A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 949 Purchase of land in Fucheng

When Tang Tongpan returned to the Yamen, Lin Laoba was also arrested.

The government officials dragged him out from the building. Good guy, after I got the silver, I started to get into trouble. I slept in the building these days and never went home. I only spent the three hundred taels of silver I was allocated with only one hundred taels left.

Tang Tongpan sneered, for such an old bastard, even if you give him ten thousand taels, he can't really live a peaceful life.

When Lin Laoba saw that he was caught, he kept shouting: "No, sir, the little one did not do such evil things. The little one is innocent."


You are innocent. If you are innocent, where did the Sleeping Flower Lady get her money? Digging it out of the cesspool?

"Gu Chengxian has already been recruited, but you still dare to be tough, come on, hit me!" Tang Tongpian was too lazy to talk nonsense with such an old scoundrel, and immediately tortured Lin Laoba.

The government officials were not polite and beat Lin Laoba as soon as he was pressed down.

Bang bang bang!

After just a few strokes, Lin Laoba couldn't stand the pain anymore and said, "Sir, I was wrong. I'll use all my tricks!"

Then he gave Gu Chengxian the banknote and asked him to find the person who cooked for the government and told him about putting the stuff in the dry food of Gu Jinan and the candidates named Gu.

He also complained: "Sir, it was Gu Chengxian who asked me to do this. I am innocent. I beg you, for the sake of my old age, please let me go."

Tang Tongping laughed, snorted coldly, and said to the Yamen servant: "Keep playing until you hit thirty boards."

"Thirty big boards!" Lin Laoba almost fainted from fright: "Sir, spare your life, spare your life, if you hit thirty big boards, you will die!"

But Tang Tongpan was so disgusted by Lin Laoba that he refused to let go at all. He said to him: "Don't panic. If I beat you to death, the Yamen will be responsible for burying you."

After saying that, he took Lin Laoba and Gu Chengxian's confessions to the ceremony room and told the ancient prefect about the matter.

After hearing this, the ancient prefect finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Just recruit him."

We can't afford to delay this matter. If we miss the government examination, the entire government will be in trouble.

Tang Tongpan asked: "What's going on here, sir?"

The ancient prefect said: "All the pancakes were broken into pieces and inspected. Except for Xu Zhaoming and Gu Jinan's pancakes, there were also sixteen pancakes with written notes inside. They were all taken out."

It’s just that the cakes have been broken into pieces. In this government examination, all the candidates have to eat the crumbs of the cakes.

The ancient magistrate became angry when he talked about those included notes. They were either written with Thousand Character Classics or Hundred Family Surnames and Three Character Classics. The most skillful thing was that they wrote two poems. I really don’t know where Gu Chengxian’s books were. Already? If you don't put in the effort to frame people, it's simply shameful that you come out to harm people with just this little knowledge!

Tang Tongpan felt relieved and asked again: "Sir, when can the exam start? The government exam cannot be delayed."

Three games in three days are all arranged.

The ancient prefect said: "It is estimated that the exam can only be held at night. The ceremony room is not clean now. All the servants, candidates, and things distributed to the candidates need to be re-checked."

This is a time-consuming matter, but it cannot be omitted and must be done.

Tang Tongpan nodded after hearing this: "My lord, I admire your thoughtfulness. If you need me to do anything, please feel free to ask me."

The ancient prefect nodded with satisfaction and immediately ordered Tang Tongpuan to work. The entire government office, plus a hundred soldiers guarding the camp, were busy until mid-afternoon, and then they inspected all the things, servants, and candidates. .

Only then did the papers begin to be distributed and the exam began.

The ancient magistrate tightly sealed the news of this incident, but many of the candidates' family members still sensed something was wrong and kept waiting outside the door of the ceremony room, asking the yamen: "Master, what happened in the ceremony room? What happened? It doesn’t look right.”

Then he looked at the row of soldiers standing in front of the ceremony room, feeling even more frightened, knowing that something big must have happened in the ceremony room, and it must be related to fraud.

Fraud, this is a serious crime that the whole family must sit for. However, they did not see the candidates being escorted out. Isn't it fraud?

The government officials had already received the order from the ancient prefect and said to them: "Don't worry, everyone, nothing serious happened in the ceremony room. There is just something wrong with the dry food in the kitchen. I was afraid that the candidates would have diarrhea, so I made a new batch for the candidates. This wasted time.”

Then he shouted to the family members of the candidates who were surrounding him: "It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, everyone. All the candidates are fine!"

After everyone heard this, they felt relieved. After the lanterns were hung in front of the ceremony room, everyone slowly dispersed and waited for the dragon gate to be opened to pick them up again.

Gu Dashan, Gu Dafu, Qi Pan, Shang Xiucai and Mr. Xu waited until it got dark before leaving, muttering uneasily: "I hope nothing serious happens."

Children from several families are taking exams there. If there is a major fraud case, even if they pass the exam, the honor may not count.

Mr. Xu, the oldest, comforted them: "Don't think about it, something will happen for sure, but I guess it won't be serious, otherwise no one would be escorted out."

But he was also extremely afraid in his heart. He had worked hard for several generations, hoping that Ming Geer would change his family after high school and allow the Xu family to become a noble family. If something really happened, the efforts of several generations of his Xu family would be in vain.

The Xu family, the Jiang family and the Gu Dashan family walked on different roads and dispersed after exiting the main street together.

Gu Jinli already knew what happened in the ceremony room and told Gu Dashan what happened when he returned home.

After hearing this, Gu Dashan was frightened and said hurriedly: "Why is Gu Chengxian so cruel? He has ruined himself and wants to harm Brother An. So Brother An will not be affected by this and be disliked by the prefect, right?"

The examiner of the government examination is the chief official of the state government. If An Ge'er is disliked by the ancient prefect, he will fail.

Gu Dafu and Qi Pan were also worried. One of their sons was a brother of the same clan as An Ge'er, and the other was a cousin to An Ge'er. If An Ge'er was disliked by the prefect, their sons would also be implicated.

Gu Jinli looked at their nervous faces and said with a smile: "It's okay. My brother dedicated the turtle dove leaf tofu and konjac tofu to the Yamen. It can help the prefect get credit. Even if the prefect is angry, he will only be angry with Gu Chengxian, not Gu Chengxian." It’s my brother’s fault, let alone Brother Dexing or Cousin Ming.”

After the three of them heard this, they felt relieved.

Ms. Chen scolded from the side: "I have long seen that Gu Chengxian is wrong. It is Li Chengxian who has been a vicious person since he was a child. Look at him, he can even do such evil things. If he really does it, what will happen?" How many people died? I really lost my conscience!"

After scolding, he became envious again: "The Li family is really rich. Even if Li Chengxian is like this, he can still get 500 taels of silver notes to bribe Lin Laoba. Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's 500 taels. You can buy a house in the county." "

When it comes to buying a house in Fucheng, Mrs. Chen is very depressed: "You think it is so difficult to buy a house in Fucheng? I have been going to the dental shop for the past ten days, and they all say that there are no houses for sale, even if there are , it’s also a few thousand taels a piece, it’s really annoying, I can’t even spend it even if I have money.”

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