Cheng Zi spent a lot of effort, endured the smell that he shouldn't bear, and spent a long time to clean the interrogation room.

Lao Zhang was not idle either. He found a bottle of air freshener from somewhere and sprayed it desperately.

It choked the only idler and made his eyes sore.

"Is this thing expired?" Han Xu couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but ask.

Lao Zhang was surprised, turned the bottle over to find the production date, squinted his old eyes and looked at it, then he laughed and said, "It's only expired for one month, it doesn't matter."

Han Xu:......


Li Mingyuan:......

"Sorry, it took you so long to deal with it," Li Mingyuan said after a moment of astonishment. He was really embarrassed. After all, he couldn't hold back and caused such a bad impact.

Han Xu didn't think anything of it. Anyway, he had no energy at all, so Cheng Zi and Lao Zhang did the work for him.

Sure enough, there are advantages to having a higher position, it is just on the table.

Cheng Zi snorted coldly, "Next time you vomit, please tell me! It tastes too damn strong!"

Lao Zhang didn't have a good face, "I almost sprayed half a bottle of air freshener, and you have to bear the blame!"

Li Mingyuan was completely speechless. He didn't expect that his apology would only make him angry.

Seeing that the cleaning was almost done, Han Xu was ready to continue the interrogation.

"Where did we talk just now?" Han Xu, who always had a good memory, was interrupted like this and couldn't remember where he had progressed.

Li Mingyuan replied knowingly, "Let me see some photos."

"Oh, yes, how about it, Li Mingyuan, do those photos look familiar?" Han Xu collected his thoughts and continued to ask.

Li Mingyuan shook his head, "It's all rotten like that. It's the first time I've seen him."

"You should know who the corpse is, right?" Han Xu began to press forward step by step again.

In fact, Han Xu didn't have a lot of evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been going around in circles with the criminal suspect. It would have been much better to directly slap the evidence on his face.

But except for the two surveillance videos and the rotten corpses excavated from the vegetable field, Han Xu had no other strong evidence.

At most, we only have evidence that Li Mingyuan returned to Yancheng from Yaoyang City on the night of the 12th, but what he did after that and whether he really killed Liu Lisa remain to be ascertained.

In other words, there is no substantial evidence to show that the murderer of Lisa Liu was Li Mingyuan himself!

Therefore, although there has been a major breakthrough in the case, there is still a long way to go before Li Mingyuan pleads guilty.

In addition, Li Mingyuan is much more difficult to deal with than Han Xu imagined. Not only does he have outstanding adaptability, but he also has excellent psychological quality, making him very difficult to deal with!

Han Xu even felt that compared to the previous Wang Jichao, this Li Mingyuan was not inferior at all!

That's why Han Xu came up with this strategy as soon as he came up, tricking Li Mingyuan bit by bit until he broke through the opponent's last line of defense!

Li Mingyuan did not disappoint Han Xu. After hearing this question, he was even more surprised, "Officer Han is joking, who does this body belong to? How do I know?"

Han Xu knew that Li Mingyuan would not offend easily, and then asked, "Then can you explain why he looks exactly the same as Guo Feng, and why he appears here as Guo Feng?"

Han Xu's few questions were like a heavy punch hitting Li Mingyuan's heart.

Li Mingyuan suddenly felt that his breathing was not smooth. He really didn't know how to answer these sharp questions.

Han Xu smiled again, "I have verified and compared the DNA of that corpse. The similarity with the DNA of Guo Feng's father Guo Genliang is 99.9%, which can be determined to be a parent-child relationship. In other words, that corpse is Guo Feng himself, right? ?”

After Li Mingyuan listened, he remained silent without comment.

"Li Mingyuan, are you and Guo Feng brothers?" Han Xu dropped another bombshell.

Although several people present had already guessed this result, they were still shocked.

Li Mingyuan grinned, and his expression rarely became a little irritable, "Who is a brother with that kind of scum? Officer Han, you'd better not talk nonsense."

Han Xu directly ignored Li Mingyuan's words, "Whether you are brothers or not is not up to you. The agency has the most advanced DNA identification equipment. We only need to extract your DNA sample, and the truth will be revealed in a few hours. of.

Li Mingyuan, now that we have some knowledge of your background, I advise you to recruit yourself.

You don’t have to waste everyone’s time, don’t you think? "

Li Mingyuan didn't hear Han Xu's plan to lure soldiers. The expression on his face turned blue and white, and his eyes began to wander again.

Han Xu captured these tiny details and added to the fire, "Your parents divorced many years ago. You have been living with your mother and have never met your father.

And I never knew that I had a biological brother! Am i right? "

Seeing that Li Mingyuan fell silent again, Han Xu pulled out another photo from his phone and handed it to Li Mingyuan.

That photo was taken from the photo frame that rested on the table legs at Guo Feng’s house.

Above is a middle-aged man and a child who looks exactly like Guo Feng.

When Li Mingyuan saw this photo, his eyes became extremely angry! It was as if there was a fire burning in his eyes.

Han Xu didn't expect Li Mingyuan to have such an expression. He was startled and understood.

"Your life with your mother is not easy, right?"

Li Mingyuan sneered, "Officer Han should not worry about whether we live well or not. But why can Guo Feng, a filial son, live so comfortably?

I dropped out of school at the age of 15. My mother has always been in poor health, so I can only work to supplement the family income.

I have done everything, a waiter in a restaurant, a street cleaner, a takeaway deliveryman, and a courier.

Because I don't have any education, I have never earned much money, just enough to make a living.

But God is very unfair to me. Half a year ago, my mother got a serious illness.

It was not a big problem, but she kept it from me until she died!

Do you know how it feels to watch your loved ones suddenly leave because of your incompetence?

It feels like a needle prick!

At that time, I was thinking, if I had money, everything would be different, right?"

Han Xu heard Li Mingyuan start to talk openly, and the big stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground.

Old Zhang also knew the opportunity and started recording.

Only Chengzi was standing there alone, with two big hands that had nowhere to go, so he had to rub them and put them behind his back.

Li Mingyuan said this, looked at the people present, and sneered again.

"Now that things have come to this, I have nothing to hide..."

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