A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 966: Die with eyes closed

Mrs. Kong was also tortured a lot by the old Gu family. They were all very noisy. If these things were her children, she would have pushed them into the urine bucket and drowned them!

Seeing Mrs. Kong's rage, Mrs. Gu was so frightened that she hurriedly hid in the house and sobbed, not daring to make any more noise.

But she still said firmly: "Don't be so arrogant, I won't die. My sister Ya is the most filial and will come back to save me."

Only the Zhan family knew that the third son of Zhan had Gu Ya and the others drowned in the river. The Gu family still dreamed of Gu Ya returning to glory and saving her from danger.

"Ah! Save you? Don't you know what the Zhan family means? Just because you have embarrassed the uncles and nephews of the Zhan family so much that everyone in the city knows about it, it's impossible for your daughter to still be alive!" Mrs. Kong knew that there were secrets in the houses of wealthy families. The methods of dealing with people are both cruel and neat, and they will never make things easier for the girl who harmed the children of the rich family.

Mrs. Kong had been suppressed for a long time. Today she not only beat and scolded Gu and Zheng, but also went to beat Aunt Gu.

After the beating, he felt comfortable and asked Ma Yamen: "Master Ma, do you still want to eat the banquet in the living room in your front yard? If not, give it to the old lady. They are all good dishes. It would be a pity to throw them away."

Ma Yamen: "You keep eating it, there won't be enough for you to order another table tomorrow!"

It's so fierce that a shrew has to be treated by a shrew.

Mrs. Kong was not polite at all and said with a smile: "Okay, I will not have breakfast tomorrow. I will wait for your banquet, Mr. Ma."

After saying that, he ran to the living room in the front yard and packed away all the meat and vegetables left by Ma Yamen and the others.

The news of Gu Chengxian's death also reached the prison cell of the government office.

After hearing this, Mr. Li didn't feel any heartache at all. He now wished that all the descendants of Mrs. Gu would die miserably!

When Mrs. Gu heard that Gu Chengxian was dead, she was stunned. She didn't feel any sadness. She just said to the prison boss: "Meet... Zhi... Lang!"

The prison boss felt his head hurt when he heard it: "Here he comes again. I've already told you that Li Zhi doesn't want to see you, so just give up."

Mrs. Gu was very interested in Mr. Li. She was about to die, but while she was waiting to die in prison, she still shouted to see Zhiro every day.

The cell boss conveyed her words to Mr. Li, but Mr. Li was very angry and cursed Old Mrs. Gu for being shameless. He asked the cell boss to tell her that he would never see her even if he died, which made Old Mrs. Gu give up on this idea!

But Mrs. Gu doesn't, she loves Mr. Li so much that she wants to see him. She won't rest in peace if she doesn't see him.

And what Mr. Li wants is for her to die with her eyes open.

Seeing that she was too persistent, the prison boss simply told Mr. Li what he wanted: "Mr. Li will not see you. He hates you so much. What he wants is for you to die with regrets."

Mrs. Gu also knew Li Zhi's purpose. Because of this, she wanted to see him even more, hoping to move Li Zhi and let him forgive her before he died.

Mrs. Gu naively thought that she and Li Zhi had feelings. As long as she continued to ask to see him, she would be able to impress him. They would die together, be reincarnated together, and become a loving couple in the next life.

However, Mrs. Gu had no time to wait any longer.

In the evening of the same day, the prison guards from Dali Temple rode fast horses into He'an Mansion, came to the He'an Mansion Office, and read out Dali Temple's final approval of Mr. Li's murder of the Yuan family.

"He'an Prefecture also knows Li Zhi. If he knows the law and breaks the law, he should be punished according to the law. His descendants are innocent and can be redeemed with silver. Li Shiliu is evil-hearted and should be sentenced to Lingchi. In consideration of her old age, she is pardoned from Lingchi's sentence and sentenced to Xiaoshou instead. The children he gave birth to are all evil-hearted people, and they are all sentenced to the punishment of being the leader of an owl, to warn the common people in the world!"

