A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 118: Tom asked me to give you a word

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of a certain magical Hogwarts!

The rain poured down, beating on the black Thestral carriage.

There were only three wizards in the carriage, one man and two women.

Tonks opened the window, and the rain slanted slightly, instantly soaking her robes.

Her wand tapped on her clothes, and steam immediately came out of her.

Before the clothes were dry, Tonks stretched out his hand again to catch the rain that was dripping from the eaves of the car.

This rain, which has been rushing towards Azkaban since approaching Azkaban, has never stopped, a posture that will not give up until the fish is drowned.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time she has come to Azkaban since she became an Auror.

But it was the first time she escorted a prisoner alone into this notorious prison.

However, just based on what this "prisoner" did, if he was imprisoned for ten or eight years, he would definitely not be wronged at all!

The prisoner did not have the slightest "prisoner" self-awareness. He was holding a book and resting his head on the lap of the girl next to him.

Hermione sat cross-legged, gently massaging William's shoulders.

The **** is going to jail?

Afraid not to go to Azkaban to celebrate Christmas, right? !

William glanced slightly and saw that Tang Ke was staring at him in a daze.

She was soaking wet, her robes clinging to her body.

But there was no hint of wet temptation, because her expression was more like a female rabbit ready to bite.

William knew why Tonks was angry, but he didn't explain, just changed the subject and said with a smile:

"This is my first time in jail, so I'm a little excited."

"Actually, I have always had a wish that when I wanted to be sorted, the Sorting Hat put me in Azkaban.

Isn't it half achieved now, are you going to enter Azkaban?

So, one must have a dream. Otherwise, what is the difference between sweet and sour fish? "

Tonks couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Then you'd better pray to Merlin that the Dementors won't give you a kiss in the middle of the night."

The rain poured through the window and fell on William. With his hair slightly wet, he blinked and said:

"Anna, the less you know about this, the better. I won't hurt you."

Tonks snorted disapprovingly.

Her thoughts wandered, and she remembered the events of the day.

This Christmas Eve, William and Hermione were not having dinner at the school, but they suddenly found her and said they were going to Azkaban for an overnight trip.

But Tonks was frightened.


You little couples are not satisfied with those big cities for Christmas vacation, are you ready to enjoy the prison double room mode?

The mood and excitement are indeed there.

But no,


Do you think Azkaban is yours?

William didn't explain the reason, Tonks was so angry, but as a friend, he had to continue to help.

The big deal is the Auror job!

However, William couldn't let her lose her position. After all, she was his gold medal spy. After so many years of resource investment, he couldn't go to waste.

He came prepared long ago, took out a bottle of compound decoction, and handed it over.

After Tonks took it, he asked cautiously, "Whose hair is in here?"

"That old toad from Umbridge." William said calmly: "Even if something goes wrong, she will take the blame for you."

Tonks couldn't help opening his mouth wide.

She suddenly remembered something:

The year before Sirius escaped from prison, when he was caught, he was monitored by Dawlish.

Delix finally claimed: Fudge let Sirius go, but Fudge was with everyone at the time.

Now that I think about it...William wouldn't have Fudge's hair too, would he be on purpose?

Good guy... It seems that Guan's judgment for ten years and eight years is still conservative!

The black triangular building slowly appeared in the line of sight, and the carriage cut through the sky and slowly approached the island.

The wind and waves around Azkaban were the heaviest, and a huge iron lock suddenly broke open the sea. He nailed it **** the rock of the island, and the fire suddenly splashed all over the place.

Pulled by the iron rope, the carriage finally landed smoothly.

Tonks turned into Umbridge and got out of the carriage, and Hermione drank Potion Potion, turned into a new face, and jumped off.

Finally, a wizard in his twenties stepped out of the carriage with a string of padlocks on his body, which locked him.

The trio followed a rock-paved road into Azkaban prison.

Before long, a group of Dementors appeared in front of the three of them. They were about three meters tall and wore black hooded cloaks. They were gray and looked like carrion.

They glided across the ground, shimmering hands from their cloaks, gray, thin and scabbed, trailing a pile of shriveled wizard corpses.

The dementors suddenly stopped their movements and looked at the prisoner in the middle.

New arrivals again!

The Dementor became restless and took a hard breath of "sweet air".

