A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 965 The furious Mrs. Kong

Ever since the incident happened to the old Gu family, the reputation of Moxiang Street has also been affected, and all kinds of unpleasant words have been spread.

The Fang family next door to Lao Gu's family is miserable. There are two elderly girls in the family, but no one dares to come to propose marriage, for fear that the disease will spread through the wall to the Fang family.

The two girls of the Fang family cried at home every day and almost hanged themselves.

Old Mrs. Fang was so angry that she asked her servants to yell at the wall of the old Gu family three times a day, calling the old Gu family shameless. Now she is thinking about selling the house and moving, but who will buy it? It can't be sold at all.

Ma Yamen, who was almost bored to death, said to the questioner: "Don't ask, the prefect said, wait for a few more days, and when the approval documents from Dali Temple in the capital arrive, the old Gu family will leave here, or be executed." , or exiled, in short we can survive for a few more days."

After Ma Yamen finished speaking, he led Doctor Xiao into the house.

Doctor Liu had already examined the government officials in the yard. He first checked to see if there was any spit on the officials' bodies, and then ordered the medicine boy to cut off the government officials' clothes and throw them aside to burn.

At this moment, the yamen servants were naked, with a concoction smeared on their bodies. They looked dark and ugly.

When Doctor Liu saw Doctor Xiao, he snorted coldly and said, "Some people put on airs just because they are old and have a good background. This is a matter of life and death. How dare you come here so slowly?"

Doctor Xiao gave Doctor Liu a sick look, and after asking the government officials in detail what happened, he said: "It's okay. Although Hualiu disease is an incurable disease, it is not easy to contract it. Generally, except for In addition to being infected during the couple's rituals, you can only be infected by touching the diseased area or touching the patient's intimate clothing. Generally speaking, you can't spread the infection by spitting a few mouthfuls of saliva, so don't worry."

When Liu Shiqi heard what Doctor Xiao said, he cried and asked, "Is what Doctor Xiao said true?"

Before Dr. Xiao could say anything, Dr. Liu said: "Of course it is true. Hualiu disease is a serious disease, but it is not as evil as what is said outside. Don't worry."

Then he said, "You can tell from Mrs. Kong and Laoba Lin that they haven't been infected. What are you afraid of?"

Liu Shiqi and the government officials felt relieved after hearing this, but Ma Yamen still told them what the ancient prefect said.

Liu Shiqi and the others had no objection. After all, this was done for their own good. If they unfortunately got infected and went home instead of staying in this house honestly, the family would suffer.

"This matter will be kept secret from the outside world, and you and your family will not be judged by outsiders. Don't worry." Ma Yamen assured again.

After everyone heard this, they were completely relieved.

Doctor Liu pointed to the horse clerk and said, "Stand still, I'll cut off your clothes, apply the medicinal juice on it, and take a medicinal bath later."

Dr. Xiao was afraid that Ma Yamen would think too much, so he added: "The application of concoction and medicinal bath on you is just for prevention, it does not mean that you are sick, don't worry."

"I know, thank you for being old." Ma Yamen stood and let Dr. Liu take off his clothes.

Not long after, Ma Yamen and the others went to take a medicinal bath, and Gu Chengxian's body was burned.

Burning a corpse was very time-consuming and the commotion was quite noisy. After seeing the thick smoke in Gu Chengxian's yard, Mrs. Gu felt something was wrong and wanted to take a look. But she was afraid that she would contract the disease, so she asked Ms. Zheng to go to the yard with Aunt Gu. It depends on the situation.

How could he know that what he saw was Gu Chengxian's half-burned body.

"Ahhh!" The three Gu family members were all useless. They were so frightened that they screamed and fell to the ground with a plop, fainting.

After Ma Yamen and the others took a medicinal bath, they were very happy to learn that Gu Shi and the others had fainted from fright: "Okay, these most noisy girls have finally fainted, and we can finally be quiet for a while."

But Ma Yamen and the others underestimated the Gu family's ability to make trouble. After they woke up, they cried and made trouble, saying that Ma Yamen and the others had plotted to kill Gu Chengxian and wanted to sue Ma Yamen and the others.

Ma Yamen and the others were almost sick after hearing this. He told them what happened and said, "Gu Chengxian sabotaged the government examination. He is a repeat offender. He still wants to harm us today. Shouldn't we be harmed by him if we stand and don't resist?"

Gu and the others didn't care, they just shouted at the top of their lungs: "What if Chengxian is a repeat offender? Can you hack him to death? Let me tell you, I, Gu, am the daughter of a scholar, and my sister Ya is still the son of Mr. Zhan San." Ping's wife, if you kill Chengxian like this, the Zhan family will not let you go."

Ma Yamen smiled. Should he tell you about Zhang and Gu Chengli? Let you know that the Zhan family does not recognize you as a relative.

Gu thought Ma Yamen was afraid, so she changed the topic and said, "You can let us go if you don't want to be sued by us. As long as you let us go, Chengxian's matter will be over."

He added: "Anyway, we are just serial offenders, not the main culprits. As long as the prefect has Li Shiliu to help us...saving someone's life is a great merit."

After hearing this, Ma Yamen was stunned for a moment before he realized what Gu wanted to do. He almost died laughing: "So that's what you had in mind. I thought you were so reluctant to let go of Gu Chengxian. In the end, it's all for yourself."

"I'm telling you, stop dreaming. You can't be acquitted. You can get away with it if you want. As long as your husband agrees to make peace with you, you can leave."

This is exactly what Gu and Zheng are in trouble for.

Gu Youwen and Gu Youlu refused to reconcile with them to death, and Gu Youwen and Gu Youlu were only co-offenders, not the principal offenders. Therefore, if they wanted to reconcile, they had to get the consent of their husbands, otherwise they would have to let their mother-in-law take the initiative. Or use five taels of silver to force a divorce.

But their natal family members didn’t know where they died, and they didn’t have five taels of silver.

And even if they had money to reconcile, the ancient prefect would not let them do so.

These demon-like old women are so capable of tormenting them that if they don't kill them all, the ancient prefect is afraid that they will commit evil again and implicate themselves to death.

There have been too many cases of immorality in the city under his jurisdiction. As the chief official of the first government, he will be laughed at by his colleagues, but the old Gu family is a group of people who compete with each other for their immorality!

If you're afraid, let's just let the old Gu family die together.

When Gu and the others saw that Ma Yamen refused to agree, they started shouting and making a fuss at the top of their lungs. Zheng was the more violent one, and in the end she even tore off her clothes and shouted: "You are seizing the women of the people, the government officials are seizing the wives of good families!"

He actually wanted to slander Ma Yamen and the others.

Ma Yamen and the others were stunned. They didn't expect that Zheng would dare to use this trick. What did they think they were? Have you ever seen a breeding pig that has only seen a sow but not a woman?

Oh my god, who are the people in this family? Can you let them go?

Ma Yamen and the others were almost beaten to death by the old Gu family. Fortunately, Mrs. Kong was very powerful. While Ma Yamen and the others were still stunned, she picked up a stick and knocked Mrs. Zheng unconscious with a few bangs. He even ran up and stepped on his feet, cursing: "What a bitch, you have the nerve to say such slanderous words, and you don't even look at the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked beast you look like. Who would like you?!"

Then he turned around and glared at Gu, spitting and cursing: "Shout, you dare to shout at me again. When there is no calm every day, you are criminals. You are not honest and waiting for the punishment, and you still want to go to heaven." Can’t do it?!”

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