A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 964 No one is buying it.

Ma Yamen's long knife struck Gu Chengxian directly in the face, almost cutting off half of his head.

Gu Chengxian immediately fell to the ground, this time completely dead.

Liu Shiqi was going crazy with fear. He kept beating his body and crying: "I'm going to get Hualiu disease, I'm going to get Hualiu disease, wuwuwu..."

Help, save him.

Liu Shiqi is a young man. After seeing the horror of Hualiu disease, he simply cannot bear this kind of blow.

The other government officials were also extremely frightened, and just like him, they kept patting their bodies, trying to swat Hualiu Bing away.

Ma Yamen had no time to be afraid and immediately told his mother-in-law: "Hurry up and invite Doctor Xiao and Doctor Liu. Go quickly, I will pay for it!"

The old lady was so frightened by Gu Chengxian's death that she fell to the ground. After hearing this, she quickly got up and said, "Yes, yes, yes, old lady, go right now."

He rushed out of the house and ran straight to the street. After being confused for a moment, he found the direction of Qingshan Medical Center and rushed to find Dr. Xiao.

In the yard, Yamen Ma rushed to Liu Shiqi, slapped him twice, and shouted: "Calm down, don't scare yourself, Doctor Xiao said that Hualiu disease is not so easy to catch, unless you sleep!"

He hadn't slept yet, so Gu Chengxian just spat at them a few times. I don't know if the spit was spitted on them, so they wouldn't be so unlucky to get it.

After Ma Yamen beat Liu Shiqi, he yelled at the other Yamen servants: "Calm down, please don't touch your body until the doctor comes."

He comforted Liu Shiqi and another yamen servant: "Shiqi, Chengzi, although you two are closest to Gu Chengxian, you are covered in layers after layers. Even if you are spit on, it will stick to your clothes. It's okay. Everything is fine." Don’t scare yourself!”

"Uncle Ma, will I really be okay?" Liu Shiqi asked crying.

Ma Yamen said: "Of course it will be fine. Look at Granny Kong and Laoba Lin. They deliver meals, old clothes and night fragrance to Gu Chengxian and the others every day. They are fine, and you will definitely be fine too."

Yamen Ma had to persuade Liu Shiqi to stop crying.

Ma Yamen said again: "You guys watch here, I'll go back to the Yamen."

Gu Chengxian is dead and must be reported immediately.

The officials said: "Brother Ma, go quickly. We will watch here and we won't make any mistakes again."

Ma Yamen nodded and hurried back to the government office.

The results of the government examination were released. The prefect was very happy today and was drinking with an eunuch from Linhe Prefecture.

Linhe Prefecture is the capital of Jianghuai. In the previous dynasty, Linhe Prefecture had the governor's office, and the governor's office in the previous dynasty had the power to supervise the various prefectures under its jurisdiction. It was like a small court. Five supervisors were sent to each scientific examination. An adult comes to invigilate the exam.

However, the Emperor of Dachu believed that the governor's office was a house of rebels, and was afraid that the Dachu dynasty would be overthrown by the governors, so he abolished the governor's system after the establishment of Dachu. Therefore, although Linhe Prefecture is the capital of Jianghuai and has the qualifications to hold college examinations, many of its rights have been cut off. Even the post of school supervisor specially raised to supervise the government examinations is gone. Only one instructor will be sent to accompany each government examination. Together with the chief official of the palace, he invigilated the exam.

Anyway, after taking the imperial examination, I was just a boy. If I want to become a scholar, I have to pass the academy examination.

During the college examination, the capital will select academic administrators from the Hanlin Academy to preside over the examination. As long as the big card is set up here for the college examination, it is enough.

The ancient magistrate was happily entertaining guests when he heard from Zhang Bantou that Ma Yamen was here.

Ma Yamen is Ma Bantou's clan brother, and he is the person trained by Ma Bantou to take over his position. In Dachu, which pays attention to clan power, this is nothing. It is a person who will support his family and clan members when he succeeds.

But recently, the people on Ma Bantou's side have been a little annoyed, making mistakes all the time. When the ancient prefect heard that Ma Yamen was coming, he frowned and asked, "What happened again?"

Zhang Bantou said: "Something happened to the serial criminal in custody. Please go and see Xiaoma Yamen."

The ancient prefect knew that Bantou Zhang was a seasoned person. Unless something serious or urgent happened, he would not come to the dinner table to call him.

The ancient magistrate said: "Shen Jiaoyu, I have some official business to deal with. You eat first. I will come later."

Shen Jiaoyu of Linhe Prefecture smiled and said: "Excuse me, my lord, I am not a guest. I just need Ma Jiaoyu and Master Tang to accompany me."

A Jiaoyu is indeed not worthy of the company of the ancient magistrate, but this Shen Jiaoyu comes from a prominent family in Linhe Prefecture, and his aunt married into the Sun family of Jinling.

Although the Sun family is not as good as the Zheng family and can keep up with the official family, it is still a well-known family in Jinling. The ancient magistrate's ambition was in Jiangnan and he would not give up any opportunity that could pave the way for his transfer. That's why he wanted to accompany Shen Jiao. Yu asked for dinner to build up the relationship between the Shen family and the Sun family.

But now I have to leave.

After hearing what Ma Yamen said, the ancient magistrate was so angry that he almost overturned the table: "The plagued dog has such a vicious heart. He deserves to be hacked to death!"

If Gu Chengxian hadn't died, he would have wanted to kill Gu Chengxian at this moment. He was such a nobody, and he actually did such a thing that he wanted to die with the yamen servant. Such a vicious scoundrel should have been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

The ancient magistrate said: "Use the money from the government office to ask Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao to take a look at it. After taking a look, all of you will stay at Lao Gu's house first and you will not be allowed to leave within a month."

Ma Yamen knew that this was to lock them up and see if they were infected with Hualiu disease.

Ma Yamen was a little aggrieved, but he could only do as he was told: "Yes, I humbly obey my orders."

The ancient magistrate said: "Don't worry, no matter what the outcome is, the government will not treat you badly. Your salary will be paid as usual, and all medical expenses will be covered by the government."

As for Gu Chengxian...

"Burn it. When you're done burning it, just throw the ashes into the river."

Such a beast is not worthy of digging a grave and burying it.

"Yes." Ma Yamen asked again: "Sir, what about Gu Youlu and the others? Their condition has worsened recently. They scream in the house all day long. I am worried that they will suddenly go crazy like Gu Chengxian."

Ma Yamen was scolding Gu Youlu and the others in his heart. Damn it, they are a bunch of dogs. They just wanted to get sick, but after seeing that they were about to die, they still wanted to kill them.

He was really unlucky for eight lifetimes when he went to guard the old Gu family. I really envy Zhang Sanjin!

The ancient prefect wanted to poison the old Gu family to death directly, but they were the conspirators of Mrs. Gu and Mr. Li's murder of the Yuan family. If they wanted to die, they had to wait for the approval documents from the Dali Temple in the capital.

The ancient prefect thought for a while and said: "Put some medicine in their food and let them sleep after eating. After a few more days, the people from Dali Temple will arrive."

When the time comes, they will all be in trouble, let’s see how these monsters and monsters can do evil!

"Yes." After hearing this, Ma Yamen rushed back to the house on Moxiang Street, where he happened to meet Dr. Xiao.

When the residents of Moxiang Street saw them, they asked worriedly: "Yan Ma, Doctor Xiao, the old Gu family is causing trouble again? When will they leave? The prices of our houses on Moxiang Street have all been reduced, and no one is selling them. Buy it!”

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