A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 1 A kitchen knife and two bags of minced meat

Abandoned construction site in the northern suburbs of Yancheng.

An old skinny dog ​​was limping and walking slowly along the blue plastic steel fence beside the road.

After passing through a sour and turbid low puddle, the old dog suddenly stopped, raised his dark eyes and looked forward vigilantly, his nose moving slightly.

Where the trash can was originally placed, there was a noisy voice, and the clear sound of sirens cut through the sky.

The old dog retreated a few steps and seemed to be unwilling to bark.

Han Xu was holding up the cordon, and when he heard the sound, he looked over and looked at the fresh dog shit on his soles.

"It turned out to be you!"

Han Xu, who found the real owner, cursed in his mouth, leaned over to pick up a piece of gravel that could be seen everywhere on the construction site, weighed it a few times, and threw it out with all his strength.

The old dog screamed "Ah", tucked his tail between his legs and fled.

Han Xu smiled at this, spread his palm, and the stone rolled down.

"Han Xu, why are you here just now?" A pretty policewoman in uniform came over.

Han Xu frowned and didn't dare to say anything.

He really couldn't blame him. He had just traveled through time and was still a little confused.

Twenty minutes ago...

Han Xu traveled through time strangely while driving and came to this place all of a sudden.

What was even more strange was that he suddenly had an extra memory in his mind and his body changed.

He took a full quarter of an hour to accept the fact of traveling through time!

Fortunately, this guy was handsome and young, and even had the same name as himself.

Han Xu, 22 years old, is a fresh graduate of the Xiaguo Police Academy.

Just after the internship period, he was assigned to the Yancheng North Suburb Police Station.

Today is the first day of reporting, but I didn't expect to encounter a major dismemberment case!

The North Suburb Police Station has not encountered such a large criminal case for many years. The director Ge Chensheng ordered the criminal investigation team leader Qin Fen to rush to the scene with people!

But after working for most of the day, there was no progress in the case.

"What's going on inside?" Han Xu stood at the edge of the cordon.

"It's the same as the 7.15 major dismemberment case in Nancheng. A kitchen knife and two bags of minced meat were found at the scene."

The policewoman's name is Song Jiaer, she is from the trace inspection department. As she spoke, she handed Han Xu two pairs of latex gloves.

Then she pointed to the garbage pile in the southeast corner of the construction site and said, "No, go over there and look carefully."

"Aren't I here to maintain order?" Han Xu asked in confusion.

"There are not enough people. Captain Qin said that you all let me command. Li Le and Chengzi have been working for half an hour. You are so late and you still have the nerve to say that."

"Hey, you are quite aggressive." Han Xu took the gloves and kept complaining.

Song Jiaer glared at the new kid with her beautiful eyes, wishing she could eat him alive.

"Okay, okay, okay, can't I go?"

After Han Xu said that, he walked straight to the southeast corner of the construction site.

Ten steps away, a strong stench of corruption came over, thick and choking!

Han Xu had the opportunity to see many big scenes during his internship, including the Giant View, but this stench was something he couldn't get used to.

He covered his nose with one hand and put on all the latex gloves Song Jiaer gave him to prevent the smell from penetrating.

The next job was not easy. He had to look for possible body parts in the piles of garbage!

Before coming, he heard that the scene was discovered by a scavenger.

At five o'clock this morning, the homeless man found a bloody kitchen knife and two bags of sliced ​​meat in a very ordinary large green trash can.

At first, the homeless man thought it was the scraps thrown away by the vegetable market next door, so he took it back to cook.

Unexpectedly, he ate a little finger with a nail polish and almost vomited his intestines!

Han Xu analyzed the situation at the scene while searching the garbage.

There are many and messy footprints left in the abandoned construction site, and the extraction value is not high. There is a large vegetable market next door, so a lot of garbage is dumped here.

The green trash can where the body parts were found was isolated in the center of the site. From a distance, it was made of iron, strong and durable, with some paint peeling off and no value.

It is obvious that this is just an ordinary corpse dumping site.

However, it can be seen that the murderer is very brave and dares to dump the body in such a place.

Aren't you afraid of being seen?

[Ding, the host's occupation is detected, and the system is binding]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the detective training system]

Sure enough, the system is late but it's here.

People have traveled through time, and it's a bit unreasonable not to give them a skill package that blows up the sky.

[Please check the novice gift package for the host]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary reasoning skills, primary fighting skills, primary psychology foundation, primary...]

The large amount of information contained in a series of skill packages pierced Han Xu's mind like a cone.

The huge volume almost sent Han Xu away on the spot!

The intense pain that followed also made his face become hideous in an instant!

"Han Xu, what's wrong with you?" Song Jiaer, who came over to give him water, happened to see Han Xu's painful face.

"It's okay, just a little headache..." Before he finished speaking, Han Xu fell headfirst into the arms of the policewoman...

Before losing consciousness, "It hurts! It hurts so much!"

Song Jiaer was stunned. How could his colleague, who was still alive and kicking just now, fainted all of a sudden?

Could it be that he had some hidden illness?

It's impossible. If he was sick, he wouldn't be able to pass the entry physical examination.

"Pa pa!" Song Jiaer leaned against Han Xu's huge body of more than 1.8 meters with her delicate body, and used her right hand to gently pat his face twice.

Fortunately, the pain came fiercely and went away quickly.

Under Song Jiaer's anxious gaze, Han Xu slowly woke up.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I might have had heatstroke."

"I'm glad you're okay. Have you found anything?"

Han Xu spread his hands, "It's been a long time, and I haven't found anything. What about you guys?"

"Drink some water and rest for a while." Song Jiaer picked up the mineral water that had just fallen from the ground, handed it to Han Xu, and then said, "There may be no other body parts here."

"Are there any signs of freezing on the body parts found this morning?" Han Xu found a shady place and sat on the ground.

"How did you know?" Song Jiaer was sure that Han Xu had not seen the two bags of body parts.

Han Xu replied, "It's just a blind guess."

"You can guess that?" Song Jiaer was curious about Han Xu, "Tell me, how did you guess it?"

"Didn't you say that the characteristics of the body parts found this time are consistent with the dismemberment case that happened in Nancheng a few days ago?"

"We haven't had such a large dismemberment case here for a while."

"Nine out of ten, the two bodies were dumped by the same person, and the body was the same."

"The one dumped in Nancheng was fresh. It's been so many days and the weather is so hot, so the body parts we found must have been frozen."

Song Jiaer listened to Han Xu's analysis and had to re-acquaint herself with the newcomer in front of her.

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