Han Xu remained calm when he saw this, but gave Song Jiaer a look.

Song Jiaer didn't know why, but soon understood after Han Xu's further prompting.

"Officer Song, please make another record for Wei Daguang. Write down in more detail how you found the lighthouse where the crime occurred and how you entered it for inspection."

Hearing what Han Xu said, Wei Daguang was in trouble, "Officer, haven't we made a record before? Why do we still need to do it?"

Han Xu smiled and said, "The last one was not very detailed. You didn't even tell me that you had entered the crime scene. You need to make up another copy."

"Brother, no, police officer, please spare me. I graduated from elementary school. You might as well kill me if you ask me to write!"

Wei Daguang no longer looked sad, but turned into a bitter look.

Song Jiaer took out a pen and paper from her bag, "It's okay, I'm here with you. If there's anything you can't write, you can ask me."

After hearing that the police officer mentioned this, Wei Daguang couldn't refuse anymore, let alone refuse to assist the police in handling the case.

"Okay, Officer Song, follow me to the cabin. There is a table there." Wei Daguang reluctantly agreed.

The two of them entered the cabin one after the other.

Wei Daguang's fishing boat is medium-sized, neither big nor small.

Although the cabin is cramped, it can accommodate three or five people.

When we usually go to sea, the crew may sleep in the cabin for three to five days.

Seeing the two people entering the cabin, Han Xu approached the little mute and asked in a low voice, "Can you write?"

The little mute shook his head.

Han Xu was in trouble. He could neither speak nor write, so it was really difficult to communicate.

"Didn't you go to school?"

The little mute nodded, and then began to shake his head again.

Han Xu sighed secretly, understanding that he dropped out of school very early, and Wei Daguang had just graduated from elementary school. The little mute must have been in this situation earlier.

"Then can I ask you a few questions?" Han Xu thought of another way to communicate with the little mute.

Seeing the little mute nod again, Han Xucai continued, "If it is, just nod, if not, just shake your head, okay?"

After getting the little mute's response, Han Xu looked at the direction of the cabin again, and then asked, "Did you follow Wei Daguang off the boat that day?"

Upon hearing these words, the little mute's dark face instantly turned pale, then he pushed Han Xu away and staggered towards the cabin.

Han Xu didn't expect that just a simple question would cause such a violent reaction from the little mute.

Someone didn't pay attention and let him run into the cabin.

Han Xu just wanted to catch up.

Wei Daguang had already come out holding the little mute's hand, his face full of anger, "I said, police officer, what did you do? Look, you scared the child!"

Han Xu's expression remained unchanged as he met Wei Daguang's gaze.

Wei Daguang, who was originally furious, felt a little frightened for no reason when Han Xu stared at him like this.

"No, officer, he is still a child, not yet 18 years old. It's not good for you to scare him like this."

"I didn't want to scare him. I just asked about his family situation." Han Xu explained.

Wei Daguang saw that the other party's tone was not so sharp, so he stepped down and said, "Look, if you have any questions, you can ask me. The child can't speak, so he can't ask anything! Officer, do you think so?"

The last sentence carries a heavy sense of provocation.

Han Xu, as if he hadn't heard anything, laughed, "That's right, Officer Song, are you ready with the transcript?"

Song Jiaer understood, "I just wrote a few words, it will take a while!"

"Then you continue," Han Xu smiled, "Oh, by the way, can I take a look?"

Wei Daguang frowned and was noncommittal.

Han Xu took it as if he agreed, motioned for them to go back to the cabin to take notes, and walked around on the deck.

Song Jiaer said to Wei Daguang, "I just wrote ten words, and there are many more to come. Let's go."

Wei Daguang had no choice but to hold the little mute tightly and return to the cabin.

Han Xu strolled casually on the boat, recalling the little mute's expression, and had an idea in his mind.

Perhaps a corner of the fog has been lifted.

Is Wei Daguang just an ordinary reporter?

After all the fuss, it was almost noon.

Despite Wei Daguang's warm invitation, Han Xu and Song Jiaer still declined the offer.

Instead of eating seafood on the boat, we went ashore to find a hot pot restaurant.

Their signature dish is the Baicao Soup Pot.

Han Xu didn't know why and ordered one directly.

As a result, when the bottom of the pot came up, the two people's eyes widened and they were all dumbfounded!

"Han Xu, did you do this on purpose?" Song Jiaer couldn't bear it anymore, "Last time I was treated to soy juice. What is this green thing? Why does it taste so weird? Can it be eaten?"

The waiter promptly explained, “This is our signature bottom pot Baicao Soup, which is Niu Zhao.

The preparation process of this dish is quite complicated. After slaughtering the cattle and sheep, the undigested contents in the stomach and small intestine are taken out, the liquid is squeezed out, and the ox bile and seasonings such as pepper, ginger, tangerine peel, vanilla, etc. are added.

Put it in a pot and bring to a boil, simmer over low heat to remove foam and impurities on the surface of the liquid, filter and return to the pot, add salt, onion, garlic, and chili to make it.

It is slightly bitter in the mouth, but soon there will be a unique fragrance. Two customers can try it. "

Song Jiaer was confused when she heard it was a hot pot dish.

How could Han Xu know that the herb soup he ordered casually turned out to be a famous internet celebrity food.

But since he had already ordered it, he couldn't waste it.

He tried to simmer a piece of mutton, held his breath, ignored the terrible taste, and swallowed it with a frown.

Then he felt the stimulation from the taste buds on his tongue.

As the waiter said, it tasted a little bitter when he put it in his mouth, but after chewing it a few times, it became more and more fragrant, with a unique taste of grass.

"Hey, try it quickly, it tastes pretty good!"

Song Jiaer's eyebrows were almost twisted into a ball, but she saw that Han Xu was eating so deliciously.

It didn't seem like he was lying.

So he also learned to pick up a piece, endured the unspeakable taste, and put it into his mouth.

"You know what, the taste is quite strange."

While Song Jiaer was savoring it, Han Xu had already finished two plates of mutton.

"Han Xu, is there anyone who treats people to a meal like you?"

"I just mean, we are so familiar with each other, just eat as much as you can! Aren't you hungry?" Han Xu muttered while stuffing delicious food into his mouth.

Song Jiaer was speechless, and ordered three more plates of mutton, ready to eat as much as you can.


After a fierce battle, the two of them finished six plates of mutton, and then they left the hot pot restaurant with their bulging bellies.

"Where are we going next?"

"Or, let's find a place to rest. We are really too full."

"Then why are you fighting with me for meat?!"

"You are the same, you don't know how to be gentle with women."

"Hehe, if I move a little slower, there will be nothing left, and you still have the nerve to say it?"

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