A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 173: Not much IQ, thinking too much!

Walking down that bleak, dark corridor again, Harry was already familiar with it.

The black door opened for him as before, and he walked to the round room.

A thought told him:

Harry, can't go any further.

"Listen to the warnings of William and Snape, and use Occlumency to isolate the thought connection with Voldemort."

Another thought was beguiling him:

"Harry, go in and have a look, look at Voldemort's purpose... Think about it, Mr. Weasley was rescued by you.

You are special, and Voldemort can't find you at all. "

Two completely different ideas reverberated in my mind.

Reason told Harry that he couldn't go in, but his feet had begun to move.

He took a deep breath and said secretly, "This is the last time... It's really the last time."

Taking the final millionth oath, Harry walked through the gate and into the room full of shelves and glass balls.

He walked to the 97th row of shelves and found a figure on the floor at the end of the aisle.

A sharp, icy sound suddenly came out of Harry's mouth uncontrollably.

"Get it for me...take it off, quick...I can't touch it...but you can..."

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

The man on the floor screamed in pain. He wanted to stand up, but he twisted and fell.

Harry was instantly pale, and his body began to tremble violently involuntarily.

The man on the ground turned out to be Sirius.

He fell in a pool of blood, very slowly propped up his shoulders a few inches, and raised his head. His face was stained with blood and twisted in pain...

In the library, a shrill scream came suddenly.

Harry woke up from the dream and fell to the ground, touching the burning scar.

Ron, who was dozing off beside him, woke up instantly. The surrounding students also shivered in shock.

Everyone looked up at Harry, then showed pity.

Another crazy one.

This is the power of the OWL exam!

Mrs. Pince ran over with a feather duster, and said angrily:

"Quiet, everyone else is studying! This is the library!"

"I want to see the headmaster." Harry panted, "Just now... urgent!!"

"The principal is going to the trial! He's not here, don't you know? Potter!" Mrs. Pince glared at the two of them. "Get out of here quickly!"

Ron breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately packed his schoolbag... He finally had a reason to leave without being forced to study.

Although the library is easier to sleep in, the bed in the dormitory is still comfortable.

Ron pulled Harry and hurriedly left the library, he wanted to go back to the Gryffindor lounge.

But Harry sat down on the steps and said in a daze:

"It's over, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall are gone. William and Hermione are gone too!"

This means that the Order of the Phoenix cannot be contacted, and Sirius cannot be saved.

Panic spread in Harry's heart. He was dizzy and didn't know what to do...

"What's wrong, Harry?" Ron sat aside and asked concerned.

"Voldemort caught Sirius."

"What?" Ron was stunned.

"I saw it, just now." Harry said like a cannonball:

"Voldemort asked Sirius to help him with things...he's torturing Sirius...I have to save him.

Otherwise he will die! "

Ron was silent.

"Why don't you believe me?" Harry took Ron's shoulder, shook it a few times, and yelled:

"Think about the incident when your dad was attacked? What happened to that? How would I know what happened to him?

I saw it with my own eyes... Sirius did the same! "

Ron said weakly:

"Harry, I believe it's true, but... you also said that the You-Know-Who is there.

Do you think that with your ability, you can save Sirius? "

"I don't care!" Harry cried:

"Voldemort caught him, no one else knew, I was the only one who could save him.

If you don't want to go, that's fine, but I'm going, understand? ! "

The sound of footsteps came from behind, and Harry and Ron turned around abruptly.

Three girls appeared.

Annie, Luna, and Ginny walked over from the library quickly.

Annie looked at Harry and asked calmly, "Sirius was caught?"

"How did you know?" Harry had another glimmer of hope.

Anne is William's sister. Maybe William knew and told her just now.

"Harry, your voice is so loud that everyone can hear it." Ginny said speechlessly.

"That's none of your business," Harry said impatiently. "You can't help either."

"You are rude." Luna shook her head.

Harry cursed and got up to leave. "Sirius is being tortured! I don't have time to chat with you here!"

"Why not go to Professor Snape." Anne said calmly, "Don't be so impulsive, don't forget, he is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix."

Harry was stunned, he actually forgot about it.

A group of people walked towards the potions office. Annie stood at the door and knocked hard.

With a creak, the door opened, and an impatient voice came from inside:

"Come in."

Everyone was hesitating, but Annie walked in first.

Snape looked up at the group of people and frowned slightly:

"Is something wrong? Shit... ahem, Stark?"

Oops, I'm used to talking about it... I almost fell for it.

"Harry said that Voldemort was in the Department of Mysteries, and he caught Sirius and tortured him..." Anne whispered.

Snape turned his head to look at Harry, his expression somewhat inscrutable.

"I remember that **** dog was on a classified mission. How did you know he was caught, Potter?"

"I saw it!" Harry cried. "Just now."

Snape stared into his eyes and said coldly, "Idiot, have you entered the Dark Lord's mind again?"

"I didn't mean it!" Harry defended ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now is not the time to worry about this matter, Sirius has been arrested, you must inform the Order of the Phoenix and let everyone save him! "

"I'll check your words," Snape said.

"But you have to know that the black dog is on a classified mission.

The few people who knew his location happened to be participating in the trial at the Merlin Memorial Hall, and the verification would take some time. "

"But there's no time to delay!" Harry exclaimed.

"I think it's time to let the members of the Order of the Phoenix go to Mystery to save Sirius!"

"Because of your stupid dream?" Snape sneered:

"Didn't I tell you? The Dark Lord has realized that your minds can connect.

He has the ability to show you false pictures and deliberately seduce you.

Haven't you ever thought that it might be a fake picture or a trap?

Just because of your stupidity, I don't check now, and let the members of the Order of the Phoenix go to the Ministry of Magic?

If you are deceived, can you be held responsible? ! "

Harry glared at Snape.

"Go back now and wait for the news for me!" Snape stared at Harry and said word by word:

"Your problem is that you don't have much IQ, but you think too much!"



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