After Master Gao finished speaking, Xu Chongfeng still had a shocked face, thinking that he still didn't believe it, and said: "It's absolutely true. My brother-in-law said that he was so angry that he couldn't even wait for dawn, so he immediately sent people to surround him. The First Prince’s Mansion.”

Then he tugged on Xu Chongfeng's sleeve and asked, "Do you know who was killed with a stick in the palace last night?"

"Who, who?" Xu Chongfeng was most afraid that he would die in the capital, and his voice was shaking when he asked this question.

Gao Daren said: "She is the eldest prince's biological mother, Concubine Mei."

"What!" Xu Chongfeng rolled his eyes and almost fainted from fright.

Master Gao hurriedly supported him and frowned: "Brother Xu, are you feeling unwell?"

Xu Chongfeng nodded and said, "Well, I've been too tired these past few days and got caught in the rain, so I'm not feeling well."

You can't say that you were so frightened that the emperor beat Concubine Mei to death that you rolled your eyes, right?

Then he grabbed Master Gao's hand and said, "Brother Gao, is Concubine Mei really dead?"

Concubine Mei's background was not good, she was just the daughter of a minor official in Zhongzhou, but she gave birth to the eldest prince and was still a concubine. It would be terrible to be killed with a stick like this.

Master Gao nodded: "Can I still lie to you? If it hadn't been for something big, my brother-in-law wouldn't have sent news before dawn... Be careful these days, a bunch of people are bound to die again."

Xu Chongfeng nodded repeatedly: "Thank you, Brother Gao, for reminding me."

Then he asked: "Brother Gao, do you know why he killed someone?"

Master Gao smiled and reminded him: "Brother Xu, you can't ask about this matter, and I don't know either."

After saying that, he ignored Xu Chongfeng and returned to the small courtyard next door to work.

Xu Chongfeng was in panic for a whole day and night, and many things happened during this day and night. Not only was the eldest prince's palace besieged, but the Mei family's mansion in the capital was also besieged.

The eldest prince's in-laws' family and the natal families of the two concubines were also besieged, and even the natal families of all the eldest prince's concubines who gave birth to children were also besieged.

One of these concubines' natal family is from the Bao family.

The Bao family is the aunt's family of the second young master Li. It is the Bao family's aunt that leads Mr. Li to the eldest prince.

As for Master Li Er's maternal grandfather's house, it was not besieged because it was not in the capital.

And being surrounded is just the beginning.

The next day, new orders came down, and the Fuhu Army began to kill people. Except for the eldest prince's in-laws, all other women's natal families were killed.

Throughout the day, anyone passing by those mansions could hear screams and the strong smell of blood.

When Xu Chongfeng learned about this, he fainted with fright. After waking up, he kept trembling and kept saying: "Kill them all, kill them all."

Actually killed them all!

This is so scary. Is it too late for him to resign now?

However, he had no time to resign. Ming Shaoqing and Jiang Sheng came back and gave him a new order: "This is a case involving the eldest prince's concubines. There is no need to investigate. You can just go through the motions."

"Let's just go through the motions?" Xu Chongfeng looked at the pile of case files on the table and said, "No, aren't you going to investigate?"

Ming Shaoqing's eyes turned cold, and his narrow phoenix eyes pierced Xu Chongfeng like sharp knives. His voice was as cold as frost: "I can help you if you don't want to live."

Do you think he has time to joke with him?

This is the person the emperor wants to kill, and the reasons are well-founded. If they just do as he is told, can they also reverse the case for the concubines’ parents?

Xu Chongfeng was so frightened that he knelt down with a plop: "Excuse me, I don't dare to do this."

Woohoo, he no longer wants to be an official, he wants to go home and farm.

Jiang Sheng simply didn't see it and pulled him up and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Ming, Mr. Xu will do it."

