"What's this child's name? How old is he?" Han Xu did not directly ask Wei Daguang about the case.

Wei Daguang was startled for a moment, and then replied after a long while, "He is the child of a distant relative of mine. He is 18 years old this year. He comes to live with me. It's so pitiful that he can't speak since he was a child. He is mute and has no brain." No matter what the name is, everyone on the ship calls him Little Mute."

"Do you have an ID card? Bring it over and let me see." Han Xu said with a serious face, "This child is 18 years old? Wei Daguang, you are hiring child labor! You are breaking the law, do you know?"

"Officer, look at what you said, this kid did nothing on the boat, how could I be hiring child labor?" Wei Daguang tried to argue, "What's more, he is my relative's child, what can I do? "

Han Xu walked over and pulled up the little mute's trouser legs. There were some scattered scars on them, "Is this what you said about not doing anything?"

Song Jia'er also saw that those scars were caused by accidental bumps while exerting strength while fishing for a long time.

"Okay, officer, what are you here for?" Wei Daguang rolled his eyes and tried to change the subject.

Han Xu chuckled, "We will notify the labor administration department, and they will punish you. If the circumstances are not serious, you will have to pay a fine of 5,000."

"No, brother, I won't make much money when I go overseas. Don't inform them. What do you want to know? Why don't I cooperate?" Wei Daguang was furious. He heard that he would be fined. His face turned green.

In fact, the circumstances of employing child labor can be light or serious. The main reason is that Wei Daguang and the person involved have a kinship relationship, which is difficult to define.

Han Xu just used this little trick to beat Wei Daguang.

First, it will allow them to better cooperate with the investigation.

Secondly, it can also make Wei Daguang restrain himself and treat the little mute better.

Song Jia'er said nothing at the side, but she already understood what medicine Han Xu was selling in the gourd.

I just feel that the little mute is really pitiful.

At the age when he should have been in school, he was working hard on the ship.

If Wei Daguang is fined for this, then it is obvious that the little mute will suffer in the end.

However, what surprised the two of them was that the little mute stepped forward when he heard that the two police officers wanted to punish Wei Daguang because of him.

He used his skinny little body to protect Wei Daguang in front of him, babbling and shouting non-stop.

When Wei Daguang saw this, he pulled the mute to his side and said, "I made you laugh. You saw it too. This kid doesn't want you to fine me."

Han Xu's brows widened. It seemed that Wei Daguang was usually good to the little mute.

"Okay, now that this matter has been revealed, we came here to ask you about what happened on the morning of the 13th."

Wei Daguang seemed to have known the intention of Han Xu and the two of them. He scratched his pitiful Mediterranean hairstyle and said, "Oh, what a sin. Now that I think about it, I am almost scared to death. I have had nightmares for several nights!"

Han Xu did not interrupt, but gestured with his head to Wei Daguang to start speaking.

Wei Daguang took out a box of Yuxi from somewhere, took out one and handed it to Han Xu.

Han Xu shook his hand but did not answer.

Song Jia'er snorted coldly and made an expression that seemed to indicate that you were familiar with things.

Of course Wei Daguang didn't pay attention to this. He lit a cigarette alone, his thoughts seemed to go back to that morning.

“I remember that on the night of the 12th, there was a lot of wind and waves on the sea. We worked hard for most of the night, but we didn’t catch anything good.

That day, I stayed up until about 5 o'clock in the morning in a daze, and only managed to hit a few things.

I couldn't sell it for much money when I went back, so I suggested trying my luck offshore near the lighthouse.

Some people say that you can get a lot of good stuff there.

Several crew members originally wanted to return.

But I'm the captain and they all have to listen to me. "

Han Xu glanced at Wei Daguang, who looked embarrassed, and said, "Let's focus on the key points."

Wei Daguang took another puff of smoke and nodded, "Then I'll just say it.

We went to that sea area and were just about to launch the net.

Guess what, I saw a small black dot on the lighthouse far away.

I've been to that fishing area before, and the lighthouse has been abandoned for so long, with so many things for no reason.

No one is curious about who to put it on.

So, I took a telescope and scanned it.

Huh, guess what? "

"Are you just talking about cross talk?" Han Xu was convinced and his voice raised a few notches, "Key point, key point!"

"I'm sorry, it's my old habit. I'm usually too nice." Wei Daguang complained, and then said, "There is a woman on top of the lighthouse, and she's still naked.

Originally, I had no idea it was a dead person.

Do you think someone is playing tricks up there?

Officer, tell me, today’s young people really dare to play. "

Just as Han Xu was about to remind him again, Wei Daguang immediately continued.

"Well, I originally thought there was a good show, so I asked them to drive the boat closer.

I didn't expect that, that guy scared me.

What I could see through the telescope became clearer and clearer. The naked woman was motionless.

At that time, I felt something was wrong.

There is only one woman and no man on the lighthouse.

You can't just climb up to the lighthouse and torture yourself, right?

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. At that time, I wanted to find out what was going on.

But our ship is big and we are afraid of running aground.

I drove the boat closer.

Officer, guess what? Hey, I just went into the sea and swam there. "

Han Xu didn't expect Wei Daguang to be so curious.

Before he could say anything else, the other party took over the conversation.

"Wait until I swim ashore. Hey, don't mention it. It just happened to rain. I almost caught a cold.

I thought I could get away from the rain in the lighthouse, so I trotted along the main road.

After entering, I found that there was really a dead person on top!

You don't know, the weather was bad at that time, there was no sun at all, and the light was very poor.

Hey, I almost scared myself to death with the flashlight!"

The seaside, rainy day, lighthouse, dark and dark, a flashlight, a beam of light, a pale naked back...

With all the necessary elements, Han Xu restored the scene in his mind.

No wonder Wei Daguang had nightmares for several nights in a row.

It's really creepy!

Song Jiaer, who was always very brave, became afraid unconsciously under Wei Daguang's lame narration, and even grabbed Han Xu's collar with her little hand.

Han Xu gave her a warm look, and turned to ask Wei Daguang, "Were you the only one who went in at that time?"

Wei Daguang obviously had not recovered from the excessive shock.

Han Xu had no choice but to repeat the question again.

Wei Daguang's pupils gradually focused, and he kept nodding his head, "Well, I was the only one who went into the sea that day, they were all scared, and no one followed me. I regret it when I think about it!"

When Wei Daguang answered this question, Han Xu noticed that the little mute beside him looked a little strange...

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