"Excuse me, are you familiar with your husband's ex-wife?" Han Xu seemed to have caught a clue.

Chen Lu paused for a moment, then said leisurely, "I haven't seen his ex-wife. His wife had passed away before I met him."

"Then do you know when it happened? I mean when his wife passed away."

Chen Lu heard that Han Xu was going to break the casserole, and hurriedly called out, "Liu Ma, come here."

The nanny Liu Ma, who was making tea in the kitchen, agreed, put down her work and walked out.

Chen Lu pointed at Liu Ma and said, "Liu Ma had been in this house for a long time before I came. You can ask her."

Han Xu asked the question again.

Liu Ma was timid at first and found it difficult to speak.

Chen Lu saw this and said, "My husband is no longer here. Just say whatever you want to say. It's okay."

Han Xu noticed that there was something hidden in this sentence, and didn't say much.

Song Jiaer wanted to ask another question, but was stopped by Han Xu with a look.

After hearing what the hostess said, Aunt Liu couldn't hide anything anymore, "The previous lady committed suicide."

"Suicide? When did it happen?" Song Jiaer asked hurriedly.

"It's been almost seven or eight years. I've been in the Wang family for ten years. The previous lady's surname was Ye, and she treated me very well. But the husband said she was sick, and said she had some serious depression."

"Depression?" Han Xu added.

Aunt Liu nodded frequently, "Yes, that's what the doctor said."

"But the husband said it was okay, just let the wife stay at home. As a result, Mrs. Ye's condition worsened that day, she took several bottles of sleeping pills, and then never woke up again."

"Do you remember the specific time?" Han Xu felt that the case was gradually becoming a little vague.

Aunt Liu shook her head, "I don't remember the exact date. I remember that it seemed to be the young master's eighth birthday, and it was only a few days before and after."

"Thank you," Han Xu put away the recorder and said to Chen Lu, "Can I take a look around?"

The hostess here showed a surprised look, but soon returned to normal, "Sure, Aunt Liu, you accompany the guests to walk around."

Han Xu stood up and suggested that Song Jiaer take care of Chen Lu in the lobby, and then followed Aunt Liu to visit the victim's mansion.

This villa is not big, but it is worth tens of millions, but the layout is extremely simple.

After a while, Han Xu turned around and then took Song Jiaer to say goodbye and leave.

As soon as he got in the car, Song Jiaer couldn't wait to ask, "How is it, did you find anything?"

Han Xu started the car first, pretending that he had not found anything, and drove away.

It was not until they left the villa area that he said leisurely, "I think there is something wrong with this woman."

"Where? You've been staring at her, what's wrong with you?" Song Jiaer pouted and kept talking.

Han Xu ignored her temper and continued, "Do you think Mrs. Wang's face is a little asymmetrical?"

Song Jiaer thought about it after Han Xu mentioned it, "You're right, it seems that her left face is a little swollen."

"Good observation," Han Xu praised, and then said, "And she covered herself too tightly."

"If you stare at her like this, she won't cover herself tightly, okay?"

Han Xu...

"What I mean is that the weather is so hot, even if her home is air-conditioned, it's still 27 or 28 degrees, she doesn't need to wear a long-sleeved cheongsam."

"Yes, what do you mean?" Song Jiaer heard a clue.

Han Xu said bluntly, "She has injuries on her body. I just asked Aunt Liu. Seeing Aunt Liu's hesitation, it is likely that the deceased Wang Zhang has a long history of domestic violence!"

"What? You said the deceased beat women?!" Song Jiaer hates this kind of scumbag the most.

Han Xu also despises this kind of beast who violently beats women, but he is relatively calm, "This kind of scumbag is not uncommon. I suspect that his ex-wife's death is also problematic."

"This kind of beast deserves to be..." Song Jiaer was angry and spoke without restraint.

Han Xu reminded her, and then said, "After we go back, we have to have someone investigate this woman named Chen Lu."

"Why investigate her? She is so pitiful, she is a victim."

Han Xu smiled, "The court said that the presumption of innocence is the right thing to do, but we criminal investigators cannot let go of any suspicious points. Even if the deceased is a scumbag, he should be held accountable by the law."

Song Jiaer didn't understand such a simple truth, she just nodded and curled up in the seat like an obedient cat.

Han Xu reached out and patted her little head, and sighed deeply.

He couldn't figure out what he had been busy for for so long?

Revenge for a scumbag, or a beast?

He felt like a deflated tire, dry and unwilling to roll forward, even for half a circle.


The two returned to the police station, Han Xu comforted Song Jiaer a few more words, and then walked towards Qin Fen's office.

On the way, Han Xu happened to meet Li Le who had nothing to do, and he was not polite and handed the matter of investigating Chen Lu to him.

Li Le was worried about having nothing to do, and when he heard that he was going to investigate a beautiful woman, he went there happily.


"Come in!"

Han Xu pushed the door open and saw that not only Qin Fen was in the office, but also another leader.

"Hello, Director, hello, Captain Qin!"

When Ge Chensheng saw the visitor, he smiled cheerfully and said, "We are all one family, why are we seeing people like this? Come on, Xiao Han, sit down quickly."

Han Xu glanced at Qin Fen and saw him nodding, then walked to the guest sofa and sat down, his body straight.

"Xiao Han, don't be so nervous, relax." Ge Chensheng poured a cup of tea himself and placed it on the coffee table in front of Han Xu as he spoke.

"Thank you, leader."

"They said you're welcome, just call me Lao Ge." Ge Chensheng's old face almost wrinkled from laughter, or the original wrinkles became deeper.

Han Xu smiled and said, "I don't dare."

"Xiao Han has been coming to our police station for more than two months. He is a good young man. Look at his energy, he looks very much like me back then!"

Qin Fen glanced at his old leader and said to himself, "Have you ever had such energy before? Don't be ridiculous."

Ge Chensheng continued to chat with Han Xu for a few words before asking him the reason for his visit.

Han Xu briefly explained the case.

Before Qin Fen could say anything, Director Ge Chensheng patted the coffee table and said, "Good boy, you have arrested two suspects in such a short time, well done!

You will be solely responsible for this case!

Xiao Qin, help Han Xu!

We must solve the case as soon as possible and give the people a satisfactory answer! "

Qin Fen...

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first. You can continue discussing the case and I won't interrupt you."

Looking at the back of the Northern Suburbs Police Commissioner leaving, Han Xu somewhat understood from whom his captain learned the trick of lying flat.

"Han Xu, what should we do next?"

"Captain Qin, I have an idea, I don't know if it's feasible!"

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