Chengzi was stunned by what Lao Zhang asked before he left. He frowned and thought for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out the crux of the matter.

Yes, the high-speed rail express trains all use real-name authentication, and Guo Feng's name is not in the riding record, so how did this guy get on the train?

How did he buy the ticket and how did he pass the security check?

While Chengzi was wondering, Lao Zhang had already pushed the door and entered the interrogation room next door.

When Captain Qin Fenqin saw Lao Zhang coming in, he knew that he was here to take notes, so he quickly made way for him.

Lao Zhang sat down unceremoniously and was about to open the relevant documents on another laptop.

Han Xu's unhurried voice rang out, "Teacher Guo, don't you have anything to say?"

Guo Feng raised his head and looked at Han Xu's expressionless young face, shaking his head, "Since Officer Han has already found out, I have nothing to say."

"How did you get on the high-speed rail express train?" Captain Qin Fenqin couldn't hold it back and asked the most critical question.

Guo Feng was silent again. Even though he was doomed to fail, he was not ready to surrender easily. If the police missed something, he could still take the opportunity to struggle, right?

Seeing that Guo Feng still refused to confess, Han Xu spoke for him, "Actually, I shouldn't call you Teacher Guo anymore. Your real name is Guo Mingyuan, or more precisely, Li Mingyuan! Am I right? Li Mingyuan?!"

Qin Fen and Lao Zhang were both stunned when they heard Han Xu's sudden words!

The suspect sitting in front of them was not Guo Feng at all, but someone else? !

Guo Mingyuan? ! Li Mingyuan? !

Both of them were a little confused!

Chengzi, who was listening in the next room, was even more dumbfounded!

I invited the person back myself, so what? Did I catch the wrong person?

It's impossible, how could this happen!

Guo Feng behind the one-way glass looks exactly like the person in the profile photo, so there is no such thing as catching the wrong person.

Then, there is only one answer, the person sitting in front of them looks almost the same as the suspect Guo Feng!

That's why Orange was caught by mistake!

Or there is another possibility, that is, Guo Feng has disappeared long ago, and everything was done by this person who looks like Guo Feng in front of him!

When Orange thought of this, goose bumps all over his body exploded instantly!

Qin Fen and Lao Zhang in the interrogation room also quickly figured out the key points, and both looked at Han Xu in disbelief.

This kid is too fierce. In such a short time, he went to Yaoyang City and found out the cause and effect clearly? !

It's really impressive!

When Guo Feng, the person involved, heard these two names, his originally straight neck drooped instantly, and the whole person wilted!

After a long while, Guo Feng's completely hoarse voice sounded.

"Officer Han, you are really... Hehe, I don't know what words to use to describe you. You are right, I am not Guo Feng, my name is Li Mingyuan!" Li Mingyuan seemed to have made up his mind and simply stopped hiding anything.

Because the current situation is completely controlled by Han Xu, he has no choice but to admit it.

You should know that the high-speed rail express trains all use the real-name system. Han Xu can easily find out who took the train from Yaoyang City to Yancheng that night?

Li Mingyuan's name is clearly written on the ride record!

This is why Han Xu can easily expose the fake identity of Guo Feng.

And the real suspect Li Mingyuan is also very clear that his identity is the biggest flaw!

When Han Xu easily called out his name, he had already lost, and lost very thoroughly, with no room for maneuver at all.

As long as the police investigate Li Mingyuan's true identity, everything will soon come to light.

So Li Mingyuan no longer concealed anything. He just thought it was too incredible that Han Xu could find out about his identity information in such a short time.

Han Xu saw that the real suspect Li Mingyuan had admitted his identity, and didn't want to waste time, so he called out some pictures in his mobile phone.

Then they were shown to Li Mingyuan one by one...

Those were some photos taken by Han Xu in the vegetable garden of Guo Feng's home.

One by one, page by page, all showed the horrible appearance of the rotten corpses that had been dug out.

Even Li Mingyuan, the person involved, couldn't bear it after seeing these, and vomited the twice-cooked pork rice he had just eaten.

Han Xu jumped away when he saw this, and was almost affected by the disaster!

But the sour smell soon spread, and the whole interrogation room was ruined!

Qin Fen frowned. He and Lao Zhang didn't see clearly what Han Xu showed the suspect, but the effect was too amazing!

The suspect Li Mingyuan actually sprayed all over the floor after looking at his phone for a few times!

If you tell others, I'm sure few people will believe it.

Qin Fen winked at Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang immediately looked bitter. There was nothing he could do. Who told him to do everything?

A higher-ranking official can crush a person, let alone a captain, who is several levels higher!

Chengzi saw the opportunity quickly and entered the interrogation room with cleaning tools.

Qin Fen glanced at the hesitant Old Zhang again, and then said to Chengzi, "Look, our Chengzi is still the one with good eyesight!"

Lao Zhang knew that the captain was pointing at him, but he didn't mind. He smiled and pointed to the work area for Chengzi.

Orange looked gloomy, walked over, and quickly cleaned up someone's battle results.

Han Xu looked at the side, feeling a little embarrassed, but didn't move at all. Hehe, he couldn't deprive Orange of the opportunity to show off, right?

Orange originally just wanted to come over to deliver cleaning tools, but he didn't expect to be tricked by Han Xu and Lao Zhang. If he had known this, he should have left the tools and ran away!

But now it's too late, and he can only bite the bullet and clean up the filth on the ground!

Han Xu covered his mouth and nose while saying, "Do we have any air freshener?"

"It seems there is still one bottle!"

Orange didn't even raise his head. He had to lower his guard when answering the question, and the tangible sour smell rushed towards him, almost killing Orange on the spot!

"Ugh~" Orange couldn't stand the test, and a mouthful of sour water came out, and his face turned green!

Seeing this, Captain Qin Fen waved his hand and said, "Han Xu, you guys go ahead and interrogate him first. I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you!"

Ha! Is Captain Qin ready to run away?

Lao Zhang and Chengzi almost simultaneously cast a look of contempt at the leader.

Captain Qin Fen ignored him as if he hadn't seen anything. He greeted Han Xu and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Why don't you say that he is the leader?" Lao Zhang filed his back teeth, looking angry.

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