The prison guard of Dali Temple was wearing heavy armor. After reading out the approval document, he handed it to the ancient magistrate: "Gu magistrate, Ming Shaoqing said that you are a fair official and have a plan to solve the case. He is very happy."

After hearing this, the ancient prefect was trembling with fright...Did Shaoqing Ming praise him? Did the King of Hell, whom all the officials were afraid of, praise him? Is he dreaming?

So, his transfer to Jiangnan is settled?

Ming Shaoqing was born into one of the top ten aristocratic families. When Chu was founded, Ming Shaoqing's grandfather had the merit of presenting a seal and was awarded a title. He was one of the few wealthy families in Chu who was born into a noble family and had a title and also held real power. one of the characters.

Anyone who is favored by the Ming family will surely have smooth sailing in their official career, and Ming Shaoqing is more powerful and shrewd than his father and ancestors. To join Ming Shaoqing is to board a solid ship made of copper and iron. No matter how big the storm is, nothing will happen as long as we are on this big ship.

The prison guard had seen many people who were overjoyed when Ming Shaoqing praised him, so he just smiled and added: "Ming Shaoqing asked the villain to inform the ancient prefect that Li Zhi and the others should not be allowed to live until the document is approved. The next day it was delivered.”

The ancient prefect was shocked when he heard this. It turned out to be the style of the King of Hell. He never waits to kill people, but kills them immediately.

However, he felt something was not right and asked: "Why are you so anxious? But what happened in the capital?"

The prison guard said: "Ming Shaoqing asked you to think about who is the backer behind Li Zhi?"

The eldest prince!

The ancient prefect's face turned pale. Does Ming Shaoqing mean that the eldest prince is going to fall?

Not only did the eldest prince fall, he was also killed by his own father, leaving no heirs, but the news had not yet reached He'an Mansion.

The ancient prefect did not dare to wait any longer and immediately said: "Please rest assured, Ming Shaoqing, Li Zhi and others will definitely not survive tomorrow."

After hearing this, the prison guard nodded with satisfaction and asked again: "Gu Zhifu, Ming Shaoqing wants to know, is the head of the case for this government examination Gu Jinan?"

The ancient magistrate was stunned again, nodded and said: "Exactly, why does Ming Shaoqing ask this?"

The prison guard was a shadow guard of the Ming family. He was arranged by the Ming family to enter the Dali Temple for the convenience of Ming Shaoqing in handling cases. Therefore, Ming Shaoqing could safely let the prison guard pass the message: "Ming Shaoqing said, this is a talent. He wanted."

The Ming family has never given up on recruiting talents from all over the world. Over the years, it has recruited many capable people. As long as these people can enter the court and serve as officials, they will become the Ming family party and can be used by the Ming family.

The ancient prefect swallowed his saliva. This Ming Shaoqing was really crazy. He dared to recruit talents so blatantly. He was not afraid of Emperor Chu...

However, the Ming family is powerful, and the Emperor of Chu made a mistake and destroyed the Wei family five years ago. Now that the northwest is not peaceful, he dare not touch the Ming family again.

The ancient prefect said: "Please tell Ming Shaoqing that he understands his intention and will definitely let Gu Jinan go to the capital to take the exam safely."

It's just a matter of protecting a person. He can do it, as long as he knows that the King of Hell will not use his knife on him.

After the prison guard finished speaking, he went to the guest house of the government office to rest. After Li Zhi and Mrs. Gu were dead and he was found dead, he could return to the capital.

The ancient prefect acted quickly. As soon as the prison guards left, he asked the government servants to prepare sumptuous meals for Li Zhi, Mrs. Gu, and the old Gu family, so that they would be well-fed.

Mrs. Gu is a somewhat knowledgeable person. When she saw these dinners with meat, vegetables and wine, she knew that it was a meal without her head, and she was crying to see Mr. Li: "Meet Mr. Zhi!"

If she wants to see Zhiro, she must see Zhiro. She can't die in peace.

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