Song Jiaer curled her lips, a little helpless, because she didn't help much in this case.

If the forensic doctor is a corpse whisperer, then the trace examination technician is a storyteller. However, she, a storyteller, only found a drop-type blood sample at the scene and has not yet gone back for testing.

However, she was still going to start with the peripheral traces. After sorting out her thoughts, she took out a tablet computer from her bag, pulled up one of the photos outside the lighthouse, and said,

"This is the first crime scene found on the Xizhi side. The crime was reported on the 13th of this month. We received the alarm call and arrived at the scene around 7:40 that morning."

The date and time in the lower right corner of the photo record that morning with the sea breeze.

"According to the information, the reporter of the first case was a fisherman named Wei Daguang. When he returned from the sea on the morning of the 13th, he passed by the waters near site No. 1 and saw a dark figure on the lighthouse from a distance. "

Han Xu carefully read the case report uploaded to the server from Xizhi.

Then he continued, "The identity of the first deceased has been verified. Her name is Liu Lisa. She is a teacher at Yancheng No. 3 Middle School. She left her self-study class on the evening of the 12th and disappeared on her way home. It was not until her colleagues called the police on the 14th that Check identity information with the victim.

Because it had been determined to be a criminal case, the suspect had not been caught and the news had not spread. "

Cheng Zi also did a lot of work and told the details of the first victim, "The deceased at the scene of crime No. 1 was 28 years old and unmarried.

But she had a boyfriend who was also a teacher at the same school and planned to get married later in the year. Unfortunately, he became the first target of the murderer.

Xizhi's side visited and investigated Liu Lisa's social background, but did not gain any valuable clues. The victim was low-key and humble, and had a very good reputation in school, so Xizhi's side was more inclined to commit crimes randomly. "

Li Le didn't wait for Cheng Zi to finish speaking, but interjected: "What's her boyfriend's name?"

Chengzi replied: "My name is Guo Feng, he teaches physical education, he is a tall man about 1.8 meters tall. This incompetent boyfriend was not in Yancheng that day, but went to Yaoyang City, and drank in a bar and fell unconscious. , several friends who were traveling with him can testify, so he did not have the time to commit the crime. "

"Okay, Jia'er, please go on and tell us about the situation at the crime scene No. 1." Han Xu interrupted, wanting to start with the trace inspection.

Song Jiaer heard this and pulled up another photo. It can be seen that this is a section of road in front of the lighthouse. Because there have been frequent showers this month, the road in the photo is muddy and there are many footprints left by the investigators. .

"It rained lightly on the morning of the 13th, leaving almost no useful traces on the outside. This lighthouse is a very long way from the national highway, and this section of the road is not cemented. Strangely, no vehicles were found driving by. trace.

Nishizhi checked the surveillance of the national highway on the day of the incident and found no suspicious vehicles.

The tire crush marks in the photos were all left by people involved in the case or by unrelated vehicles. They were also compared and all could be eliminated. The final conclusion was that the murderer most likely did not drive! "

Song Jiaer paused and then said: "This is also one of the suspicious points of the case. The second case is exactly the same as our third case. There are no traces of vehicles passing by at the scene. The murderer couldn't have flown here carrying the victim, right? ?”

Han Xu smiled and said, "Jia'er, please don't fool them."

Song Jiaer had just aroused everyone's curiosity, but she didn't expect Han Xu to see through it. He snorted and continued, "I initially infer that the murderer has a boat and took the waterway!"

Only then did the stunned people realize that they had been deceived by Song Jiaer.

If the murderer took the waterway, then the scope of the entire investigation could be reduced a lot, but relatively speaking, the difficulty would increase. There are no ubiquitous surveillance equipment on the vast sea.

"There are thousands of large and small fishing boats registered in Yancheng, plus countless small maritime transport vehicles. Even if a large number of police forces are used, nothing may be achieved."

When Li Le heard this, as an investigator, he immediately grasped the key points. If he really wanted to follow the line, he would be scared to death! The workload is also too much!

Han Xu comforted him: "If the murderer has a boat, it will also be beneficial to future investigations. The direction will be clear and we won't be at a loss."

"Xiao Xiao, these are the first two cases. The victims were photographed and fixed. Can you tell anything?" Song Jiaer handed the tablet to forensic doctor Xiao Xiao, trying to find a breakthrough from her side.

Xiao Xiao took it and took a look. The victim on it was Lisa Liu No. 1. This was a fixed photo of the wounds on her back. At a glance, there were dozens of large and small wounds. This cruel method was so outrageous. .

Xiao Xiao, who has always been very nervous, couldn't help but spat and said angrily: "Don't let me catch this guy who has been stabbed a thousand times. I have to beat him to death!"

Orange, who was eating dumplings, couldn't help but shudder.

After Xiao Xiao carefully looked at the photos, he said, "Like the corpse I just examined, these appear to be injuries during life.

Judging from the bleeding, tissue shrinkage and swelling of the incision, the victim was still reacting to life when the flesh was cut, which means he suffered tremendous pain during the process. "

"Beast!" Song Jiaer couldn't bear it when she saw the scene for the first time in the morning.

Li Le leaned over and looked at the photo again and again, nodded, but soon asked in confusion: "The soft tissues that were cut off were not found at the scene, could it be?"

Han Xu had just picked up a dumpling, and after hearing this, he decisively put it down and instantly lost his appetite.

"It is possible that the murderer gave birth to a child!" Xiao Xiao said expressionlessly, and everyone's heart shuddered.

"Cough... cough..." Chengzi sprayed the dumpling that he had just put into his mouth directly, and he couldn't stop crying because of the choking.

"Eat slowly, don't burn it." Xiao Xiao patted someone's back and said with concern.

Chengzi's face twitched, it was too disgusting.

Xiao Xiao paused, and then said, "After I go back, I will dissect it immediately and give you an accurate autopsy report at the latest tonight. What we see now are some superficial phenomena of the corpse, which may not be accurate."

"This is the best!" Han Xu nodded, feeling that the pressure on him was much heavier.

Captain Qin Fen was not a human being again, and he became a hands-off boss.

However, the difficulty of this case is not small at all, and it even refreshes some of the three views.

No wonder Xizhi has no clues.

The main reason is that the three cases did not leave many traces. The murderer is not only a perverted killer, but also has an IQ far beyond that of ordinary people.

In a not-so-clean environment like the lighthouse, a nearly perfect crime scene was set up!

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