A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 958 The results of the government examination are released

She bought a lot of land, and usually left it to Feng Jin to handle it, rarely doing it herself.

Old lady Zhou said: "It's because of the land. That piece of land does not belong to the Zhou family, but to my Chang family. Where are the graves of my grandparents and parents. The old lady was thinking, if you want to buy that piece of land , I have to help the old lady take care of some of my family members’ graves. I’m afraid you won’t be happy, so I want to see you and talk about it.”

Mrs. Zhou is an only daughter, but Mr. Zhou is not willing to be her son-in-law. Mrs. Zhou’s father is an old friend of Zhou’s father, and he does not want the son of his old friend to be a surrogate son-in-law, so he proposed that if two sons were born, one of them would be adopted. Chang family.

Mr. Zhou agreed, but he was short-lived. He died before the second son appeared.

When he died, he left his last words, saying that when Boss Zhou grew up, he would return to Zhongzhou, which was their ancestral home.

Therefore, Mr. Zhou gave up everything in He'an Mansion and went to Zhongzhou according to Mr. Zhou's last wish.

Old Mrs. Zhou was very angry, because this matter was caused by her son's troubles for more than ten years. Now that he is older and had an illness last year, he figured it out, so he was willing to sell the house to Gu Jinli. Zhongzhou defected to his son.

Selling the house and land was Mrs. Zhou's show of goodwill to her son.

But the graves of my grandparents and parents couldn't be moved so quickly. I had to choose a day to beg for their remains, so I asked Gu Jinli to help take care of them.

When Mrs. Zhou said this, she already burst into tears: "This old woman is unfilial and has wronged her grandparents and parents, but a living person cannot live for the dead."

She has been stubborn with her son for more than ten years. If her stubbornness continues, she may die without being able to see her son.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli was very angry with Mrs. Zhou's son. This man treated his mother so poorly for the sake of his father. He was not a filial piety.

But Mrs. Zhou had already decided to join her son, so she didn’t say anything more and had no choice but to agree: “Don’t worry, I will send people to pay homage to the elders of the Chang family during every new year and festival. Until your family moves, Until the grave, you can go to Zhongzhou with peace of mind."

There is another thing that Gu Jinli doesn't understand...

"Grandma Zhou, things are not peaceful in Zhongzhou. You sold all your family property in He'an Mansion. If something unexpected happens in the future, it will be more difficult to return to He'an Mansion."

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhou was very pleased: "Girl, if you can remind me of this, you are obviously a conscientious person, but you are young and don't know what those wealthy families are thinking... My father and I are both from the previous dynasty. , they know that those aristocratic families are eager for chaos, they have already prepared it, you don’t have to worry about it, old lady."

Her son is a retainer of a wealthy family. He told her as early as three years ago: If chaos really breaks out, he can only survive by relying on the protection of the wealthy family. If he stays here, even if he has a family business, the family business will be gone. Can't keep it.

Gu Jinli listened and said nothing more. She had already reminded him what needed to be reminded.

The Zhou family's land on the outskirts of the city is in a very good location. There is a road in front and a hill in the back. After climbing over the hill, you can enter the deep mountains. There is a way out in front and a way back. If another dock is built, even if it becomes chaotic, short People are not afraid to stay in Wubao during this time. As long as you resist, you can escape into the mountains.

The Zhou family's land is not small, with a total of 800 acres connected to the hills. However, because it is mostly dry land and mountainous land, and the wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River and Huai River also like paddy fields, it has not been snatched away by the wealthy families.

Mrs. Zhou was grateful to Gu Jinli, and the price she gave her was very fair. It only cost three taels of silver per acre, and she won 800 acres of land for 2,400 taels.

Gu Jinli was so happy that after giving him the money, he immediately asked Erqing to transfer the title deed. He happily took the title deed home before noon.

But not long after she was happy, Daqing came to report: "My little boss, four groups of people in the city have come to Lu Bai, hoping that he will continue to use filial piety to criticize the eldest young master."

Among these four groups, one was an old Hanlin who had become an official. He was very pedantic and felt that although Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu had made mistakes, it was also unfilial for Gu Dashan to disown him.

As a grandson, Gu Jinan watched Mr. Gu being driven out of He'an Mansion without saving anyone, and he was about to be struck by lightning!

One is Mr. Shi, a self-proclaimed madman from a famous family, who looks down on Gu Jinan and other poor people who came from famine, and does not want Gu Jinan to get the talent of Xiao Sanyuan.

There are two other groups of people from the Xue family and the Ge family in Fucheng. Both families have candidates who took part in the government examination, and they also went to the head of the government office. Knowing that Gu Jinan is good at learning, they want to win over him in terms of personal ethics. Come down.

Gu Jinli was speechless: "It's just a government examination, and it's not Chunwei, so what?"

After Gu Jinan learned about it, he smiled and said: "Do you still remember why the Zou Jiang family was in trouble? It was because of their talent and reputation that Zou Xiancheng was jealous of. The scientific examination is very important to everyone. Whose family Everyone wants to grab a spot, so they naturally use all kinds of means. Every time there is a scientific examination, there will be candidates who suffer disasters for no reason, or get sick, or have their hands and feet broken."

And many of these are man-made, just to get rid of those talented candidates so that they can't take the scientific examination so that they can have more opportunities. After all, the number of people admitted to the imperial examination is limited. If you kill one, you may be on the list.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli sneered: "In that case, don't blame us."

You want to use filial piety to suppress others, right? She doesn't believe that all the four groups of people are filial sons in their families!

Gu Jinli was never a talkative person, so he immediately asked Daqing and the others to investigate the dirty things in the back house of these four families. In less than three days, they found out a lot.

The old Hanlin spoiled his concubine and destroyed his wife. When he was an Hanlin in the capital, he did not come back to visit his father-in-law who was seriously ill because his concubine had fetal gas. As a result, not only did he not see his father-in-law for the last time, he also missed his father-in-law's funeral. It was simply This is extremely unfilial!

Although the father-in-law is not the biological father, the son-in-law must still be filial.

After the storyteller mentioned this, everyone in Manfu City knew about it, and they all scolded Old Hanlin for being obsessed with his concubine and not even caring about his father-in-law's life or death. He was a sanctimonious and immoral person!

Mr. Shi, on the other hand, relied on his good family background and his love for doing crazy things. When he was in the south of the Yangtze River, he raped a young girl. Although he paid for it with money, it didn't stop Mr. Storyteller from telling stories. It was Mr. Shi's misdeeds that The debts were discussed in turn for several days.

The Xue family and the Ge family are not much better. Master Xue has made his cousin pregnant and is still discussing marriage with the Yu family in Fucheng.

The subject of the marriage proposal was Mr. Yu's granddaughter. Mr. Yu was so angry that he broke off the engagement with the Xue family. The Xue family came to the house in tears to ask for peace, but was beaten out by the Yu family.

The Ge family has many brothers, and each of them wants to share more of the family property. Each family member is afraid that they will suffer a loss, so they desperately hold on to the money from the father-in-law, which makes the old man of the Ge family become very angry.

The storyteller also mentioned the Ge family's unfilial piety.

The four families took turns talking about them, saying that life would be worse than death. They were still talking about the four families until April 19, the day the results were released.

Gu Jinli had listened to the gossip with gusto for several days, but he had no time to listen to it on April 19th. He got up early to wait for the rankings to be released.

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