A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 174: Annie's Plan (Happy Tang Yuan Festival!)

A group of people left the potions office and walked aimlessly down the hallway.

The dumbfounded Harry suddenly said coldly:

"Snape won't inform the Order of the Phoenix."

"How did you know that?" Luna glanced at Harry in surprise, as if he was suspicious of a professor, very puzzled.

"You don't understand, Snape hates Sirius and hates my dad." Harry said categorically:

"He also hates my mother. He once called her a mudblood in front of everyone."

Harry vented his displeasure all over the place.

"He hates my whole family... and even wants Sirius to die!

Especially with such a good opportunity, Snape didn't need to do it himself. "

Regarding Harry's arbitrary remarks... Several people were speechless, not knowing what to say.

You don't have the slightest evidence, so you slander people's innocence for no reason... Is it too prejudiced?

On the contrary, Ron said thoughtfully:

"Harry, you're on point, I just remembered something."

He deliberately lowered his voice and said in a tone of "everyone knows":

"As long as Snape passed the message a little slower, Sirius would be dead.

And he wouldn't be suspected by Dumbledore afterwards. "

Ron seemed to have discovered the truth and said proudly:

"Don't forget, he used to be a Death Eater, and I don't think he will change his ways."

Ron showed an expression of "Without my approval, Snape must be a bad guy".

"That's right, we have to go to the Ministry of Magic in person." Harry lowered his voice and reiterated:

"Can't listen to Snape, wait here! Who knows when he'll talk to Dumbledore?"

"If Professor Snape is right, is it really a trap?" Anne, who had never spoken, said:

"Harry, have you plunged into it and thought about the consequences?"

"I don't know!" Harry exclaimed. "But I'm going, even if Voldemort is there for me, I'm going!

This is Gryffindor, isn't it? ! "

"That's right, brother." Ron said over the fire. "I support you."

"Don't add stupid labels to Gryffindor!" Annie crossed her arms and sarcastically said:

"There is still a big difference between being mindless and being brave.

If Gryffindor himself knew what you thought, he would be so angry that he would be swindled out of the coffin. "

"But..." she muttered. "Professor Dumbledore's education has been really successful."

Especially when it comes to cultivating Harry...reckless.

Luna squinted and stared at Annie, wondering what she was thinking.

"Since you are so smart, what do you say?" Ron shouted loudly.

"First of all, of course, it is to report to Professor Dumbledore, not to be louder than anyone here." Anne taught.

"A patron saint of information, more effective than anything else."

Harry said blankly, "Can the Patronus still transmit messages?"

"Of course, read more books. Dumbledore invented this convenient communication method seventy years ago." Anne said calmly.

"But... I won't, I just know it can fight Dementors..." Harry was a little annoyed.

"Before I went to find Professor Snape, I had already sent a patron saint to the Merlin Memorial Hall."

Annie rolled her eyes: "If you wait for the two of you, the daylily will be cold long ago."

For a while... Neither Harry nor Ron dared to quarrel with Annie again.

She also took control of the whole situation with ease.

"Then," Annie said softly, "that's the second question.

Harry, are you determined to go to the Department of Mysteries? "

"Yes." Harry hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm going, I trust my intuition, Sirius must be caught, that's true."

"If you guessed wrong, I hope that after the matter is over, the two of you will go to Professor Snape and apologize to him in person." Anne stared at the two of them.

"I also don't want to hear any so-called doubtful remarks."

She added:

"Of course, if you both die at the Ministry of Magic, that's fine."

Neither Harry nor Ron spoke.

Although Annie's voice was so sweet and calm, and there was no expression on her face, there was something unquestionable in her words.

Annie looked around with green eyes, and she exuded a special temperament.

That kind of temperament, like a goddess standing by the side... made them both feel a sense of shame.

Both of them slightly avoided her gaze and nodded lightly.

Annie smiled contentedly and continued:

"Now is the second point, how to get to the Ministry of Magic."

"We can fly over." Ginny suggested. "With a broomstick."

"In the dark, I can't tell the direction, and I can't find where the Ministry of Magic is." Luna said in a trance:

"We could ride an animal that could find the Ministry on its own."

He didn't dare to talk back to Annie, but that didn't mean he didn't dare to get angry with Luna, Ron said slightly sarcastically:

"Looks like we're going to be riding on the back of Wanwan Snorer, or whatever?"

"The Horned Snorers can't fly," Luna said solemnly, "but the Thestrals can, and they're very good at finding what the rider is looking for."

"Yes, Thestrals can." Harry said happily.

Everyone looked at Annie, waiting for her to make a decision.

"Thestrals are too slow." Annie denied. "How long does it take to fly from here to London at Thestral speed?"

"Apparition is fast...but we won't." Harry said annoyed.

He hated himself again, only for those pitiful spells... Usually when he's idle, he's fine, so why don't he learn more?

"Annie, can you Apparate?" Ron looked at her expectantly.

"Of course I will." Annie said softly. "Hermione started teaching me last summer."

Harry looked at Annie enviously. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has a good sister-in-law... just different.

"But Apparition is also troublesome. There is an anti-apparition spell in the Ministry of Magic, and we have to go in from the outside."

Anne seemed to have a plan for a long time. She said softly, "So, let's go directly to the Ministry of Magic through the fireplace."

"Fireplace? But I remember, the fireplace at Hogwarts is not connected to the Floo network?" Ginny was surprised.

"Most of them... But at least one place is connected to the Floo network." Annie smiled:

"Umbridge's office, where the fireplace leads to the Ministry of Magic.

Marietta's mother, who works for the Floo Network Authority, has never closed this connection. "

Everyone looked at Annie in shock.

It only took a while, and the plan was so flawless.

Everyone also seems to have a backbone, no longer as dazed as a headless fly like just now.

Unexpectedly, Annie is as good as her brother!

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go?" Ron's confidence also increased greatly.

"I'm still waiting for a few people."

Annie looked up at the corridor not far away.

(Ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket, everyone.

Happy Lantern Festival. )

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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