Song Jiaer not only deduced that the murderer might have taken the waterway, but also felt deeply powerless.

Han Xu saw something strange in her expression, so he lowered his voice and consoled her: "The murderer is no ordinary person at first glance. His methods are clean and neat. He may be a habitual criminal. Nothing found is too normal."

Song Jiaer responded with a knowing smile, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and continued, "The scene of the second case was discovered on the 18th. The person who reported the case was the manager of the scenic spot. This is a photo of the scene."

Han Xu saw a very beautiful lighthouse on his tablet. It was painted in blue and white colors. It was really beautiful.

"This lighthouse has actually been abandoned for a long time. Because it is close to the largest beach in Yancheng, it has been renovated by the scenic spot. However, there are obvious signs of damage to the door lock. The copper lock as thick as a little finger was violently cut open. The murderer may have used a large No. of bolt cutters!

This kind of pliers is very common and is also equipped on ordinary fishing boats. "Song Jiaer introduced the situation of the second crime scene in detail.

Cheng Zi also continued, "The victim information of the second case has been obtained. The deceased was a flight attendant, but she lost contact with the people around her on the 7th of this month."

Han Xu frowned as he heard this. The time was different from the first victim. Could it be that the second victim had been imprisoned before?

Chengzi couldn't help Han Xu think too much and read out the information in his hand, "The second victim's name is Gong Li. She is a stewardess of the airline. She has a very good appearance. This may be the main reason why the murderer targeted her. .

Gong Li was not from Yancheng, but came here for a trip. According to the employer, she happened to be on annual leave during this time. "

"The efficiency over there in Xizhi is pretty good! The information was checked very quickly." Li Le couldn't help but praise. It was not particularly easy to find the source of corpses in a short time.

Chengzi pulled up a photo, which showed a very unique tattoo. "This is the tattoo on the private part of the second victim. It has a handwritten signature, so the investigation work is relatively simple."

Li Le suddenly realized.

Cheng Zi continued, "The Xizhi side checked the local household registration and found no information related to the victim. They guessed that it might be a foreign tourist, so they then checked the registration information of major hotels in Yancheng and quickly found the victim. victim.

Gong Li, age 26, height 17cm, weight 48kg, arrived in Yancheng on the 5th of this month. It is understood that the last time she lost contact with her family and friends was on the 7th of this month. There is no more detailed time. The method has been verified.

The hotel's surveillance showed that Gong Li never went back after leaving the house on the 6th. "

Han Xu looked at the scene photos of victim No. 2 and said calmly: "This case is very similar to case No. 1. The murderer knocked the victim unconscious with a blunt instrument and then took him to an unattended lighthouse. Committing a crime. But judging from the wounds on the back of the head of victim No. 2, Gong Li, the murder weapon used in case No. 1 is different. "

"Oh, really?" Xiao Xiao listened and began to compare.

Song Jiaer also became interested. Since the weapons used to cause injuries were different, there were many possibilities.

Xiao Xiao looked at it carefully for a long time, and then said: "The wound on the back of No. 1's head is a typical contusion and laceration caused by a blunt blow to the scalp. The murderer's attack was very heavy, but it was not enough to cause a skull fracture. It would only cause a skull fracture." A mild concussion is formed, enough to render the victim unconscious for a period of time.

Moreover, there is an area of ​​abrasion on the edge of the wound, which may cause the injury tool to appear rough, and the contact surface is much larger than the wound. "

"What tool is that?" Chengzi asked on the side.

"Maybe it's a brick!" Xiao Xiao raised his head and said in surprise.

Han Xu signaled Chengzi to write it down, and later he would focus on investigating whether victim No. 1 Lisa Liu went from school to her residence to see if there was any construction work between the two o'clock.

Xiao Xiao added, "Today I checked the victim in the third case. The wound on the back of her head is very similar to No. 2, but the injury tool cannot be seen, and further dissection is needed."

Han Xu said, "Okay, after dinner, Xiao Xiao will go back for the autopsy, and Cheng Zi and I will investigate the source of the injury tool for victim No. 1."

Li Le swallowed a dumpling and said, "What about me?"

Han Xu replied, "Check the identity information of our third victim."

Li Le scratched his head and asked, "Why are you leaving all the difficult work to me?"

"He who can do the hard work!" Han Xu praised Li Le and then continued, "Let's work separately and meet again tomorrow morning. We must find this bastard as soon as possible!"

After the division of labor was completed, several people began to clean up the food on the table like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves...

After the meal, Han Xu and Cheng Zi drove to the area where victim No. 1 lived to investigate.

Song Jiaer, Li Le and Xiao Xiao returned directly to the police station.

This section of the road is not long, so several people chose to walk back.

The three of them each have their own tasks, and Song Jiaer wants to test the blood samples extracted.

Li Le tried to find a way to find the victim's information, but it was quite difficult and he didn't know how to start.

I had to focus on the recent missing persons information.

Xiao Xiao returned to the forensic department alone.

At this time, the body had been brought back and was lying quietly on the autopsy table.

Xiao Xiao changed into work clothes and, with the help of his assistant, began to perform the autopsy.

Even though she is a girl, she has a habit of never wearing a mask during autopsies, unless she is facing extremely decayed corpses.

This is out of respect for the corpse.

Xiao Xiao first re-examined the corpse, and followed the procedure step by step, because any omission could lead to completely different results.

"There is an obvious wound on the back of the head of the deceased, and 48 cuts in the back, most of the soft tissue is missing." Xiao Xiao held a ruler in one hand and measured the wounds on the back of the deceased one by one. His voice was cold and he reported the numbers. The assistant on the side helped to record.

"All 48 wounds are open and come from the same murder weapon. Each wound is spindle-shaped and can be up to 5 cm long. The murderer may have used a murder weapon such as a fruit knife. The amount of bleeding on the back of the deceased is large, and it is suspected that it was combined with the strangulation of the neck to cause death."

The assistant on the side changed his face, "48 cuts, just short of being cut into pieces, I have been doing this for so many years, and I have never seen such a bad case."

This is also the first time Xiao Xiao has encountered such a cruel murderer. If the other party has no psychological problems, then there is really no way to explain it.

"There are obvious signs of assault on the victim's lower body." After checking all the injuries on the body, Xiao Xiao turned his attention to the murderer's motive...

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