A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 945 Government Examination

The eldest prince is dead.

Regardless of the objections of the courtiers, the Emperor of Chu sent Fuhu troops to drown the eldest prince directly, and did not allow him to be buried in the imperial mausoleum. He also removed the eldest prince's name from the jade certificate, completely treating it as if he did not have a son.

The eldest prince's two newborn sons also died, and not a single male was left in the eldest prince's mansion. However, one daughter survived and was taken into the palace to be raised.

And this is the result of the Queen Mother's request.

Because of the eldest prince's affair, the Emperor of Chu went on a killing spree in the capital, causing panic among the people. In those days, everyone walked around the execution ground and did not dare to go near it.

The princes, courtiers, aristocratic families, nobles, and even the concubines were all chilled and frightened by this incident.

The cruelty of Emperor Chu this time was beyond their imagination. He even killed his own son and grandson.

As a close minister of the emperor, Qi Yi was extremely disappointed with Emperor Chu's move. He knelt outside the palace gate for two days, trying to beg Emperor Chu to spare the eldest prince's life, but to no avail.

Finally, he fainted and was carried back by servants at home.

After waking up, I felt heartbroken when I saw my wife's tearful and worried face. I forced myself to sit up, hugged her and said, "Ah Shu, it's my fault for making you worry."

Mrs. Qi said: "Sir, don't say anything. You take good care of us. The children and I will be fine."

There it is again.

Over the years, because of Emperor Chu's violent temper, he killed many people and confiscated many noble houses. He knelt down and begged not once or twice. Every time he fainted and came back, although Ashu was worried and sad, she still Say it's okay and ask him not to worry about his family.

But she is his wife, the person he likes in his heart, how can he let her worry about him year after year?

Qi Yi finally relaxed and promised: "Ah Shu, I will start arranging the transfer to the capital, and I will not be impulsive again in the future."

He is no longer a young man, he has a family and a wife. Even if he wants to be a pure minister and want to bury his head for the great Chu, but his master is not good enough, he cannot bring his whole family to be buried with him.

After hearing this, Mrs. Qi cried with joy. My husband finally figured it out, but she shook her head and said, "My husband, you don't have to be like this. I know your ambitions. You don't have to worry about your family. Just go ahead and realize your ambitions."

Qi Yi did not nod this time, but insisted on leaving a way out for his family.

The capital has been bleeding like a river, but He'an Prefecture has been very lively recently, just because the prefectural examination has arrived. Candidates from all counties in He'an Prefecture are pouring into He'an Prefecture to prepare for the prefectural examination.

Gu Dexing, Gu Qingliang, and Gu Qingtian also came, following the Xu family's carriage.

Mr. Xu wanted to make good friends with the Gu family, so he personally drove a carriage to pick them up and asked them to follow the Xu family to Fucheng.

Originally, he wanted to invite them to live in the Xu family's house, but Gu Jinli's family had a house in Fucheng, so Mr. Xu had to send them to the Gu family.

Although Xu Zhaoming is a noble son, after being taught a lesson by his grandfather, he also understood that some people are not something you can suppress if you want to. Since you can't compete with them, it is the wisest way to make good friends with them.

So Xu Zhaoming listened to his grandfather's words and went to the Gu family to apologize.

This time he also came to the Gu family to meet Gu Jinan.

Gu Jinan is a person who understands the world very well. He knew that Xu Zhaoming was incited to make trouble during the county examination. He did not embarrass him, but sincerely made friends with him: "Brother Xu, have you signed a guarantee with someone? Ming and I My cousin still has one less person to sign a bail, so if you haven’t signed a bail with anyone yet, why not come with us."

The rules of the government examination are similar to those of the county examination. Candidates must sign a guarantee.

After hearing this, Mr. Xu immediately said: "What a coincidence. My family was worried about not being able to find a student to be guaranteed. Brother An, you have solved my family's urgent need."

These are polite words. With the ability of the Xu family, it is easy to find someone to guarantee.

When Xu Zhaoming saw that his grandfather had said what he said, he nodded: "Okay."

Mr. Xu stared at him with hatred, are you a gourd? Or is it a big girl raised in a boudoir who can't say a few more words? How could he be so shy and befriend someone in the same year and become a member of the township party?

Gu Jinan took the initiative and talked with Xu Zhaoming for a while, agreeing to send the Xu family off tomorrow after reviewing the books together.

When Mrs. Chen saw Gu Dexing, she rushed over and asked, "Brother Xing, have you made any progress in your studies recently? You have to pass the exam. If you don't pass, it won't be easy to get married."

Without waiting for Gu Dexing to answer, he thought of the Xu family again and asked: "Have the boys from the Xu family been studying with you recently? Have you been to the Xu family? Can you see the ladies from the Xu family? Do they look good? Do you like any of them? If so, …”

"Second Aunt, please stop talking. The Xu family hasn't gone far yet. What will happen if someone hears it?!" Gu Dexing was so anxious that he looked back at the Xu family's carriage and only saw the back of the carriage. Let out a relieved breath.

Mrs. Chen gave him a roll of her eyes and said, "Tch, you are still shy with me. You are not young anymore. The Xu family is pretty good and they have girls of the right age. If you can marry her, you will be lucky."

He also felt that saying this was very unfair, so he added: "It is also Miss Xu's blessing. You will be an official in the future, and your status is no worse than Miss Xu's!"

Gu Dagui really wanted to kick Mrs. Chen, so he hurriedly came over and said, "Stop talking, go into the house quickly and let Brother Xing and the others have a good rest."

Just tell me, didn’t you see Brother Xing’s head almost buried in the ground?

Chen was scolded, so she had to keep her words down and let Gu Dexing go into the house to rest.

But she was not convinced and scolded Gu Dagui: "Are you my uncle? How old is Brother Xing? His mother is gone, and he doesn't know the situation of the girls in each family. If I, the aunt, don't help him, who will? get together?"

After Gu Yumei's death, Mrs. Chen felt that she had not taken good care of their brothers and sisters. She was afraid that her sister-in-law would ask her to settle the accounts after her death, so she was very dedicated to Gu Dexing's affairs. , the officials and the girls all asked around several times, and all those who were suitable for Gu Dexing were remembered.

Gu Dagui cursed in his heart, why couldn't he win against this woman every time?

But he was still very happy to see that Chen was treating Gu Dexing well. His eldest brother is just a baby, so he needs to be treated well and nothing can go wrong.

After Gu Dexing and the others arrived, they had a good meal that night. They were full of meat and vegetables. They also ordered some famous dishes from several restaurants in Fucheng for Gu Dexing and the others to eat.

There was a sandwich snack among them. After Gu Jinli looked at it, he suddenly asked Gu Jinan: "Brother, when you were taking the county examination, did you break up the food given to you by the Yamen and look at it?"

Gu Jinan nodded: "I've broken it open and looked at it, but many people don't know how to break it into pieces. The broken things are not easy to eat."

Gu Qingliang said: "I didn't break it. I packed it up after receiving it and took it out to eat when I was hungry."

He took the county examination just to practice his skills. He never expected to pass the examination, so he took it easy and did not check his food carefully.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli reminded: "Food is the best way to carry things. When you enter the examination room in the future, you must break the food given to you by the government into pieces on the spot to make sure there is nothing inside."

He added: "This is related to your whole life's future and even your life. You would rather eat broken things than just ignore it."

After Gu Jinan and others heard this, they nodded immediately: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, we've written it down."

And Gu Jinli's reminder really saved their lives.

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