Ming Shaoqing knew that Xu Chongfeng was timid and didn't want to scare him to death. He put away his cold face and said, "Just follow the instructions and everything will be fine. Also, the door has been closed recently. No one else is allowed to go out except for purchasing, and no one with good intentions should be killed." If you take in someone wrong, your whole family will die."

Ming Shaoqing still treated Xu Chongfeng very well, so he reminded him.

"Yes, yes, I would like to thank you, sir." Xu Chongfeng responded tremblingly, as if he was shaking a sieve with fear.

Ming Shaoqing had no time to pay attention to Xu Chongfeng. After finishing speaking, he immediately left with the prison guards from Dali Temple.

Xu Chongfeng knew that Ming Shaoqing must have gone to arrest or kill someone, and he was so frightened that his body shook even more.

With a snap, Jiang Sheng put a palm on Xu Chongfeng's shoulder and smiled at him: "Sir, why are you shaking? If you are afraid, remember this, these are all merits and can get you promoted."

Doesn’t it make you happy just thinking about it?

Xu Chongfeng was about to cry. He grabbed Jiang Sheng's hand and said, "Uncle, can I resign? The capital is too scary."

Jiang Sheng shook his head: "The capital will be the safest place in the future. If you resign and return to your hometown, your whole family may die."

"Old man, you are so evil-hearted, you actually cursed my whole family!" Xu Chongfeng was very angry. He treated him as his biological father, but he actually said that his whole family would die.

Jiang Sheng gave him a disgusted look and said, "Think about it with your brain. I am doing this for your family's good."

There are some things that cannot be said clearly, so Jiang Sheng could only remind him this way.

Xu Chongfeng was not an idiot. After thinking for a long time, he finally understood... Jiang Sheng, the old man, was hinting to him that Da Chu would not be peaceful in the future.

With the emperor's method of killing, it would be difficult for Da Chu to achieve peace.

And if Da Chu is not at peace, it will definitely cause a military disaster. This military disaster may last for a long time. Starting from ten years, it is indeed much better to stay in the capital than to stay outside.

After Xu Chongfeng figured it out, he went to ask Jiang Sheng: "Does Dexian still take the scientific examination?"

Jiang Sheng looked at him as if he were a fool: "Of course there is a scientific examination."

Xu Chongfeng: "But, didn't you always say..."

Jiang Sheng smiled: "I don't know how long it will take for that to happen, and no matter how much it changes, it will have nothing to do with brother Xian taking the imperial examination. At worst, he will take the exam again after the change."

Xu Chongfeng looked at Jiang Sheng in shock: "Can it still be like this?"

Jiang Sheng nodded: "Of course."

It's not like dynasty changes have never happened. Not all famous officials who spanned two dynasties were like this. After passing the exam in the previous dynasty, they took the exam again when the new dynasty was first established. After passing the exam, they entered the new dynasty as officials.

After hearing this, Xu Chongfeng looked at Jiang Sheng, took a step back, and said in fear and awe: "You are always a god."

In his eyes, any major event is as insignificant as a chicken feather. Even in the underworld, he can live a good life.

Now that I'm done with it, I don't dare to offend him. When I go back tonight, I'll tell the housekeeper to give the old man's yard a double share!

Seeing that Xu Chongfeng had calmed down, Jiang Sheng grabbed him and said, "Stop nagging and get to work quickly."

The eldest prince had many concubines, and several of them gave birth to children. It took Xu Chongfeng and the others three days of work to finish.

And when they finished their work, the eldest prince's in-laws were also convicted, all the men were killed, and the women were sent to a Taoist temple for purification.

As for the eldest prince, the emperor actually wanted to kill him, but the ministers disagreed, saying that even if the eldest prince wanted to rebel, the emperor could not kill his own son, which was against human ethics.

But in the eyes of the emperor, human relations are not as important as the throne.

The eldest prince used his in-laws' family and his concubine's maiden's family to set up arrangements in various mansions in Da Chu to seize his throne, which completely angered him.

Emperor Chu was like a tiger whose tail had been stepped on. He turned his head and bit his own son to death!

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