Han Xu was startled when he heard Captain Xiong Dalin asking him. He was about to say something when he saw the East City police officers looking at him.

In line with the principle of keeping a low profile, he had to shake his head awkwardly, "Sorry, Captain Xiong, I don't have a good solution here."

When Han Xu came to the East City Police Station before, it was also traced back to the case of Li Shaobai.

So these East City police officers are not unfamiliar with this rising star in the northern suburbs, but East City is East City after all, and it is the police station with the highest crime-solving rate in Yancheng.

How could an outsider always be in the limelight at the meeting?

Even if this guy is indeed outstanding, it is a bit of a slap in the face.

Han Xu knows how to deal with things. If it was in the past, or when he just came here, he might show off a few skills for some reason!

Now, if a tree stands out in the forest, the wind will blow it away!

Why bother to be in the limelight again?

As long as the case can be solved, Han Xu is not too interested in such things that he can show his face in front of people.

Xiong Dalin looked at Han Xu in confusion. He always felt that this guy was very cunning, even more exaggerated than Han Yu back then!

How could he look like a young man?

He seemed to have a calmness and sophistication far beyond his age!

It is no exaggeration to say that he is a veteran!

Xiong Dalin has never seen such qualities in Qin Fen.

To be honest, perhaps only Yu Tianfang, the slacker in Xizhi, can be compared.

You know, this is a very high praise.

Who is Yu Tianfang? In his early thirties, he is already the backbone of the four major police stations in Yancheng.

Even better than Qin Fen and Miao Xiaofeng who entered the industry much earlier, he is much stronger!

Just look at the crime-solving rate in Xizhi in the past two years. If it weren’t for Xiong Dalin in the east of the city, it would have been surpassed by Yu Tianfang long ago.

At present, it seems that Beijiao also has a rising trend!

Han Xu alone is enough to raise the crime-solving rate of Beijiao to a higher level.

There is a saying that it is not scary to have ability, but it is scary to have ability and keep a low profile and make a fortune quietly!

This kind of people are the most noteworthy.

Xiong Dalin's mind was racing, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel fortunate. After all, Han Xu was the son of an old friend. With such ability, it was enough to comfort his father's spirit in heaven.

"Don't hide it, just say it!"

Even so, Captain Xiong still wanted to pry something out of Han Xu.

As long as it is helpful to solve the case, nothing is important in Xiong Dalin's dictionary.

Han Xu glanced at Captain Xiong, sorted out the case slightly, and just briefly talked about his own views.

The focus was on Chen Biyun and Zheng Shiqiang's previous cheating object.

After listening to Han Xu's analysis, the police officers of Chengdong Police Station nodded and felt that it was necessary to investigate these two directions in depth.

As I said, any murder case is often inseparable from the three words of love, hatred and money.

Obviously, no valuables were lost in Zheng Shiqiang's villa!

To be honest, it was only the abstract oil painting that was not very valuable.

So it has nothing to do with the word wealth.

We can rule out the possibility of burglary or robbery, and the owner Zheng Shiqiang was killed.

Then the next is love killing and revenge killing.

Chen Biyun happened to have a grudge against Zheng Shiqiang, and the other cheating object can be summarized as the category of love.

If a critical value is reached, these two people may kill Zheng Shiqiang!

After listening to Han Xu's explanation, Xiong Dalin also thought it made sense.

However, judging from the current situation, Chen Biyun stayed at home last night and did not have a direct time to commit the crime, but the possibility of hiring a killer cannot be ruled out.

As for the lover of the deceased Zheng Shiqiang, further investigation is needed.

When a group of people were discussing how to proceed, Fu Damin and Shen Tao happened to come back.

As soon as the two came back, they heard that they were in a meeting, so they came all the way.

When Xiong Dalin saw the two of them coming back, he immediately asked about the investigation.

As a result, Fu Damin spread his hands, "Captain Xiong, the time is too short, we didn't visit too many places. But Chen Biyun is not a simple woman!"

When the police officers heard this, they all became alert and pricked up their ears.

Han Xu and Chengzi also looked over curiously, but they didn't expect that Fu Damin and the others would really find something.

"Don't dilly-dally, say it quickly if you have something to say, and fart quickly!" Xiong Dalin was most annoyed by the nagging of this capable subordinate, and urged him incisively.

Fu Daming was about to say something when the young man behind him took over the conversation, "Captain Xiong, this is what happened. We visited the neighbors near Chen Biyun's mother's home.

According to them, Chen Biyun lost her father when she was young and was raised by her mother.

Maybe because her family has always been in financial difficulty, Chen Biyun started working at a very young age.

While going to school, she also found other ways to make a living to supplement the family income."

Xiong Dalin glanced at Fu Daming, who was a little embarrassed, and then looked at Shen Tao, who was very expressive, and smiled indifferently, "Well, then, go on!"

Han Xu was not surprised and just listened as a good listener.

"But Chen Biyun is pretty, so when she was in junior high school, many bad boys in society came to her!

Those neighbors suffered a lot from her and said very ugly things..."

Shen Tao was still young and a little embarrassed to say it.

Xiong Dalin shook his head and looked at Fu Daming, "Go on!"

Fu Daming was a veteran and took over the conversation, "Those neighbors said that Chen Biyun knew how to seduce men when she was a child, and she often had affairs at home."

"What the hell? What do you mean by having affairs at home? Doesn't her mother care?"

Xiong Dalin raised his eyebrows unconsciously when he heard this.

Fu Daming went on to explain, "Chen Biyun's mother has been ill and mentally a little abnormal. Since Chen Biyun married Zheng Shiqiang, she sent her mother to a mental hospital.

We also went to see it. The nurse there said that Chen Biyun rarely came to visit her mother.

The relationship between them is not very good!"

"Hehe, it's a bit interesting. Have you checked why Zheng Shiqiang married Chen Biyun?"

According to this rhythm, no matter how beautiful Chen Biyun is, with Zheng Shiqiang's wealth, how could he fall in love with a woman with a stain?

Fu Damin shook his head when he heard this, "I don't know. According to our investigation, Zheng Shiqiang and Chen Biyun had a flash marriage. They got married not long after knowing each other, no more than a month at most!"

"Flash marriage?" Xiong Dalin was even more confused when he heard this word!

However, Han Xu was shocked!

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