A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 939 Deal with this shrew

Butler Lu smiled and said: "The eldest man is the grandson of the second old master, so he can naturally shoulder this responsibility."

It's a pity that the surname is Gu, because he wants to inherit the Gu family, otherwise he would be a good candidate for adoption.

But the second old man prefers Erlangjun, saying that Erlangjun is young and easy to educate, and will be closer to them when the time comes.

It's just that the plan was messed up by that idiot Xia Gu. Now they are thinking of ways to get close to Erlang Jun?

Mr. Lu Er was not in a hurry: "Our people are watching from the land, so there is no need to worry. Erlang is a good boy and will definitely be on our side in the future. The Gu family will not refuse to agree. They are all good boys with kind hearts. And this is their responsibility and obligation.”

After listening to this, Butler Lu's smile became brighter and brighter, feeling that their life was promising... The young lady disappeared back then, and the second old master had not given birth to a new heir for many years. They were so anxious that they almost thought that the Lu family was going to perish. Some capable people who were originally loyal to the Lu family began to think of running away.

Fortunately, the news came that the eldest lady might still be alive, which stabilized people's hearts.

This is also the most taboo thing about Mr. Lu Er. This is also the reason why he refused Zhan Er and Gu Jinxiu's marriage this time.

The family needs heirs, and the four children can suffer, but nothing can happen to them.

As a maternal grandfather, he could make his four children suffer under the pretext of tempering them, but he could not abuse them and let Gu Jinxiu ration a waste like Zhan Er.

The subordinates below are all watching. If he goes too far, everyone will complain and think he is poisonous.

Old Master Lu Er took a breath and let out the depression in his heart, and then ordered Butler Lu: "Go ahead and let them keep a close eye on them, and report everything no matter how big or small... They didn't grow up around me, I always I want to know everything about them.”

Butler Lu's nose felt sour and he quickly comforted him: "Don't be sad, second old master. Things are going very well in the capital. In a short time, you will be able to take the eldest lady and the four young masters to you openly and raise them up, and enjoy your family every day." joy.”

As for Gu Dashan, he has dirty peasant blood and is not worthy to be the son-in-law of the first family. He will die of illness when the time comes.

They had a lot of secret medicine in their hands, and it would be easy to kill Gu Dashan silently.

After hearing this, Old Master Lu Er sighed: "I hope so."

After saying this, he waved his hand and sent Butler Lu away.

After Butler Lu left, he was the only one left in the room. He sat in front of the closed window, snorted coldly, and threw away the letter in his hand: "Life is so hard!"

After Mrs. Zhang finished writing the letter, she waited in the county office of Rushan County for the Zhan family to send someone to rescue her. She had to eat white rice and meat every day, which made the Rushan County magistrate very angry.

But he sent someone to He'an Mansion to inquire. Although the old Gu family was in all kinds of troubles, Gu Rong was indeed taken away by the Zhan family, and they were not talking about being a concubine, but about being engaged. They were simply shocked. The county magistrate raised his chin and sighed at the master: "Then the Zhan family has never seen a woman? After all, it is a family? Could it be that the family was suppressed by the emperor and went crazy? They actually want to marry the daughter of the old Gu family for their children."

The master was also very puzzled and sighed: "Since the severe drought, the world has not been very good. Maybe everyone has changed."

Monsters emerge in troubled times. Ever since the severe drought in the northwest and the incident with Duke Wei, Chu has become unstable. The war disaster three years ago produced many abnormal people. Who knows what the situation will be like in the future?

The Master advised the Rushan County Magistrate: "Sir, it is best to protect yourself during this period. Please be patient for now."

After hearing this, the Rushan County Magistrate had no choice but to nod his head and promised to endure it first.

Therefore, although Mrs. Zhang was disgusting, she had meat and vegetables to eat every day at the county government office. The county magistrate also found a doctor to see Gu Chengli's injuries, for fear that if they died, someone from the Zhan family would deal with him.

Seeing that the county magistrate was treating their mother and son like this, Mrs. Zhang became even more arrogant. She set up a family tree of rich wives in the county government office, which made the people in the county government office very angry.

But not long after her good days, the person who went to deliver a letter to the Zhan family came back and said: "Sir, the Zhan family said that they don't know any old Gu family, and they even beat the little one and warned us if we dare to do anything again." If you go to Zhan's house and talk about old Gu's family, you'll have to risk your life, and you'll even have to file a complaint with the adults, saying that the adults have slandered the Zhan family's reputation and assigned relatives to the Zhan family indiscriminately."

After the magistrate of Rushan County heard this, he almost jumped up with excitement. He quickly took the Yamen servant's hand and asked, "Are you telling the truth? Did the Zhan family really say that? Who said this? But the master of the Zhan family?"

The officer said: "It's absolutely true, sir. The eldest master of the Zhan family said this himself, and asked the housekeeper to tell the villain."

The Rushan County magistrate was shocked: "What? Mr. Zhan is back?!"

The yamen officer nodded: "Yes, I'm back. I heard that I'm here to deal with Mr. Zhan and Mr. Zhan."

After speaking, he took out a letter, which was an autographed letter from Mr. Zhan. The letter contained one sentence: Zhang and Gu Chengli are liars pretending to be relatives of the Zhan family. This is a serious crime and should be sentenced to be beheaded immediately!

After the magistrate of Rushan County read the letter, he was completely convinced. He burst out laughing and said three good words: "Okay, okay, well done. I'll give you three days off. Have a good rest, and then go and collect the reward of ten taels." Have a good meal."

The yamen servant was confused. He looked at the county magistrate, then at the master, and asked with his eyes: "What aroused you, sir?" Not crazy? That's a reward of ten taels.

The master said: "My lord, I sympathize with your hard work. Go down and receive the reward."

When the yamen servant saw this, he left happily. The county magistrate may be crazy, but the master can't be crazy too, right?

The county magistrate of Rushan County tolerated Mrs. Zhang until she was about to be reincarnated. After receiving Mr. Zhan's letter, he gritted his teeth and said: "Look at how Zhang, a shrew, can still put on airs in the county government!"

Then he immediately said to the master: "Get ready to ascend to the throne. I want Mrs. Zhang and Gu Chengli to go to heaven!"

Damn it, the time for revenge has come, let’s see how he deals with this shrew!

The master hurriedly went to make arrangements, and soon he dragged Mrs. Zhang, who was eating chicken drumsticks and drinking wine, and Gu Chengli, who was threatening the yamen servant to find a woman for him, to the court.

Mrs. Zhang shouted: "What are you doing? What are you doing? I am the mother-in-law of Mr. Zhan!"


The county magistrate sighed inwardly at Mrs. Zhang, and said with a sigh of relief: "Guarding Mr. Zhang, he first committed numerous major crimes with Gu Chengli, and then pretended to be a relative of the Zhan family to defraud the county government. He was punished for several crimes at the same time. The law should punish him by beheading him as a warning to others!"

When Mrs. Zhang heard that she was about to be beheaded, she hurriedly shouted: "No, I didn't lie to you. I am really the mother-in-law of Mr. Zhan."

The Yamen servant who went to Zhan's house to deliver the letter received the reward and came to the court. When he heard this, he cursed: "Bah, you criminal woman is still making excuses. The Zhan family has said that there is no such person as Gu Rong, and there is no such thing as you." You are a fake relative like this, and you want us to sentence you to death to rectify the Zhan family's reputation."

Seeing that Gu Chengli was about to speak, he pointed at him and said, "And you! Stop saying that you are the brother-in-law of the Zhan family. The Zhan family has said that you mother and son are liars. Just wait to die!"

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