that he doesn't want to see her even to death.

When Zhang Sanjin came to the cell with the divorce letter, Mrs. Gu was shouting: "Zhi, Lang...Zhi, Lang!"

The jailer was almost going crazy because of her torture. He knocked on the door of the cell with a wooden stick and shouted: "Why are you shouting? Are you trying to summon spirits? Do you have a moment to calm down all day long? I told you that Li Zhi doesn't want to see you, why are you still here?" Shout out?"

"Brother Hu, what's going on?" Zhang Sanjin asked the cell leader, Old Hu.

Lao Hu said: "Don't mention it, this old godly woman is annoying to death. She keeps shouting in prison day after day to see Li Zhi, which tortures the brothers quite a lot."

When the two brothers were on duty last night, they were suddenly awakened by Mrs. Gu's shouts. They thought they had seen a ghost and ran out of the cell in fright.

Then asked Zhang Sanjin: "Why are you here?"

Zhang Sanjin told the story of Mr. Gu's divorce from Mrs. Gu: "Your Excellency asked me to come and tell Li Shiliu about this matter and tell her that she is no longer from the Gu family."

Lao Hu was very happy to hear this: "Yes, this old woman should be a lonely old man. You go in, be careful, don't be scared by her, the old godly woman likes to scare people with surprises, and if she doesn't pay attention, she will lose her soul." You can scare her away."

"Hey." Zhang Sanjin responded. After thanking Lao Hu, he went to the cell where Mrs. Gu was held. He was really startled by her sudden scream.

Zhang Sanjin looked at Mrs. Gu and saw that she had changed from the rich old lady to a sloppy old lady with sunken eyes, disheveled hair, drooling from the corner of her mouth, and screaming constantly.

Zhang Sanjin was so sick that he wanted to vomit, but he still followed the rules and said to Mrs. Gu: "Li Shiliu, Gu Shengxiang has divorced you. I am here to read Gu Shengxiang's divorce letter to you. Please listen carefully."

Zhang Sanjin began to read Mr. Gu's letter of divorce. The letter was quite vicious and made Mrs. Gu worthless. She even used the word "whore".

Mrs. Gu stared at Zhang Sanjin with bloodshot eyes the whole time. It wasn't until Zhang Sanjin finished reading the divorce letter and was about to turn around and leave that she realized: "Lao Liu, divorce me!"

Gu Laoliu divorced her, but Gu Laoliu actually dared to divorce her!

She was originally supposed to marry the young master as his second wife, but she married Gu Laoliu by mistake. After suffering most of her life, Gu Laoliu dared to divorce her.

"Ahhh!" Mrs. Gu was so stimulated that she almost went crazy. She felt that she had suffered great humiliation and kept screaming, alarming everyone in the cell.

Bang bang bang!

Lao Hu rushed over, knocked hard on the door of the cell, and warned: "Old woman, shut up now. If you dare to scream again, we will torture you immediately. Don't you want to see Mr. Li? If you are tortured, you are very likely to be tortured." He may die, and then he won’t be able to see Mr. Li.”

Master Li was Mrs. Gu's weakness. Although she was angry that Gu Laoliu, a bastard, dared to divorce her, Mrs. Gu immediately stopped shouting in order to see Master Li alive.

However, her eyes were filled with resentment, she glared at Zhang Sanjin, spat at Zhang Sanjin, and said: "Six...slave, talent!"

This means that Mr. Gu is a slave.

Zhang Sanjin said: "Okay, I understand what you said and will convey it to Mr. Gu."

After hearing this, Mrs. Gu finally smiled.

When Mr. Gu heard this, he was almost angry to death.

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