"It's done!" Lao Zhang almost jumped up with joy.

Han Xu also let out a long breath and smiled.

Guo Wei was like crawling back from hell, his whole body was a little exhausted, and he was breathing heavily.

"How do you know the other party will reply?"

Han Xu ignored Lao Zhang's question and stared at Guo Wei and asked, "What do you want to reply first when you see this line of words?"

Guo Wei was stunned for a moment, then understood and quickly said, "I will ask how much money is?"

Lao Zhang was shocked when he heard the words, and felt a layer of cold sweat on his back. He thought, "This Han Xu is too arrogant, his mind is so meticulous."

He thought, and quickly typed on the keyboard.

"How much money is there? Don't fool me!"

A few seconds later, the chat box shook again, accompanied by the familiar beeping sound.

"Two hundred thousand, this much for now, and I will make up for it later."

Guo Wei looked at the message and nodded to Han Xu.

Lao Zhang replied, "Okay, I'll trust you again."

It wasn't until the other party replied with a handshake emoticon that the three people's hanging hearts were put down.

"Han Xu, you are really good, you almost got caught." Lao Zhang felt the cunning of the other party.

Han Xu smiled, "This is all thanks to Guo Wei. He said before that the other party is a very cautious person."

Guo Wei raised his handcuffed hands and wiped the sweat, and his eyes twitched in pain, "Officer Han is too polite, you are the most powerful police I have ever seen, oh, no, officer, the most powerful officer."

Han Xu didn't buy it, and smiled and said, "This time you have made meritorious performance, I will write a report."

"Thank you, Officer Han, you are my reborn parents."

Lao Zhang looked at the cat and mouse in front of him in confusion, and he didn't understand why the relationship was so harmonious.

Han Xu glanced at Lao Zhang, and then he remembered the question he had just asked, so he replied, "To be honest, I'm not sure about fishing this time, but my intuition tells me that there is an 80% chance."

"So high?" Lao Zhang was surprised.

Han Xu continued, "Usually in this situation, if it were you, would you ignore it or get rid of the potential threat as soon as possible?"

Lao Zhang was persuaded, "If it were me, I wouldn't want to leave two bombs that could explode at any time."

"Well, for rich people, it's just a loss of money. Besides, the promised 2 million has now become 200,000, which can solve the current trouble."

"You are really a talent, just like the roundworm in the suspect's stomach."

Han Xu smiled, "I read a few psychology books when I was in school. It's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse."

Lao Zhang said sincerely, "If you are a blind cat, then I will be a dead cat."


At 8:10 am the next day, Qianda Shopping Plaza, located in the northern suburbs of Yancheng, opened for business.

Qianda Shopping Plaza is the largest shopping mall in Yancheng, with a total construction area of ​​120,000 square meters. It is the social center for all classes in the entire city. It has introduced more than 200 high-quality brands and has a huge daily passenger flow.

It's not the first time Han Xu has come here, but he still feels dizzy.

The suspect chose to trade here, most likely to use the flow of people here to reduce the threat.

Han Xu felt that he had underestimated the black hand behind the scenes.

Qianda Shopping Plaza had just opened for business, and many customers poured in.

Maybe because it was Saturday, the flow of customers was much larger than usual.

The police officers who participated in this fishing operation all changed into casual clothes, followed the flow of customers into the square, found their respective investigation posts, and began to control most of the square.

Han Xu and Song Jiaer pretended to be a couple and strolled around the shopping mall.

"This skirt is nice, it suits you very well." Han Xu said casually when he saw a particularly ladylike dress.

Song Jiaer glanced at him, looked disgusted, and snorted, "Do you think someone like me can handle this type of person?"

Han Xu looked up and down at Song Jiaer's figure, "You look like a clothes rack, so what do you wear doesn't look good?"

"What's wrong with you today? Are you talking so much? If you can talk, just talk more." Song Jiaer was quite surprised that Han Xu didn't confront her.

Han Xu looked down at his watch, "It's still early, let's go for a stroll. Just pretend I didn't say anything just now."

"Tsk~" Song Jiaer curled her lips, her eyes kept scanning the crowd.

Han Xu went over and hugged her in his arms, whispering, "Don't move, are you afraid that others won't see that you are here to follow?"

Song Jiaer struggled a few times, but when she heard Han Xu's whisper close at hand, she panicked for a moment.

"Okay, I know, let me go."

Han Xu let her go and no longer cared about the frightened cat.

Song Jiaer has always been carefree and has always considered herself a boy.

Although she had a nominal boyfriend when she was in school, she had never had such close contact with a man, and her face instantly became hot.

On the other hand, Han Xu was like nothing happened.

"Group 2 reports that no suspicious persons were found."

After reporting the situation, Han Xu put his hands on the fence on the third floor, looking indescribably comfortable.

Song Jiaer approached calmly, "Why do you think the suspect chose the escalator entrance in the southeast corner of the second floor?"

Han Xu guessed that she would ask this question, and replied without thinking, "That place has a wide view and is very close to the safe escape route. If something unexpected happens, it is easy to escape."

Song Jiaer curled her lips, "I know that. Isn't it just one more option for escape? There's no need to be so cautious, right?"

Han Xu understood what she meant. If the police set up a control, it would be easy to block all escape routes. As long as the suspect was in this shopping mall, it didn't matter which route he chose.

"You'll understand in a moment!" Han Xu planned to keep it a secret.

Song Jiaer saw that Han Xu didn't want to talk, so she simply stopped asking. While paying attention to the movements around her, she chatted with Han Xu.

Until 9:40 in the morning, a group reported that a suspicious person was walking towards the target point.

Song Jiaer hurriedly looked in the direction of the group.

Sure enough, a woman in her twenties, wearing a sports suit, appeared in the field of vision. The most suspicious thing was the big bag she was carrying, which was out of place with her petite figure.

Song Jiaer nudged Han Xu with her elbow and whispered, "Here it comes!"

Han Xu seemed not to see it, but just nodded softly.

Song Jiaer ignored him and slowly walked towards the escalator on the third floor, trying to block the suspect's escape route to the third floor.

Before she reached her position, she heard whispers of Captain Qin's actions in her earphones.

The police officers who were ambushed in the shopping mall responded quickly.

Orange led a group of people and rushed to the suspect first!


A shrill soprano exploded.

"What are you doing?! Molestation!"

The suspect did not tolerate the clumsy Orange and shouted.

This shout instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

Most of the people in the shopping mall were driven by curiosity and gathered towards the southeast corner.

"We are from the North Suburb Police Station, investigating a case! Unrelated personnel, please step aside!" While controlling the female suspect, Orange quickly stated his identity and prepared to clear the area.

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