"This is the prisoner who has just been caught. He offended Minister Fudge and will be put in the top cell." Umbridge handed over a document.

The Dementor leader was a little nervous.

Why did the Ministry of Magic suddenly send Deputy Minister Umbridge and Aurors to Azkaban at this time?

Has the plan been revealed? !

Fortunately, Umbridge, the deputy minister, seems to hate Azkaban.

Just after handing over the prisoner, he left with the Auror.

Under the leadership of several dementors, the prisoner walked upstairs and was finally locked in a cell.

Originally, they wanted to take a sip, and add extra meals after work.

But the prisoner, who originally exuded a happy atmosphere, was like a corpse in the blink of an eye, with only sadness entangled in his body.

The dementors pursed their lips. Although they could not see, they could feel the breath.

As soon as he "sees" something that is not "fat and fat", he left in a huff on the spot, complaining that the Ministry of Magic's eyesight was too poor.

Found such a two-legged crow with no emotions!

late at night,

A woman described as withered, lying on the wooden board, her eyes are deadly.

There were scratches on the wall, with the Dark Lord's name written on it.

The entire wall is full of names, written for fourteen years.

It was only by relying on this belief that she could persevere, otherwise she would have gone crazy by the absorption of happy memories by Dementors every day.


The door was opened.

Is the Dementor coming again?

There was no change in Bellatrix's eyes.

But the strange thing is that those dementors don't come to **** her recently... She thought she had become a scum and had no value to absorb.

Didn't expect the other party to come again?


Dementors can only slide, how can there be footsteps.

Bellatrix raised her head sharply, and by the light of lightning outside the window, she saw a young wizard, sixteen or seventeen, standing in the middle of the cell.

Bellatrix was in a trance for a moment, as if she had returned to the girlhood, seeing the picture of the Dark Lord when he was young for the first time.

The other party is not the Dark Lord, but he is equally handsome and extraordinary, with outstanding temperament.

Bellatrix snorted coldly, scratched his crotch without grace, and clenched his teeth.

The cell in which she was being held has been without inmates for a long time.

They were all hardened by her... even with the bones, they were eaten.

When gnawing on the bones, my teeth were knocked out several times... but the taste is really memorable.

This time, the Dementor sent a handsome little wizard, and it must taste very good.

Bellatrix stuck out her tongue and licked her chapped lips with her blackened tongue.

She doesn't have much strength, presumably not a young wizard opponent.

However, I am experienced and experienced, and I can seduce the other party and bite it on the neck again...

Anyway, wizards who enter here can't have wands... Aurors have long been detained.

Bellatrix's tone was as gentle as possible, like a patient hunter: "Why were you arrested?"

The young wizard seemed startled, only to notice that there was another wizard on the bed.

"I called Fudge a sloppy minister, and was caught by the Aurors."

The voice of the young wizard is also very good... Bellatrix decides to taste it for a while, starting from the lower body.

That way...you can hear him howling all the time.

Wait... Bellatrix was stunned, calling the minister a scumbag, so he could be arrested in Azkaban?

Yo Dark Lord... what kind of world is this? !

"What's your name, and what wizarding family are you from?" Bellatrix asked again.

Such an extraordinary wizard can't be from a mudblood!

"Son, come closer to me, my ears are not good."

The young wizard continued walking undefended, Bellatrix sneered inwardly, what a fledgling.

At this age, she has already killed several Mudbloods who gave her a second look!

Yes, that's it, a little closer...

Bellatrix thought.

She was stunned, ready to pounce.

"My name is William Stark... Have you heard of it?" The handsome boy lowered his voice.

William Stark?

Familiar name?

It seems that when Tywin was locked in, he mentioned this name when he was chatting with her in the opposite cell...

Bellatrix didn't think too much, UU read www. uukanshu.com She has already pounced on it.

But she stood upside down for a moment, because,

He was nailed to the plank, unable to move.

"How do you have a wand..." Bellatrix roared. "Why wasn't it taken away by the Aurors..."

William walked quietly, sat down beside Bellatrix, and said:

"Bellatrix, my best friend - Tom, ask me to give you a word.

There is a faint thunder, and the sky is cloudy, but I hope that the **** of death will come and keep you here...

Voldemort asked me to **** you to... Death. "

(Ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, everyone.)

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