Han Xu's analysis not only impressed the policewoman Song Jiaer, but also attracted the attention of some police officers present.

Li Le, who joined the company with Han Xu, came over and said, "You're right, Han Xu, what you said makes sense."

"Then can you tell me what kind of person the murderer is?"

Han Xu thought for a while, "I can't say for sure, but this guy is a ruthless person!"

"And he is bold and careful."

"The other party is very familiar with the environment here and the dumping site in South City."

"Generally, in this case, we will connect the two dumping sites into a line, and then roughly infer the scope of investigation by assuming the murderer's occupation and trajectory of action."

After Han Xu said a lot, he asked everyone present.

"What do you think the murderer is engaged in?"

Song Jiaer replied first, "It is likely that he is a surgeon or a butcher."

There are many old police officers who have worked for many years. When they heard Song Jiaer's inference, they all nodded slightly, indicating that they agreed with this point of view.

"I've read the South City investigation report. Those slices of meat were neatly cut, with a total of more than a thousand slices. It's impossible for an ordinary person to do this unless he was a surgeon or a butcher who cuts meat frequently!"

Han Xu nodded, "I thought so too. But how did the murderer dump the body in public?"

This question made the police officers on the scene speechless. This is indeed one of the difficulties of this case.

As Han Xu said, the murderer is not only bold, but also careful enough.

After investigating for such a long time, there is no valuable clue at all.

Seeing that his colleagues were demoralized, Han Xu stood up helplessly and asked casually, "Team Qin has not been seen at the scene. Did he go to the vegetable market next door to check for shops with freezers?"

"Oh, you are really amazing! Did you come up with this?"

"Hehe, I just ran into him when I came." Han Xu looked at the ghostly expressions of the people around him and replied with a smile!


The police officers dispersed and went about their own business.

Only Song Jiaer's beautiful eyes lit up, and she remained where she was, "Do you know anything else?"

Han Xu was about to say something else, but his face changed, as if he suddenly thought of something, and he ran out of the abandoned construction site, while running, he turned back and shouted, "Please ask for leave from the captain for me, I have something to do!"

"Where are you going?!" Song Jiaer didn't have time to ask, and the other party had disappeared outside the gate of the construction site.


A few minutes later, Qin Fen, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Northern Suburbs Police Station of Yancheng, returned to the corpse dumping site with a group of police officers.

Anyone can see that this battle-hardened captain is angry at this time.

He almost turned the vegetable market next door upside down, but didn't find any clues.

"It's really weird, the other party was carrying two big bags and a kitchen knife, and there was not a single witness at the scene?"

"How is the nearby surveillance investigation?"

After receiving a reply that he found nothing, Qin Fen was even more furious.

Could the murderer fly into the sky and hide underground?

Even though this is not a downtown area, the body dumping site in South City is in the back alley of a bar, and there are not many blind spots for surveillance, so no useful clues were found there.

The case is too difficult.

No wonder the task force in South City has been fruitless for several days.

It seems that the murderer is far from being as simple as imagined!

At this time, Song Jiaer stepped forward to report, "Captain Qin, all corners of the abandoned construction site have been searched, and there is nothing to be gained."

This is expected. The murderer always dumps the body with two bags of minced meat! No more, no less!

The bag for packaging the minced meat is just an ordinary black shopping bag, and there are no fingerprints on the kitchen knife. The murderer did it cleanly and did not leave any valuable clues for the police.

When Captain Qin Fen was worried, his cell phone rang, and the caller ID was Director Ge.

"Hello, is there any progress?"

"Director, there is no clue yet. I will definitely catch the murderer in the shortest time. Please rest assured!" Captain Qin Fen had to bite the bullet and reply.

"You stay at the scene. In five minutes, the South City task force will come to you. You receive them. If it is found that the victim is the same person, we will handle the case together."

"Yes, Director."

A few minutes after hanging up the phone, several police cars came with sirens.

The South City task force has arrived.

Qin Fen hurriedly led people to greet them.

The task force members were sent from above. The dismemberment case is very serious. It is said that it has alarmed the provincial department.

Yancheng is just a small coastal city, but it is a famous tourist destination in Suzhong Province. No one wants to see such a dismemberment case.

Qin Fen saw the task force members getting off the car and was even more shocked when he saw the leader.

"Mr. Wang, why are you here?"

Mr. Wang is the leading criminal investigation expert in Suzhong Province. He is now a retired consultant of the provincial department.

It is said that he has handled countless major and special cases, and no criminal can slip away from his hands.

"Xiao Qin, what's the situation at the scene?"

"Mr. Wang, the scene is like this..." Qin Fen patiently explained the details to make sure there were no omissions.

After listening, Mr. Wang pondered for a moment and said, "Don't be discouraged, the murderer is very cunning, and clues can always be found. Don't worry, no matter how cunning the fox is, it can't escape the hunter's palm!"

The police officers on the scene were all shocked when they heard this, and their morale was boosted.

"Woof! Woof! Woof..."

Suddenly, a shrill dog bark was heard not far away!

Everyone's attention was attracted.

A young police officer was struggling with a lame old dog.

Old Wang was stunned for a moment, and his words were obviously unhappy, "Whose subordinate is this? What are you doing here?"

Qin Fen was confused: Why did this kid cause trouble for himself on his first day at work!

"Old Wang, don't mind, he is new here, and it's his first day at work."

"You can't be so silly on your first day at work? This is a crime scene!"

Qin Fen couldn't hold his face, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Han Xu, what are you doing? Don't you know the rules of the scene? Didn't the teacher in the police academy teach you?!"

"Report! I'm not fooling around, this dog is the clue to solve the case, it can solve the case!"

"Puff!" Hearing Han Xu's serious answer, Song Jiaer couldn't help laughing.

Dogs can solve cases? !

The task force and the police officers of the North Suburbs Police Station were all laughed at by this new police officer.

So many elite police officers and experts have been working hard for several days and nights, but they still can't find the murderer!

The newly recruited police officer actually said that a lame old dog can solve the case!

What a joke!

The young man looks energetic and handsome, maybe he has a serious problem!

"I'm not kidding, this dog is really the key to solving the case!"

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