There is only one reason that can turn a soft egg into a hard nut, and that is that his family has benefited. This benefit is so great that he would rather die than talk about it.

After hearing this, the ancient prefect understood instantly and said to Tang Tong, "Master Tang, you personally take people to Gu Chang to make a fortune and put his whole family in prison."

He looked at Gu Changfa again and sneered: "You think you can just hold on and say nothing? Da Chu is sitting in the system. You have committed such a big crime. Do you think your family can escape?"

After Gu Changfa heard this, he almost fainted, but he still said stubbornly: "Sir, it was not made by the villain... The villain just saw that the young man's pancake was burnt, and wanted to change it for him... Sir, the villain is wronged. It was not made by the villain. It may have been made by someone else in the kitchen. This cake is not only handled by the villain, wuwuwu..."

Oh shit!

You still have the nerve to cry. If this matter goes nowhere, delays the government examination, and the superiors find out, his official title will be lost.

You still want to wrongly accuse the other people in the kitchen. You are really vicious. I won’t give you a hard blow.

The ancient magistrate said: "Don't you think so? I will tell you that there is another criminal law in Dachu, which is about cheating in scientific examinations. If one room makes a mistake and no one pleads guilty, the whole room will sit together, including the family members of the errand officers in the room. .”

The heavy code established by the first emperor of Da Chu was no joke. This heavy code killed many people who were imprisoned in order to prevent everyone from doing evil.

Gu Changfa heard the words, and then he became afraid. If so, even if he does not plead guilty, his family will be imprisoned and will not be able to live a good life.

Gu Changfa cried and wanted to negotiate terms with Gu Zhifu: "Sir, sir, if the villain says so, can you let my family go?"

At this moment, Gu Zhifu wanted to greet Gu Changfa's ancestors, but thinking that his surname was Gu, he was extremely depressed. His feet were itchy and he wanted to go up and kick Gu Changfa to vent his anger.

But the ancient prefect knew that the government examination could not be delayed. For the sake of the government examination and to suppress this matter, he agreed: "As long as you reveal the mastermind behind it, I will spare your family."

After Gu Changfa heard this, he finally felt relieved and revealed the mastermind: "It's Gu Chengxian. He gave the money to Lin Laoba and asked us to distribute the dry food we brought to Gu Jinan and everyone named Gu during the government examination. People...if they are not allocated to the person named Gu, they can be allocated to other people, as long as they can cause trouble and kill all Gu Jinan, the candidates named Gu, and the adults in the government office."

"Lin Laoba said that Gu Chengxian wanted to avenge himself, saying that the government government had harmed him, and the people in the city who were watching the excitement had also harmed him, and he would not make it easy for everyone."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked. The ancient prefect was trembling with anger. How could there be such a vicious person?

You said that if you want to kill Gu Jin'an, forget it. You also want to kill the adults in the government office. You are so vicious. He is indeed Mrs. Gu's grandson. He has the same heart, and he is so poisonous that he turns green.

When Tang Tongpan heard this, he immediately said: "Sir, I will immediately take the doctor to old Gu's house on Moxiang Street to interrogate Gu Chengxian."

Gu Chengxian was suffering from schizophrenia and could not be brought to court, so he had to go to trial.

The ancient prefect agreed.

Tang Tongpan immediately took people to the old Gu's house on Moxiang Street. As soon as he arrived at the house, he asked two well-dressed government servants to go in and beat Gu Chengxian with a long stick.

Gu Chengxian was almost beaten to death, but he hated everyone in his heart and felt that everyone was siding with Gu Jinan, so he wanted to bite the government officials and pass on Hualiu disease to them.

The two government officials had quick eyesight and quick hands. They crossed Gu Chengxian with long sticks to prevent him from moving.

Judge Tang Tong asked: "Gu Chengxian, are you the mastermind who asked Lin Laoba and Gu Changfa to stuff the rations they sent to the government for examination? Don't even try to deny it, Gu Changfa has already confessed."

Gu Chengxian looked at the sky and saw that it was already past noon. He thought that Gu Jinan and the others had already started the exam and that his plan was successful, so he did not deny it, but grinned and said: "Haha, I did it. How about it? As soon as this move came out, it was Didn’t kill all of you.”

He stared, blood sprayed from his mouth, and gritted his teeth and said: "If you, the dog officials, harm my young master, put me in trouble, and fail to become an official young master, then don't blame me for causing you to lose your official position and your life! "

"Haha, cheating in the scientific examination. This is a serious crime that can kill all nine tribes. You are all dead!"

Then he said in a show-off manner: "And this young master wanted to wipe out all nine of your clans with just a five hundred tael of silver. Five hundred taels can buy the lives of two of your nine clans, officials of rank five or above, and can also buy Gu Jin's safety." The family’s life is really worth it, so worth it!”

Lin Laoba was a skinny old bachelor. Because he was poor, he wanted to marry a wife before he died and leave a seed. He took the risk to deliver food to Gu Chengxian and his friends who were suffering from schizophrenia. He met Gu Chengxian and helped him do this.

And he was also greedy. He only gave Gu Chang two hundred taels of silver and kept three hundred taels for himself.

Tang Tongpan listened to Gu Chengxian's words and looked at his ferocious appearance with disgust.

After Gu Chengxian finished speaking arrogantly, he sneered: "Do you think everyone is as stupid as you? Gu Jinan is much smarter than you. When he took the county examination, he broke up the dry food given by the yamen. He had a habit of coming to see the food, so he would break it open and check it as soon as he received it. Gu Chang was so scared that the matter was exposed on the spot. Because of this, the government examination did not start. We are all fine, and you will be the only one in trouble. "

After hearing this, Gu Chengxian was stunned for a while before he came to his senses and asked, "What did you say?!"

Gu Jinan actually has the habit of breaking dry food to check?

How could this bitch have such a habit?

His plan was so perfect, yet it failed like this!

"Impossible, impossible, you bitch lied to me, lied to me!" Gu Chengxian kept roaring like a mad dog, unwilling to believe that his plan failed, and was easily defeated by Gu Jinan.

Tang Tongpan was too lazy to talk nonsense with Gu Chengxian and asked the clerk next to him: "Did he remember what he confessed earlier?"

The scribe nodded: "Your Excellency, I have recorded everything."

Judge Tang Tong nodded after hearing this, and did not ask Gu Chengxian to press his fingerprints. He only asked the two doctors who followed him to testify, and then he wrote Gu Chengxian's name on the confession.

My mother has a disease called Hualiu. If she asks him to press his fingerprints, all the government offices will be affected.

After Tang Tongping put away his confession, he looked at Gu Chengxian from the window and said in a cold voice: "Gu Chengxian, you have a vicious mind and refuse to change despite repeated admonitions. You are hopeless in this life. Please be a good person in the next life."

Maybe I won’t be able to be a human being in my next life and will fall into the realm of animals.

"Bah! This young master will not die. It's you who deserve to die. You are all blind. Why do you help Gu Jinan? Gu Jinan is a slave. He was a slave for us when he was in the old Gu family!" Gu Chengxian kept shouting, While he was insulting Gu Jinan, at the end of the sentence, he was so excited that he vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted.

Tang Tongpan's mouth twitched: "Crazy."

After saying this, he took the confession and left with the scribe.

The two executioners followed the doctor to take a medicinal bath to avoid contracting the disease.

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