Other police officers from the technical brigade came with Xiao Xiao. After entering the scene, they all started busy themselves.

This case is not qualitative, so according to the process, the technical investigation must be comprehensive to avoid losing first-hand valuable inspection materials.

Song Jiaer watched for a while and then went to help with the trace inspection.

Time passed quickly, and it was nearly a quarter of an hour later.

Xiao Xiaocai stopped what he was doing and packed up the large box of things.

In fact, most of the tools in the forensic investigation box are unusable, such as the bone saw, bone scissors, osteotome, and a spoon with a large diameter that appeared in Han Xu's field of vision. Han Xu had never been able to figure this out before. What is the spoon used for?

It wasn't until I saw Mr. Hao using this thing to extract fluid from a large area of ​​chest bleeding that the deceased suddenly realized that he hadn't touched hot pot again for at least half a month.

"Why do you bring so many things?" Han Xu couldn't help but ask as he put away the objects and looked at the various tools neatly placed in the box.

Xiao Xiao showed off her two dimples, "This is my first time coming out, so I'm prepared in case I need it."

Han Xu smiled, just think of it as a little girl exercising.

This weight is really thrilling.

Team leader Xu stood aside and asked, "How is it? Are there any results?"

This kind of preliminary on-site inspection does not require a high level of forensic medicine. It only needs to grasp the three key points of speed, accuracy and ruthlessness.

Generally speaking, as long as the time and cause of death of the deceased are found out, the task is basically completed.

Of course, Team Leader Xu doesn’t mind if the little girl in front of him can bring a different kind of surprise!

Xiao Xiao rationalized his thoughts, as if he was afraid of missing something, and spoke slowly after a moment, "After preliminary inspection, the deceased died of mechanical asphyxiation.

The corpse had obvious generalized rigor mortis. Based on the characteristics of the accumulated corpse spots on the legs and the measured body temperature, it was estimated that the time of death should be 12 hours ago, that is, between 12 and 1 in the morning.

There was a light rain at around 4 o'clock in the morning today, which may interfere with the specific time, but the error will not exceed thirty minutes. "

Xiao Xiao spoke very slowly but very convincingly. After analyzing the time of death, she leaned down again and approached the deceased. A pair of hands wearing several layers of latex gloves opened the thick black hair and exposed the neck of the deceased. Come.

"I just checked the whole body of the deceased and found no obvious restraint or resistance injuries. There was bleeding on the fingertips of both hands, some of the nails were broken and fallen off, there were obvious bumps on the legs and feet, subcutaneous bleeding, and contusions. These are all The deceased suffered from muscle spasms and erratic movements of his limbs due to excessive pain.”

Hearing what Xiao Xiao said, Han Xu couldn't help but glance at the deceased's hands and feet. The injuries were subtle, but the pain the deceased had gone through was obvious.

Hanging, an ancient method of suicide, is also one of the most painful ways of death. Generally speaking, people who do not have great courage cannot easily try it.

"Can we tell that the deceased hanged himself?" Team leader Xu was convinced by this little girl.

Xiao Xiao shook his head when he heard this, "I can only help the deceased and tell him what he wanted to say. I have to rely on you to judge."

These words made Team Leader Xu lose all his temper. The forensic doctor only objectively expressed a fact and provided a strong basis for the investigation and judgment, and he had successfully completed his task.

Han Xu patted Xiao Xiao's shoulder gently, appreciating her words and deeds very much.

"There is a doubt here!" Xiao Xiao frowned and pointed at the neck that he had just pulled apart.

Han Xu had seen it early in the morning. The marks there were a little thicker than a climbing rope as thick as a pinky finger. If you didn't distinguish carefully, you wouldn't be able to see it.

"The color and extent of this ditch does not look like it was caused by a rope. There is still some bleeding in this part!" Xiao Xiao pointed to a place that is not easy to detect.

Han Xu raised his eyebrows and asked, "What does that mean?"

"This is two hanging trenches overlapping each other!" Xiao Xiao said with certainty, his eyes showing confidence.

Team Leader Xu was stunned, and all the police officers present were shocked when they heard this.

Xiao Xiao was afraid that everyone would not believe it, so he pointed to the hanging ditch and continued, "The depth and width of this overflow ditch are heavier, especially here." As he spoke, he tilted the head of the deceased to expose the back of his neck, "Is there anything here?" The bifurcation was too obvious, and the skin between the two overflow ditches was squeezed into small ridges..."

"Will the same rope cause two overflow ditches?" Han Xu asked.

Xiao Xiao replied, "We cannot rule out this possibility. Sometimes the noose is too big and the deceased struggles too violently, such as doing a pull-up or something, causing the rope to slide up and down, and this kind of special ditch will also be formed."

"That's suicide!" Team Leader Xu understood.

But Han Xu stopped him, "Since there are doubts, we can't rule out the possibility of homicide. Team Leader Xu, let me see this case, leave it to us."

Team leader Xu took a look at Han Xu and saw that he was so determined. It was hard to refute his face in public. Who made this kid now a popular person under Qin Fen and the director?

"Then you can apply to Captain Qin yourself." After saying that, he greeted his subordinates and arranged lunch.

People are like iron, and food is like steel. If you don’t eat one meal, you will scream!

Hearing the word lunch, Han Xu suddenly realized that it was almost 1:30 noon, so he took out his mobile phone and called Li Le.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Li Le's voice was full of exhaustion, as if he had just woken up, indicating that he had done nothing good last night!

"On duty, the break is cancelled! The Ferris wheel in Lion Camel Park has been abandoned. Bring some lunch boxes with you. We're all hungry." Han Xu didn't care what the guy did yesterday. He just started to scold him.

The sound of dressing came from the other end of the phone, accompanied by Li Le's unique cursing...

Han Xu was not surprised to hear a woman's hum!

He couldn't help but look at the sun and secretly said: Awesome!

"Did your second team take over?" Song Jiaer was busy for a while, and returned to Han Xu with two evidence bags in her hands.

Han Xu nodded slightly, "What do you have in your hand?"

"I found a few fresh cigarette butts, from Liqun. There is also an empty Fenjiu bottle, 52 degrees per pound." Song Jiaer handed it to Han Xu.

Han Xu took it in his hand and looked at it against the sun, "It must have been contaminated by rain."

Song Jiaer shrugged helplessly. Although she didn't want to admit it, it seemed that trace inspection was useless. Could it be that criminal suspects now take advantage of rainy days!

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but shudder. It was too scary.

Han Xu took some time off and called Qin Fen again to report the police situation.

Although Qin Fen was not very satisfied with his behavior of taking on so much, he thought of Han Xu's abnormal ability to handle cases!

He immediately agreed.

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