Malfoy stood up and looked around before remembering the welcome party that evening.

The Jackdaw Magic Club has been established for two years, but the application standards have never changed. Even if you come from a holy pure-blood family, your grades must meet the requirements.

In the words of President Rogge, it is just E in all subjects. Isn't it easy to achieve it? But in fact, very few little wizards can meet this requirement.

Compared with boring reading and studying magic, Quidditch and Gobstone are more interesting. Not many people can control themselves and give up most of their recreational activities for the sake of General E.

Although the Jackdaw Magic Society still welcomes geniuses, such as Neville, wizards who are extremely good at a certain subject. But to be honest, this kind of magical genius is too rare.

As a result, except for their first batch of veteran members, very few people met the conditions this year. There were only six applications, including a somewhat strange crazy girl called Luna.

"Oh, that's right! Rogge said that we should bring the modified product there!" Malfoy suddenly thought of something and stomped his foot hard.

"My mood gem!" He ran back to the tower in panic, praying that he wouldn't be late.

When he ran to the activity room in a panic, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. Apart from him, the vice president Hermione hasn't come yet.

"Where's Hermione?" Malfoy quickly changed the subject.

"She has special circumstances this semester, so she will be a little late." Before Rogge finished speaking, Hermione walked in with a bag on her back.

"Sorry, I'm late." She wiped the sweat from her forehead and put the bag containing more than a dozen books on the table. She was busy between multiple classes every day, and she was almost exhausted.

"It's okay, the welcome party has just begun." Rogge comforted softly.

He waved his magic wand, and the activity room gradually changed, decorated as gorgeously as a party.

A crystal lamp appeared on the ceiling, shining brightly and illuminating the entire room very brightly. Moving scrolls appeared on the walls, depicting various magical animals and beautiful scenery.

The floor has also changed. The original mottled brick and stone floor has become wooden, and a soft and comfortable red carpet has been laid. There is a record player in the corner of the room, playing soothing music.

Colorful balloons, sparkling ribbons, and the emblems of the four colleges... all demonstrate his extraordinary attainments in the art of transformation.

Rogge looked around with a smile and said: "First of all, on behalf of the Jackdaw Magic Society, I would like to warmly welcome the new members to join."

Several old members applauded and welcomed the six people to join. In the future, more people will definitely join here, and the magic society will grow stronger.

"We don't pay attention to blood here, respect all knowledge, and explore the mysteries of magic." Rogge said, opening the exquisite wooden box, revealing rows of shining jackdaw badges.

No matter how many times they have seen it, they are always amazed by the gorgeous design and magical functions of the badge. Thinking of getting their own badges soon, everyone's eyes flashed with blazing light.

"This is the logo of the Jackdaw Magic Society. The lily of the valley will bloom according to your performance every year." Rogge said, pointing to the badge on his chest, which has two blooming lilies of the valley.

Hermione and the others couldn't help but straighten their backs to show off their achievements to the newcomers. Among the rows of golden badges, Neville's had only one lily of the valley blooming. He couldn't help but feel a little depressed, but when he thought that he was the only one specially recruited, he immediately became proud.

In an organization, class means promotion. Especially when the blooming of the lily of the valley is only relevant to themselves, everyone will use their best efforts. This is the most effective glue that stabilizes a community.

"I hope everyone will keep exploring magic and thirsting for knowledge." Rogge raised his hand gently, and the wooden box flew towards the six newcomers.

Since the number 13 symbolizes bad luck, this badge was not minted. Compared to the fierce competition for badges last year, the new members are much more harmonious.

They curiously surrounded the box, took out their badges, looked around, and discussed taking the number they wanted. While others were still hesitating, crazy girl Luna had already chosen her badge.

Serial number 12 was not worn on her chest near her heart. She used a Permanent Sticking Charm to fix it above her right shoulder blade, near her neck. In human terms, it's on the right side of the collar.

Everyone looked at Luna in confusion, not understanding the special meaning of wearing it here. However, paired with her strange accessories and her unique temperament, not only does it not make people feel out of place, but it also has a strange sense of harmony.

Rogge didn't say much. After all, the badge was the personal belongings of each member, and they were free to wear it wherever they wanted.

He clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention again and introduced the products on the table.

"The club has a Coke project, which is to transform some fun things into magic items." He said, picking up Theodore's soda, "For example, someone's weird-flavored soda has been transformed many times and there are many choices. "

"Hahaha..." A knowing smile instantly spread across the room. Everyone on the express train had heard about Theodore's magical soda.

"No." Theodore held up the pink soda and shouted, "It's multi-flavored soda! I have invented different types of soda according to classification."

"For example, the one in my hand is a fruit-flavored soda. This green bottle is a vegetable soda. Of course, there is also my favorite black, multi-flavored soda with the most and strongest flavor."

"Tch, what's so fun about you!" Malfoy squeezed Theodore away and took another bottle of fruity soda.


Malfoy poured out the gems from the bag. They were all colorless small square crystals.

"They are called mood gems. As long as you input magic power, they can change colors according to your mood." Malfoy said and took out another piece of paper with the mood corresponding to the color written on it.

Red represents excitement, yellow represents liveliness, blue represents melancholy...

Malfoy's mood gems were more popular among witches than Theodore's soda. Before he could finish his introduction, Hermione and the others had already gathered around. Even the crazy girl Luna picked one up curiously and put it on the palm of her hand.

As soon as she input a little magic power, the gem shone purple. Then, it turned yellow again according to her mood.

The witches liked it so much that they didn't give Malfoy any chance to speak. As for the mood color chart he plagiarized from Muggles, Daphne took it away.

"What's so funny about your pebbles?" Theodore said sourly.

The products of the Coke Project are all displayed in the room, and Rogge also brought a picture of Auto Chess. He thought he would be very popular, but he didn't expect not only to lose to Malfoy's mood gem, but also to Susan's magic mirror.

Just stand in front of it, imagine an outfit, and see the effect of wearing it through the mirror. The effect of this magic item is so explosive that it is simply a must-have item at home.

It can be said that it is a universal wardrobe for walking. Just keep an eye on it and you'll have an endless supply of clothes.

"I'm going to wear a pointy purple wizard's hat, a green coat and a red belt." Malfoy shouted to the mirror, and the person inside instantly changed into the clothes he wanted.

"It's my turn to play! It's my turn to play!" Theodore squeezed Malfoy away and yelled at the mirror for the clothes he wanted.

Hermione turned on the projector and introduced its usefulness to the new club members. Faced with the vice president's strong aura, everyone was praising him. Listening to their insincere words, Hermione sighed helplessly.

Before she could say anything, Daphne pulled her to the mirror: "Hermione, you only have a few sets of clothes every day, come and try Susan's magic mirror."

"Isn't it good?" Although Hermione said this, her cute and beautiful heart made her couldn't help but look up and stare at the magic mirror.

Soon, Hermione was wearing a gorgeous dress in the mirror. That was how she imagined herself, elegant and dignified, like a princess coming out of a fairy tale world.

The entire gown was dark blue and embroidered with sparkling crystals, which set off her fair complexion. The skirt was flowing and swaying gently with her movements. Her slender waist was outlined by a belt inlaid with gems, making her look even slimmer.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Daphne admired sincerely, and Hermione couldn't help but blush when she saw herself in the mirror.

Now, everyone is more interested in trying the magic mirror. As long as you stand in front of it, you will never be able to stop the urge to change into the next piece of clothing.

While everyone was talking around the magic mirror, Luna was riding the flying bicycle modified by Anthony and Terry. She pedaled and flew around the room.

As Roger sipped his fruity soda, the Coke plan was paying off. As long as these things are launched, they will definitely become popular.

The sweet apple taste echoed in the mouth, which turned into citric acid in the next second. Rogge gritted his teeth and couldn't help but take a deep breath. Theodore’s fruity soda still has room for improvement.

Luna tried the strange-flavored soda and quickly spit it out. She took away the last bottle of fruit-flavored soda, leaving the strange black stuff for Theodore to drink alone.

The party ended with everyone's laughter and reluctance. Susan was still surrounded by witches, and everyone wanted to borrow the magic mirror.

Roger has already thought up the spell to open Susan's magic mirror. The magic mirror tells me who is the most beautiful woman in the world.

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