A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 119: Wake up, hunt time!

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of a certain magical Hogwarts!

Rodolphus Lestrange sat in the doorway of the iron railing, and after listening for a moment, he found that the dementors had all left, and this was the beginning of the night's work.

Thanks to his knowledge of Occlumency, he has been doing pretty well all these years.

Dementors want to absorb happiness, so he uses Occlumency to seal up the happiest emotions and present only the most painful memories.

for example:

On the night of the wedding, fiancee Bellatrix ran away to find the Dark Lord secretly.

On the second afternoon, I limped back and dragged my tired body back.

Malfoy, who married Narcissa, also told him:

The Dark Lord taught Bella a lesson all night before she could walk smoothly.

Bella's temper will change in the future, let him not take it to heart, but be strong...

The result is:

His status among the Death Eaters had inexplicably improved.

What a sad story.

Another example:

Every time there was a meeting, Bella sat next to the Dark Lord, while her husband could only sit in the middle, looking at the two from a distance.

You can even hear words like - "a perfect match".

Does Rodolphus like Bella?

Of course I like it, otherwise why would you marry her back then?

Although Bella herself is reluctant, her parents and family are all willing.

After all, Lestrange and Blake are a perfect match!

Rodolphus knew Bella didn't like him, knew she loved the Dark Lord...but he didn't care.

He could tolerate the night when Bella didn't come home; he could also join the Death Eaters directly because of her.

Even after Voldemort's fall, he followed her without hesitation, torturing the Longbottoms, and then being caught by the Aurors.

He just wanted Bella to be happy.

Because, he believes that he has done so much, Bella will one day understand:

Who is the man who loves her the most in this world.

So now, what Rodolphus has to do every night is:

prison Break.

Save Bella!

Prison escape is not so easy, after all, this is Azkaban, there is no way to get out without a wand.

But Rodolphus' biggest reliance is time.

That's right, he stole a fork from the lunch box, and he was digging secret roads every night in the middle of the night.

It has been digging for fourteen years.

Azkaban didn't let the wind out, and he just ate the dirt debris.

As for the entrance of the cave, the Dementors have no eyes and can't see at all.

If Aurors pass by, just cover them with newspaper.

At this time, Rodolphus was holding a small fork, thinking of Bella, and continued to dig the tunnel.

Suddenly there was a sound outside, the sound of unlocking the lock.

Rodolphus' face turned pale, could it be discovered that fourteen years of hard work have turned into a dream bubble?

He waited for a while, the sound had died down, and no dementors came to give him a kiss.

Rodolphus dared to get out again, looking at the scene in front of him, suddenly stunned.

It turned out that the door had been opened, but there was no dementor handle.

Rodolph thought for a long time before he stood up in a daze and looked out tremblingly.

Not all the prison doors were opened. In this corridor, only his door with August Rookwood was opened.

Both were Death Eaters.

Speaking of Rookwood, Ludo Bagman has to be mentioned.

Rookwood was a spy placed by the Dark Lord at the Ministry of Magic at the time. Before his arrest, he served in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, responsible for delivering Ministry of Magic information to Voldemort.

It was he who deceived Ludo and deceived a lot of information, and Ludo almost went to prison.

Seeing that Rookwood came out, Rodolphus quickly grabbed him and asked him to help find Bella together.

Rookwood persuaded: "Six months ago, I felt the call of the Dark Mark, the master must be resurrected, and he saved us.

Run now, and if you delay any longer, maybe someone from the Ministry of Magic will come and you will be stuck here. "

Seeing that Rodolphus didn't listen, Rookwood left immediately.

Rodolphus had to look for it himself, and finally saw Bella on another floor.

And Bella actually held a dagger in her hand and cut off Samoy's head.

Rodolphus was shocked: "Bella, he is a Death Eater!"

"Samoy just wanted to release the other criminals." Although Bella was skinny, her eyes seemed to be on fire.

"Isn't that bad?" Rodolphus said. "The prisoners in Azkaban have all run away, and the British Ministry of Magic has been busy..."

"No, I'm going to give the Dark Lord a full Azkaban!" Bella laughed wildly, turning her head to stare at Rodolphus.

"Help me, arrest all our people who are destroying everywhere... OK?"

Rodolphus hesitated, feeling that Bella was insane for being locked up for so many years.

How can anyone not leave and attack their own people here?

"You just have to help me," Bella licked her lips. "I can do whatever you want."

Without any hesitation, Rodolphus took the dagger and rushed out.

Bella stood there with a weird smile.

"How can I catch all the escaped Death Eaters by myself. There just happens to be an idiot who helps..."

"Wake up, hunt time!"



Near the small island of Azkaban, Hermione waved the reins and drove the Thestral carriage, with no intention of leaving.

Tonks asked curiously, "Hermione, what are you doing?"

"The Dementor has defected, and I'm going to kill the leader." Hermione raised her wand and aimed it at her temple.

She pulled out the silver-white happy memory and swayed it in the air.

"Dementors can't be killed!" Tonks was shocked.

"It's okay, just have the flame of the phoenix." Hermione said familiarly.

Here tonight, her division of labor with William is very clear.

One catches Bella while killing the Death Eaters who want to escape.

A leader who killed the dementor, completely helped the little black robe to take the position, let it lead the dementor to surrender to the Death Eaters, and then become a spy.

Hermione stroked a stray strand of hair on her sideburns and made a quick knot.

With her wand in her hand, she looked up for the Dementor.

Hermione's movements were done in one go, and her whole body was filled with an indescribable heroic spirit.

For a time, even Tonks was a little absent-minded.



in a dilapidated room,

Voldemort walked barefoot, raising his wand and shooting purple rays.

Arthur Weasley resisted only a dozen times before he fell to the ground without a fight, covered in blood.

Voldemort did not proceed, but hissed in Parseltongue:

"Go, take a few bites, don't bite to death right away..."

The giant rune swam towards Weasley and bit Weasley's neck.

Weasley could feel the snake's fangs digging deep into his skin, his ribs shattered, and hot blood...

Voldemort smiled.

That's it!

Weasley is an important part of today, dedicated to grabbing Dumbledore's attention.

Voldemort would wait for the venom to invade Weasley before notifying Snape and asking him to deliver a message to Dumbledore.

Weasley was seriously injured, and the Order of the Phoenix would definitely mobilize most of the wizards.

When they got here, Weasley was helpless because of his deliberate delay.

As for the Department of Mysteries and Azkaban, without any interruption from the Order of the Phoenix, it is estimated that they will be able to complete their missions smoothly.

The Prophecy Ball... Voldemort is determined to get it.

And Azkaban's Death Eaters...will also be an important addition to the battle.

At least in the short term, he doesn't use worm tails exclusively.

If all goes well, Voldemort will go to the Alps tomorrow. He will also take Bella, who has been away for a long time, with him.

This kind of servant would rather be imprisoned for more than ten years for his own ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and of course he must take good care of him.

Just then, Voldemort suddenly felt the call.

A Death Eater has touched the Dark Mark and is calling him!

He turned his head sharply.

It's actually in the direction of Azkaban... What happened there?

Voldemort was furious.

Any accident is not what he wants to see. It seems that he needs to go to Azkaban in person.

He picked up his wand, and the rune appeared in his arms.

The Dark Lord turned into a bat-like figure and flew through the darkness towards the wall.



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