"Yes." Erqing took the order and went.

Xiao Ji also disliked the old Gu family very much. He felt that the old Gu family was too bad, and that Lu Bai was not good either. He helped the old Gu family and said from the side: "Don't be angry, little master. When I become more powerful, I will help you deal with those people." .”

Gu Jinli looked at her, nodded with a smile, and praised: "Xiao Ji is indeed a good maid."

Xiao Ji was very happy to hear this, thinking that he could go to bed early tonight, but Gu Jinli changed the subject and said with a smile: "Since you want to become powerful, then double, no, triple the sword training tonight."

Xiao Ji was confused and begged: "My dear boss, Sister Li said that my sword skills have improved a lot. I'm really not lazy and I haven't made any mistakes recently. Please don't punish me."

Gu Jinli shook his head and smiled as gently as the spring breeze, which made Xiao Ji shiver.

Gu Jinli said: "Xiao Ji, although your sword skills have improved, can you beat Er Qing? You can't. Since you can't beat him, you have to practice hard. If you don't practice, you will be beaten by Er Qing for the rest of your life. Don’t you feel sorry for yourself when you are always beaten?”

So be obedient and hurry up and practice.

Xiaoji was about to cry with frustration and wanted to say something promising, but she found that she seemed to be nothing compared to Erqing.

After thinking hard for a long time, he finally said: "Little boss, I am good at settling accounts. Aunt Tao taught me."

Xiaoji looked proud, finally finding a skill that he could use.


Gu Jinli smiled, threw out a ledger with a snap, and said, "Look through it."

"What is this?" Xiaoji frowned, picked up the account book on the table and read: "The ruins in the west of the city have been rebuilt. There are seven houses with front houses and back houses. Each one covers an area of ​​four acres. The construction of each house requires four hundred silver. Twenty taels, the fluctuation cannot exceed thirty taels...one warehouse, two three-level houses..."

Xiao Ji became dizzy from reading it and asked, "Who is the little boss?"

"It's the account book for the reconstruction of the ruins in the west of the city made by Er Qing. The accounts on it are written clearly." Gu Jinli looked at Xiao Ji and said: "Aunt Tao is very powerful. You learned well from Aunt Tao, but from Er Qing Compared with Qing, Er Qing is still far behind. Er Qing knows what materials and labor costs are needed to build a house in Fucheng, but you only know how to calculate the accounts, and you don't know how to build an account from scratch like her."

"Do you still think you can settle accounts now?" Gu Jinli admired the Qing girls Daqing Erqing and Sanqing. They were all well trained by Qin Sanlang, and each of them had a clear division of labor.

Daqing is the maid who walks in the darkness and does some secret things for her.

Erqing is specialized in helping her handle general affairs. Not only is he skilled, he can also settle accounts, manage people, run a shop, and negotiate.

Sanqing, on the other hand, is like Daqing, very skilled. Qin Sanlang said that he was specially reserved to protect her and would not leave frequently to do things like Daqing did.

Well, this is because I think Xiaoji is not good enough, and I need to find someone with more punches and kicks to follow her.

Si Qing, who is relatively young, is studying medicine. Qin Sanlang said that although she is good at medicine and dispensing medicine, she still needs a maid with medical skills by her side. After all, after they get married, if she becomes pregnant, she must be taken care of by someone with medical skills.

Gu Jinli didn't know why Qin Sanlang thought so far. Well, he probably really wanted to be a father.

Looking at these Qings and Xiao Ji, Gu Jinli wanted to facepalm, why could Qin Sanlang teach people so well, but she taught Xiao Ji to be so stupid.

In fact, Xiao Ji is not stupid, but he is young and has food and drink with Gu Jinli. He doesn't have to worry about anything, so he is a bit naive.

If she trains Xiaoji as a shadow guard like Qin Sanlang, Xiaoji will not be too bad.

After reading the account book, Xiao Ji felt that he was too embarrassed to see anyone: "Xiao Boss, I'm sorry, this slave has embarrassed you!"

Wuwuwu, Aunt Tao said that as the most favored maid of the Xiaodong family, she is the face of the Xiaodong family. If she is such a waste, she will be laughed at by the Qin family when the Xiaodong family marries into the Qin family.

If Qin Sanlang were here, he would definitely give Xiaoji a cold look. You are overthinking it. Xiaoyu is my wife, who in the Qin family dares to laugh at her?

Gu Jinli didn't speak, just sat in the chair and looked at Xiao Ji.


Xiaoji said: "Don't worry, little boss, I will definitely train hard and be better than Erqing and the others!"

After hearing this, Gu Jinli finally said: "You don't have to be better than them, but you have to remember that things are different now. You have to be on par with them."

Otherwise, even if she couldn't let go of Xiao Ji, she would still have to replace her, all at the cost of a few blessings.

Xiao Ji nodded: "This slave will definitely be as powerful as them."

Knock knock knock~

There was a knock on the window: "My little boss, your servant has come to pick up Xiao Ji."

The voice still had the softness of a child, and it was Si Qing's voice.

Gu Jinli opened the window and saw a cute little girl about ten years old with a round face, it was Si Qing.

Even though Si Qing was a child, he could already memorize several medical books and know thousands of medicinal materials. After the results of the government examination were released, he would follow them home and learn medical skills from Dr. Wu. After a few years of studying, he would be able to use them. .

"My slave, I pay my respects to my little master." Si Qing saluted Gu Jinli respectfully.

The master said that the young master is their mistress, and they must listen to the young master and be respectful to the young master. Who dares to make the young master angry? If you feed the wolves in the mountains or the fish in the water, choose whichever one you want. In short, you will not be able to live. .

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "Siqing is so cute."

Then he called Xiao Ji: "Hurry up, follow Si Qing, practice for two hours, come back and take a nap, that's enough."

It’s not enough at all, you’ll be sleepy to death!

Xiao Ji shouted in his heart, but did not dare to say it out loud. Instead, he followed Si Qing away.

Before leaving, Si Qing said: "Don't worry, little boss, San Qing is here. She is on the roof, she will guard you."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Yes, I understand, you go ahead."

Siqing takes Xiaoji away.

They didn't leave for long when Erqing came back and said, "My little boss, Daqing has already taken people to keep an eye on it."

Gu Jinli nodded, yawned, and asked Erqing to go to Xiaoji's room to sleep. He closed the door and windows and got into bed to rest.

When he got up the next day, Gu Jinli took a mule cart to Zhou's house in the north of the city.

Mrs. Zhou was very grateful that she could send someone to escort her to Zhongzhou to join her son. She thought she was a good person. After thinking about it for a few days, she finally decided to sell her a piece of land on the outskirts of the city.

But he asked to see her.

Gu Jinli originally didn't want to go out, but after she learned the location of the land, she decided to meet Mrs. Zhou.

Mrs. Zhou was different from what she had imagined. She was a kind-hearted and elegant old lady.

"Hello, Grandma Zhou." Gu Jinli saluted Mrs. Zhou.

When Mrs. Zhou saw her, she smiled in surprise and said, "It turns out she is a girl who looks like jade. No wonder she doesn't want to go out."

It would be better for such a good-looking girl to go out less often, so as not to bring trouble to the family.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "You are too old to be praised."

Then he asked: "Why do you want to see me?"

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