The corner of Bing'er's mouth twitched almost invisible, and she hurriedly advised: "Second Young Master, you are still injured, so you can't run around. Besides, Sister Xiu is just an engagement, not a marriage. You take good care of yourself, and wait. Only after you recover your health can you save her first time."

After hearing this, Zhan Er felt that Bing'er was right. He hugged her face and kissed her: "Bing'er, you are so smart, but you have helped me a lot."

Otherwise, how embarrassing would it be if he rushed to save someone on impulse, but failed to save the person but fainted and died on the roadside?

Seeing Bing'er thinking about him so much, Zhan Er felt heartbroken and promised: "Don't worry Bing'er, I won't treat you badly. We have many houses at home. After Sister Xiu comes over, I will raise you until I’ll go out and see you every few days, I won’t let you be wronged.”

After hearing this, Bing'er sneered, but there were tears on her face, and she sobbed: "Bing'er knows that the second young master will not let us down. He is just guarding that cold house. Bing'er has no idea..."

As Bing'er talked, she started to take off her clothes and begged Zhan Er: "Second Young Master, Bing'er knows that you have deep love for Sister Xiu. I will never think of being your concubine in this life. I just ask you to do it." Well, give Bing'er a child so that Bing'er can have a child to accompany her in the future, which will also complete our fate."

Bing'er is worthy of being the person who has served Zhan Er for many years, and every word she speaks speaks to Zhan Er's heart.

Zhan Er immediately softened his heart, hugged Bing'er and said, "Good Bing'er, I am sorry for you. Since it is your last request, I will naturally agree."

Zhan Er is really not afraid of death. He dared to take medicine and act as soon as he was revived, but he couldn't do it after a while.

The next day, he was lying on the bed and couldn't get up. The old lady of the Zhan family was so anxious that she asked a doctor to see him. The result was that he had had excessive sexual intercourse.

The old lady of the Zhan family was very angry and wanted to deal with Bing'er, but Zhan Er refused to let him go. The old lady of the Zhan family was also afraid that Zhan Er would not survive this disaster, thinking that if Bing'er could give him a son and a half, Yes, it’s not a bad idea to leave a seed for him.

Therefore, instead of being punished, Bing'er was provided with good food and soup every day.

Mr. Zhan was so angry that he flipped the table over. The waiter was so stubborn that he was hopeless!

But he was too lazy to scold Zhan Er. After settling the matter between Mr. Zhan and Mr. Zhan, he hurried back to the capital.

He still has an official position in the capital, but he cannot delay his future.

Although Mr. Zhan San and Zhan San were not executed by the Zhan family and other major aristocratic families, their reputations were completely ruined. Literary enthusiasts looked down upon them and would not invite them again when holding literary gatherings. Think of it as a street rat.

Mr. Zhan San was so angry that he wrote poems and scolded literati and madmen, but he was not the only one who could write poems and scold people. There were many literati and madmen who wrote poems and scolded him, and they scolded him even worse than Mr. Xia.

Mr. Zhan San could not scold them, so he was so angry that he vomited blood and became seriously ill.

Zhan San was also very angry. He closed the door and locked himself in the room and gritted his teeth: "You guys wait for me. When I become the head of the Zhan family, you will kneel down and compliment me!"

After Zhan San saw that the intellectual fanatics were ostracizing him, he began to contact the noble man wholeheartedly, but the noble man ignored him at all. He only left a message for him in his room when he woke up one day. letter.

The letter read: Don't seek death. If you want to get what you want, be honest and obedient, otherwise you will become an outcast.

Zhan San was surprised when he saw the letter, and then became happy again. Haha, this noble man really has great hands and eyes. The Zhan family is secretly guarded by shadow guards, and the noble man can still deliver the letter, which shows his great ability.

If he succeeds, then he will wait honestly and stop doing things that displease the nobleman.

The nobleman Zhan San was talking about was none other than Mr. Lu Er, who lived on the island.

Mr. Lu Er is not in the inland, but he knows a lot about the things in the inland.

"Second Master, you are really wise. You rejected the Zhan family's marriage in time. This Zhan Er is really not worthy of Sister Xiu. He is just a dandy with some literary talent but not much ability. He will not be of much help to us." In the room, Butler Lu said while burning the letter that Mr. Lu Er had read.

Mr. Lu Er knew that Butler Lu had always felt that it was inappropriate for him to tell Gu Jinxiu and Gu Jinli to the Zhan family and that he had wronged them. After hearing Butler Lu's words, he said: "Although he is not very capable, he is a pure-hearted person. Zhan San is much more conscientious and is suitable for Sister Xiu. Sister Xiu is too soft-hearted and needs to be matched with a kind-hearted person."

However, he likes Zhan San very much, and Zhan San's viciousness can be used to his advantage.

Then he sighed: "It's also our identity that can't be seen in the light, otherwise I wouldn't assign Sister Xiu and Xiaoyu to the Zhan family."

Butler Lu nodded after hearing this. Although his identity cannot be exposed, the Zhan family is a good family. After all, it is a noble family.

Butler Lu scolded the major families again: "They are all a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. If they are more courageous, you don't have to be so aggrieved."

The major aristocratic families knew that the Chu Dynasty was unstable, but they still did not dare to completely defect to their side. If they were not timid and did not dare to take over the two young ladies, the two young ladies would not have to be engaged to a peasant man.

How could a peasant man be worthy of two young ladies? Their bloodline is not just as simple as being the daughter of the first family.

While reading the letter, Mr. Lu Er said: "Don't be angry, I will compensate them and won't let them live with peasants for the rest of their lives... When they can see the light of day, those two peasants and their family will disappear from the world. , no one will know that these two girls have been engaged to such a family."

Butler Lu laughed when he heard this: "The second old lady is right. Since ancient times, there have been cases of girls from aristocratic families remarrying. During the Great Zhou Dynasty, the eldest daughter of the Zongzheng family married the Emperor of Zhou. The two young ladies have noble status. Even if you marry again, you can still marry into a noble family and become the wife of a noble family."

Old Master Lu Er smiled and said nothing.

After a while, he stared at the letter in his hand and said: "This second girl is very smart. She can still gain a reputation despite being so surrounded by the old Gu family and the Li family."

Not to be underestimated.

And that Gu Dashan looked like a man this time. It was a pity that he was not deceived by the old Gu family.

After hearing this, Butler Lu smiled and said, "The second lady is indeed very smart, otherwise she wouldn't be running so many businesses."

Those businesses were not only novel, but also very profitable. The money she earned in a year was gone. If she was given another ten years, who knows what kind of situation it would develop into?

"Miss Xiao Er has the wisdom of her ancestors and can help you." Butler Lu said. The underlying meaning was to remind Old Master Lu Er that he could help her in due course. It would be good for them if she developed.

But Old Master Lu Er shook his head: "Don't worry, you have to sharpen them first and sharpen them before you can use them later."

However, if he was killed in the middle, he would not be blamed.

After hearing this, Butler Lu didn't say anything more, but nodded and said: "Yes, I obey my order."

Mr. Lu Er read the letter in the room for a long time, and would laugh from time to time, looking like a loving elder. But at the end he said: "Brother An is as smart as the second girl, but I don't know if he can take the responsibility." A big job?"

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