"Say it!" Qin Fen put down the wolfberry tea in his hand and said seriously.

He didn't dare to underestimate Han Xu. This boy brought too many surprises. Maybe this idea could solve the case.

"The director just said, let me give you a good start. If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't be polite."

The words Qin Fen added later made Han Xu feel a little embarrassed, and he said modestly, "The director is joking, don't take it seriously."

Qin Fen smiled even more when he heard this. This young man is capable but not arrogant. He is a good prospect. His future is unlimited. He may climb to the top of his head in a short time.

Take advantage of now to build a good relationship.

"Looking at what you said, let's do it this way. I've grown older than you. When no one is around, you can just call me Brother Sheng. We are all a family."

Han Xu couldn't tell what Qin Fen meant, so he was not polite. Even if he could solve the case again, someone would have to protect him. It was normal for people to exchange favors.

"Okay, Brother Qin, I won't be polite to you anymore."

"That's right, that's what you want."

Qin Fen was so happy when he called Brother Qin that he almost forgot about business.

"Did you just say you had a good idea?"

Han Xu said seriously, "On the way back, I received a call from Lao Zhang, Zhang Yaotao."

Qin Fen continued, "He reported the situation to me, and I asked him to inform you.

The guy who hired the murderer behind the scenes is very troublesome.

Zhang Yaotao said that there is no real-name authentication on that chat platform. Even if the identity information can be found, it is most likely forged.

With current technology, it is difficult to trace the other party's physical address, so this clue is difficult to follow. "

Han Xu nodded, "According to Guo Wei's account, the person who hired them is a woman."

"Go on," Qin Fen encouraged.

"Guo Wei said that they met while chatting online a year ago, that is, they were netizens. The chat conversations between them were very ambiguous. Guo Wei wanted to ask each other out several times, but he was rejected.

But after more than half a year of communication, the trust between them is still good.

Just over half a year ago, Guo Wei had no choice but to shamelessly ask this netizen he had never met to borrow money because he owed a large gambling debt.

The other party was also very generous, giving him 50,000 yuan at once, and then made a request, asking Guo Wei to do something for her.

After the event was completed, he promised to pay a huge reward of 2 million yuan.

But Guo Wei is not stupid and knows that there is no such thing as a pie in the sky.

After careful questioning, I found out that the other party wanted him to kill someone.

At first, Guo Wei didn't agree, but he felt a little guilty because he took the other party's 50,000 yuan for nothing.

It wasn't until a loan shark came to his door that he was forced to do nothing, so he agreed. He also asked the other party for another 100,000 yuan as start-up capital. "

Qin Fen pondered for a moment and asked, "How do they deal with each other? Have you checked the flow of funds?"

Han Xu replied, "Both times were cash transactions."

"That's strange. If it's a cash transaction, why hasn't Guo Wei even seen the other party's face?" Qin Fen is the captain of the criminal investigation team no matter what, and can always grasp the key points.

"Guo Wei said that the other party would leave an address online every time and then ask him to withdraw money at a fixed time."

Qin Fen suddenly realized, "So that's it. It seems like this woman is very cunning."

Han Xu nodded, "Yes, the other party is indeed cautious, but we can take advantage of this."

Qin Fen somewhat understood what Han Xu wanted to do, "Do you want to fish?"

"As expected of Brother Qin, it took us a very short time to catch the two suspects. The other party probably wouldn't have thought that Guo Wei and Wang Changlin were already under our control, so we can make a time and information gap.

Let Guo Wei contact his employer, ask for the remaining remuneration, and then set up an ambush to catch this big fish! "

After hearing this, Qin Fen slapped his thigh and stood up, "Good idea, I'll do as you say! But what if the other party doesn't take the bait?"

Han Xu saw what Qin Fen was worried about and replied, "Gamble, I can tell from Guo Wei's words that this employer is not a treacherous person. If Guo Wei threatens the other party with surrender, I guess the other party will not dare to let the two go." A serious criminal fell into our hands."

Qin Fen thought for a while and felt that there was really no better way at the moment, so he had to agree.

After Han Xu got the approval, he went out to find Lao Zhang and told him the plan again.

Lao Zhang felt that although this plan was risky, it was worth a try.

The two interrogated Guo Wei again in a furious manner. After "obtaining" Guo Wei's consent, Lao Zhang sent a message to the employer behind the scenes in Guo Wei's tone.

The message was very clear and concise, that is, the matter was settled and the other party was asked to pay the remaining reward as soon as possible.

After sending the message, Lao Zhang took a long breath and asked Han Xu, "What if the other party doesn't reply to the message?"

Han Xu said nothing, but looked at Guo Wei who was standing aside.

Seeing this, Guo Wei hurriedly said, "No, she and I have a very good relationship. If you add one more sentence, you will say that we have no money and are running away in a hurry. Let her hurry up and the sooner the better!"

Lao Zhang entered this paragraph into the chat box again.

After almost ten minutes, the other party replied, "I don't have that much cash on hand right now, so I'll give you 100,000 first."

When Lao Zhang saw this sentence, he immediately became excited, gave Han Xu a thumbs up, and was about to type a reply.

Han Xu asked Guo Wei, "If it was you, how would you reply?"

Guo Wei didn't even think about it and blurted out, "Get lost, 100,000 to send away beggars?"

Han Xu winked at Lao Zhang, and Lao Zhang understood and couldn't help saying, "Fortunately I didn't reply blindly, I'm convinced by you."

Ten seconds later, the other party replied: "It's time to curse, you're just waiting to die?"

Guo Wei directly put the big head with a bruised face in front of the laptop, and after reading the reply, he cursed, "If you want us to die, I'll go to the police station to surrender now. We will be shot, and you can't escape!"

The other party was silent for nearly 20 minutes. Lao Zhang was a little nervous and said, "Did the other party find anything?"

Han Xu shook his head and said, "No, be patient."

Guo Wei also became nervous. He knew that if the mastermind behind the scenes was caught, he might be able to escape even if he had made meritorious contributions.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Han Xu habitually took out his lighter and lit it up...

Time passed by, but there was still no reply from the other party in the chat box.

Guo Wei's forehead was covered with cold sweat, which slid across the wound on his face, causing him to grimace in pain, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

Just when everyone thought that the other party would not reply again,

Beep, beep...

"Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, in the southeast corner of the second floor of Qianda Shopping Plaza, near the escalator entrance, in the trash can."

The fish has taken the bait!

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