Song Jiaer got goosebumps all over her body when she heard this.

It was really chilling!

"Holding this idea in your heart for a lifetime? Tsk tsk, too shameful."

Han Xu frowned, huh, woman!

Curiosity is fierce!

Song Jiaer suddenly felt a little worried, "Do I have a tendency to be a cross-dresser?"

When this policewoman from Yancheng Police Station is not wearing a uniform, she also likes to choose some masculine style clothes. She used to think that they are loose and comfortable to wear. Hearing Han Xu say this, she was really a little scared.

Han Xu frowned again, "It's okay, I'm here, I promise to straighten it for you!"

"Hate it! You're the one who's bent!" He retorted.

Han Xu smiled and didn't say anything to avoid violent beatings.

It was more than two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was blazing, there was no wind, and the weather was great! This abandoned place was hidden in the city, less noisy, and as people left one after another, it gradually returned to a quiet place.

"It's such a rare and good place, what a pity."

Han Xu sighed, looked at the mess, curled his lips, and leaned over to clean it up.

After all, it was next to the crime scene. Although it was no longer valuable, such a disaster was definitely prohibited.

If Qin Fen saw it, everyone would be in trouble!

Song Jiaer also wanted to help, but Han Xu gave her a look and said, "It's just a small job, who are you looking down on?"

It was cleaned up in a few strokes, with quick hands and feet, and excellent skills. It would be a pity not to clean up the perfect scene.

A few minutes later, Han Xu carried the packed post-meal garbage in both hands, raised his chin, shrugged, and posed as a winner.

"He~tui! Are you showing off?" Song Jiaer looked contemptuous.

"Look at the strength of cleaning the battlefield. You can't see it without a microscope." Han Xu vowed.

"Show off your big head ghost!" Song Jiaer rolled his eyes at him fiercely.

"Okay, let's go." Han Xu held a big bag in each hand, and still did not forget to make a gentlemanly gesture of giving priority to ladies.


The two returned to the ticket office of the abandoned theme park one after the other. Han Xu threw the garbage into the green barrel and turned back to face Song Jiaer's many questions.

"Where are we going now?"

"Walk around." Han Xu seemed to be confident and had a plan in mind.

Song Jiaer looked at her high heels and tried to dispel this not-so-good idea, "Why do you want to take this case? Judging from the current situation, it is most likely an ordinary case of hanging."

Han Xu guessed that Song Jiaer would ask this question, so he spoke out the words he had prepared before, "This case is not ordinary. Although it seems that the deceased died by hanging, there are many doubts."

Song Jiaer was interested, "What are the doubts?"

"First, isn't the cigarette butt you found very fresh? It should have been left last night. But there is no trace of long-term smoking on the deceased's hand." As he said, Han Xu raised his right hand.

Generally, smokers are used to holding cigarettes with their index and middle fingers. It is common for their skin to be burned and yellowed, and some may even leave indelible marks.

"My dad also likes to smoke, and his fingers are very clean." Song Jiaer looked at Han Xu's slightly yellowed fingers, frowned, and raised an objection.

Han Xu curled his lips and continued indifferently, "It's just that it usually happens, and some individual cases are not excluded. And look at this."

"What is that?"

Han Xu handed the middle finger of his right hand to Song Jiaer, and she noticed that there was a small bulge on the side of the other's knuckle near the index finger.

"Most smokers have calluses like this, which are caused by grinding. The deceased was not young, estimated to be around 30 years old. If he did not forget to smoke even before committing suicide, then he must have been addicted to smoking, so he would not be without this."

Song Jiaer understood a little, "You mean the deceased did not smoke? The cigarette butts at the scene were not left by him?"

Han Xu nodded, "Smart! There are also no signs of yellowing on the fingers of the deceased. If the pile of cigarette butts at the scene were all left by him, the knuckles holding the cigarettes could not be so clean."

"Oh, so that's the case! What about other suspicious points?" Song Jiaer was very motivated and continued to ask questions.

"The second suspicious point is the facial expression of the deceased." Han Xu paused for a few seconds after saying this.

"Don't keep me in suspense, tell me quickly." Song Jiaer asked.

"The victim died with his eyes open. His face was too scary. His eyes were rolled up so that the pupils were not visible. Only the whites of his eyes were visible. His tongue was not sticking out, but his mouth was open, making an extremely terrified expression, as if he had suddenly encountered something very scary." Han Xu paused and tried to imitate that expression, but was killed.

Song Jiaer withdrew her hand with satisfaction, "Ah, this? You are sure this is a murder case?"

"Isn't this enough to explain the problem? Another more important doubt is that the red skirt on the deceased has traces of being torn, and one of her high heels was forcibly kicked off."

"What does this prove?"

"Stupid, it is obvious that the deceased did not like this outfit. He struggled to tear it off before dying, which means he is not a transvestite!"

Song Jiaer suddenly realized that there were many doubts in this case, but she asked a very sharp question, "If it was a homicide, how was the deceased hung up by the murderer?"

Han Xu spread his hands, "How should I know? I'm not a god!"

"Tsk~ forget it!" Song Jiaer didn't believe that Han Xu really didn't know.

However, this problem is indeed a big difficulty. It is almost impossible for the murderer to get a living person weighing dozens of kilograms onto the Ferris wheel frame more than ten meters above the ground like a magic trick.

Let’s not talk about how difficult it is to climb. Just say that the crime happened between 12 and 1 in the morning. It was dark. How did the murderer see clearly?

“Are you thinking about the lighting problem?” Han Xu seemed to be prophetic.

Song Jiaer raised her head and blinked her big eyes, “Well, you know it again?”

Han Xu grinned with eight beautiful teeth, “Before it rains, the moon is very big. Even if it is cloudy, you can’t see your hand in front of you. There are night vision goggles on Taobao, right? They are only sold for 688. You can’t buy them at a loss, and you can’t buy them...”


“If there is a night vision goggles, then the murderer is well prepared?” Song Jiaer had a new understanding of Han Xu’s quick wit.

"Night vision goggles, climbing ropes, red skirt, nail polish, and a black wig, these items add up to a lot." Han Xu pointed out the things the murderer needed to carry.

Song Jiaer's beautiful eyes lit up, "Then there should be a backpack!"



The two analyzed the case all the way and unknowingly left the main entrance of the amusement park.

"Where are we going?" Song Jiaer felt that she was not thinking enough to follow Han Xu.

"Walk with me for a while, walk on the road." Han Xu pretended to be mysterious.

Song Jiaer's head was buzzing.

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