After getting Qin Fen's consent, Han Xu went to negotiate with Team Leader Xu again and officially took over the case of the Ferris wheel crossdresser's suicide.

At this time, the on-site inspection work has been almost done, the body has been put into the body bag, and all kinds of valuable samples have been packed and loaded into the car, ready to be sent to the technical team together.

The only meaning for Han Xu and his team to stay here is to adjust the pitiful surveillance around and visit some staff members of the park, hoping to find witnesses, but looking at the desolation of this place, the hope is quite slim.

This criminal suspect also has a certain anti-detection ability, and he did it quite seamlessly. A light rain in the morning ended. Is this just a coincidence?

If it was intentional, then we have to pay more attention to the weather conditions in Yancheng.

It's a bit too much to predict even rain in advance.

Xiao Xiao said hello to Han Xu and went back with his colleagues in the technical team.

Only Song Jiaer was left at the scene.

Han Xu still joked, "Why? Can't bear to leave me?"

Song Jiaer rolled her eyes at him. It was too much to remember to date at this time.

"I'm taking a break today. Besides, there are so many people in the technical team. One less person will do."

"Hey, how come the famous workaholic in our police station has changed? You just can't bear to leave me. Don't deny it. Everyone has left. There's nothing to be shy about." Han Xu put on the mask of ridicule again.

Song Jiaer said seriously, "Are you schizophrenic? You are serious when you are working, but how come you are a different person after work? Do you want me to accompany you to see a doctor?"


Han Xu was speechless for a long time. He didn't realize that Song Jiaer was not only extremely good at martial arts, but also quite sharp-tongued. Even a veteran like him was defeated.

As he was talking, a figure came from a distance, carrying two large bags in his hands.

The voice came before the person arrived.

"Why are there only two of you? I bought more than a dozen lunch boxes!" Li Le was stunned.

"How did you come so quickly?" Han Xu was thinking of calling Li Le again to ask him to buy less.

"I'll spend the night in the hotel next door." Li Le raised his chin, with a look of pain on his face.

Han Xu was not interested in the private life of this kid, and said, "You send it to the police officers outside. They are all very hard-working and must have not eaten at noon."

Li Le shrugged, "I bought a lot and sent it to them. There are friends outside."

Have friends?

Han Xu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said, "We are working here, what do you want to do? Bring your family?"

"You are so embarrassed to say that to me? Why don't you explain why Jiaer is here?" Li Le was unceremoniously, pointing the finger at the two people on a date.

Before Han Xu spoke, Song Jiaer took over the conversation, and put her hands on her waist, "Do you want me to explain it to you?"

Li Le was instantly scared, "Don't worry, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously!"

"Okay, call Chengzi and the others and ask them to come over. We've already bought it, so we can't waste it." Han Xu suggested.

"Who knows if they've eaten it?" Li Le switched the bag from his right hand to his left hand, took out his mobile phone, and still fiddled with it.

Han Xu grabbed the bag, hehe, it was quite rich.

A big bowl of Lanzhou ramen!

"Can't you get something delicious?" Someone started complaining.

"This is a scenic spot, uncle, don't you know how expensive this bowl of noodles is? You have to reimburse me!" Li Le was furious when he heard this, and he had to run for a while before he found a more affordable noodle shop.

"Are all the rich second generation so stingy?"

Han Xu invited Jiaer to eat noodles together and handed over a pair of chopsticks.

"Fuck, the amount of meat is impressive!" After opening the lunch box, a few slices of pitiful, thin beef floated on the steaming noodles. Fortunately, there were a few chopped green onions to embellish it, which slightly improved the appearance.

It is said that when people are hungry, everything tastes good, not to mention that this bowl of ramen tastes really good, chewing it is very chewy, and it is quite authentic.

Looking at Han Xu's wolfing down, Song Jiaer shook her head slightly, but put the few slices of beef into his bowl, "Eat slowly, no one will snatch it from you."

Han Xu looked up and met the pair of concerned eyes, and forgot where he was for a moment.

"Are you showing off your love? Someone just hung here, be careful." Li Le couldn't stand it anymore, and coughed and said.

"What do you care!" Han Xu glared at the light bulb fiercely, he would die if it didn't light up.

The two finished their meal warmly under the illumination of the extra-large wattage.

Chengzi rushed over with a few second-team police officers, but there was no sign of Lao Zhang. This guy was completely against going out on field duty.

Li Le invited everyone to eat noodles, and then a group of people squatted in a row outside the cordon not far from the Ferris wheel, not caring whether they were exposed to the sun or not. After a while, two large bags of Lanzhou ramen disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Chengzi devoured three bowls without hesitation, still praising the taste, but there was a little less meat, which caused several people to complain.

Li Le...

Han Xu saw that several people had eaten and drunk enough, and began to assign tasks.

Chengzi still took people to copy the surveillance. If there was one person, it would be counted as one. If the suspect accidentally left behind was caught, the case would be much easier to handle.

Han Xu and Li Le acted separately, visiting the staff of the park to see if there were any unexpected gains.

Song Jiaer, of course, followed Han Xu.

Li Le grinned, "Who doesn't have a partner?" He called a police officer and got up and left.

Han Xu didn't care about him. Although this guy looked careless, he was still very reliable in doing things.

As for his friend, he would surely handle it.

When Song Jiaer saw Li Le leave, she suddenly had an idea and asked Han Xu with her head tilted, "Why did the deceased wear women's clothes?"

Han Xu was stunned. This question was very sharp!

He had studied the behavior and psychology of some cross-dressing bosses before. After thinking about it, he slowly said, "This is a behavior evolved from a weird psychology. There is a special term called transvestism, which can also be called transvestism.

Because this is a pathological behavior in itself, mainly referring to the patient's repeated strong desire to wear clothes of the opposite sex.

If the condition is serious, it will be put into action."

Song Jiaer blinked her eyes, not understanding this behavior.

Han Xu went on to explain, "This kind of patients can often be stimulated by wearing clothes of the opposite sex, or even satisfy that desire. Do you understand? It can enhance excitement!"

Song Jiaer shook her head, still not understanding.

Han Xu didn't know how to explain it, and said vaguely, "Anyway, it's quite perverted, but this behavior will not harm others and society, it's just immoral."

"Why is it immoral? I see a lot of cross-dressers on the Internet and on the streets?" Song Jiaer asked in confusion.

Han Xu was speechless for a moment. Nowadays, society is developing too fast, and it can be said that it is changing with each passing day. Many things are not bound by traditional ethics and morals, so it is inevitable that some strange products will appear.

"Most of the cross-dressers on the Internet are curious, and the problems on the streets are more complicated. Of course, it is not ruled out that some people simply pursue performance art, but it's a bit scary."


"Once you are a cross-dresser, you will be a cross-dresser for life!"

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