A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 120: Death Eater 1 Button Alarm System

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of a certain magical Hogwarts!

Christmas Eve,

The decor at Hogwarts is as gorgeous as ever.

The walls were covered with festoons of holly and mistletoe, and there were a dozen towering Christmas trees all over the room, some with tiny icicles, some with hundreds of candles.

Obviously the last dinner of the semester, the food was extremely rich, Harry sat in the seat, but he looked listless and didn't have much appetite.

Occasionally looking up, Yu Guang glanced at the autumn at the Ravenclaw table.

"Harry, have you decided where to go for the Christmas break?" Ron picked up the drumstick from the plate.

"Well, I haven't made up my mind yet." Harry hesitated.

Uncle and aunt's house must not be able to go back.

During the summer vacation, he was attacked by a dementor, which was not very pleasant.

Black's house... Sirius wasn't there, so it wouldn't make sense to go alone.

The house-elf named Kreacher, who only listened to William, Hermione and Anne, was not very friendly to him.

Stay at school...even Ron is home.

"Come to my house, Mom wrote me to invite you a few weeks ago!" Ron patted Harry's robes with greasy hands.

Harry didn't notice that the robes were oily either, but got excited.

Christmas break at the Burrow, what a treat!

Wait a minute, Qiu seems to be going to Cedric's house for Christmas.

Cedric's house is not far from William and Hermione's little house, Qiu will definitely be a guest... This is a chance encounter!

Go to William's house and find out where Sirius is.

Of course, his game console is also very fun, not to mention the computer installed...it's perfect!

The only question is, where will William and Hermione spend the Christmas break?

They also don't always return to the village of San Cachipol, often without a trace for a holiday.

Harry was about to inquire about Hermione's plans for the holiday, but couldn't find her.

Hermione usually sits with Annie and Ginny...and it's strange that she didn't see it tonight.

Did you go to the Ravenclaw table?

Harry looked at the Ravenclaw table again, and not only did he not see Hermione, but William didn't even find it.

He looked around, only to realize that the two of them didn't attend the Christmas dinner!

"William and Hermione aren't there?" Harry whispered as if he had noticed something.

"Yeah, did you just notice? I just heard several students talking." Ron held up two more drumsticks.

"Maybe on a mission, you know..."

Ron pretended to speak in a high-level manner, causing Dean and others next to him to turn their ears to eavesdrop on what the "mission" was.

Of course Harry knew what Ron was referring to... Mission of the Order of the Phoenix!

Envy and jealousy burst out of his heart.

Harry also wanted to fight the Death Eaters secretly, silently protecting everyone...

Harry imagined himself wearing a robe and a black mask on his face, fighting the Death Eaters.

He is the Kamen Rider from William's comic book, Son of Darkness!

But... the scene suddenly disappeared, and Harry was no longer a "Kamen Rider", but a snake.

He pressed his body to the ground, sliding on his belly, hissing.

Harry stood up, digging his fangs deep into a wizard's skin, his ribs shattered between his teeth, hot blood...

Harry's scar hurt so badly that it seemed to explode. He screamed and slammed his head against the dining table.

Ron, who was about to eat the last drumstick, found that the plate had been knocked away by Harry.

We had a good chat just now, don't want to go to my house... don't you need to be like this, wasting chicken legs?

Ron glared at Harry.

All the students stood up and looked at Harry curiously.

"Is he ill?" Someone said in a terrified voice. "Have epilepsy?"

"Is he violent?"

Harry opened his eyes, soaked in cold sweat, and seemed to have a hot poker in his forehead.

"Ron, your dad," he gasped, his chest heaving, "your dad... something happened..."

"What?" Ron didn't understand.

"Your dad! Bitten, badly, blood everywhere!" Harry cried anxiously:

"I was there, I did it!"

Ron: "..."

Harry did think he had done it, he had just turned into a snake and bit Mr Weasley.

But when it fell into Ron's ears, it was very strange.

He kindly invited Harry to his house for Christmas, and Harry not only knocked out his favorite drumstick, but also told him:

Something happened to your dad, I can do it.

Listen... is this human?

Quick footsteps sounded, and Dumbledore came, followed by Professor McGonagall and others.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Harry cried uneasily. "Come on..."

"Go, go to the next room." Dumbledore gave Harry a deep look and said concisely.

A group of people walked towards the next room, and when the wooden door closed, a huge noise broke out in the auditorium.

The students were all talking loudly about what was wrong with Harry...it could be so serious.

However, students soon pointed out that Stark and Granger did not show up at the dinner.

Everyone talked a lot, thinking that maybe the two of them made big news again.



A small room next to the auditorium,

Portraits of wizards hung on the walls on either side, and the fire was burning brightly.

Harry quickly finished speaking, and what he had just seen, urged:

"Voldemort had left, he had gone to Azkaban, and he was furious that someone was blocking his plans.

Shall we send wizards..."

"No, someone is in Azkaban."

Harry was stunned when he heard the words, and sure enough, William and Hermione were there to perform their tasks.

Dumbledore didn't look into Harry's eyes at all, and said softly:

"Harry, you see a wizard, are you sure it's Voldemort?"

"Of course it's Voldemort, or else..."

Harry froze suddenly, because he realized what Dumbledore meant.

After that year in the Chamber of Secrets, every time he dreamed, it was little Tom.

But since Voldemort was resurrected with his blood, he could dream of Voldemort too.

What else did Harry want to ask, Dumbledore had given an order.

"Voldemort's gone, a reminder to both of them."

Dumbledore raised his hand, and Fox turned into a flash of fire and disappeared in mid-air.



William grabbed the last Death Eater, and then had time to look at Fox.

Fox's claws hooked on his arm, his wings fluttered, his eyes rolled, and he made a cooing dove.

William reached out and tried to touch Fox's head, but it avoided it.

It pecked William's finger, urging him to leave quickly.

"I can't go yet. If I can go, Voldemort will definitely release all the prisoners."

This time, William did expect that Voldemort might come.

After all, the way of communication between Death Eaters is more convenient than that of the Order of the Phoenix and the Ministry of Magic.

As long as you pass the Dark Mark, you can summon Voldemort even if you are halfway across the world.

That's the equivalent of a one-button alarm system... 30 years ahead of the industry.

If Voldemort didn't do the Dark Lord, a career that had no future, he would make a lot of money if he went to "Didi" in the wizarding world.

But to William's surprise, Dumbledore actually knew this information first.

You must know that even the dementors' mutiny and the Death Eaters escape from prisons are all things that William told Dumbledore first.

Why did the principal's intelligence work suddenly become so powerful?

William couldn't think so much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He ordered:

"You go protect Hermione and Tonks, and take them away first. Hermione will tell you what to do next."

Fox pecked William's head again, then waved his wings and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

William looked at the group of Death Eaters who had just escaped from prison and was caught by him, and smiled:

"Your master is here...but this is your last time, see him!

Don't say I'm not friendly, just say goodbye.

It is also considered a friendship between your master and servant, so you can go to Siberia to dig potatoes with peace of mind. "



(Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, everyone.

Thanks for the reward of the "two-dimensional best" boss)

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